Help with installing gcc (

Ken Wolcott
Tue Nov 18 22:59:00 GMT 2003

Hi Josephine;

  I have empathy for you as frequently I feel dumb too and that is why I'm 
trying to help you.

  If you are installing gcc only for yourself or only for experimentation and 
education, then it doesn't really matter where you install it as long as 
there is sufficient disk space and that you have write permission in the 
location that you chose.  Of course, if you have root access, then you can 
install gcc wherever you want :-)  The only other thing that is important is 
whether or not you already have an installed gcc compiler.  If you have a 
Solaris box that has not been customized, you might not have a gcc compiler.  
Usually installing in /usr/local is better as not to disturb things that have 
been installed with pkgadd.  Sometimes installing in /opt is good.  If you 
are not the sysadmin then you might want to consult with the sysadmin if you 
have one.

  It might be good to know what your intentions are with gcc in order to 
assist you more effectively.

  Please remember to send email messages to (the gcc 
mailing list) rather than to me directly.

Hope this is helpful,
Ken Wolcott

On Tuesday 18 November 2003 14:38, Josephine O'Para wrote:
> Ken
> Thanks
> Sorry to appear so dumb.  I have never installed and configured this
> before.  i looked  at the doc and cannot seem to understand it.  I don't
> know if I should have installed it in / usr/local or what?  Is there an
> idiots how to showing baby step?
> Josephine

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