gcc IPA?

Jim Wilson wilson@specifixinc.com
Mon Nov 17 09:31:00 GMT 2003

Jack Howarth wrote:
>       Is there a targeted release for the addition of
> IPA to gcc? I couldn't find that feature mentioned on
> the gcc roadmap.

Most gcc work is done by volunteers.  We can not predict when major new 
functionality will be contributed by volunteers.

There is no specific IPA project at the moment to talk about, so there 
is really no good answer to your question.  There are ongoing projects 
which are doing some IPA like things, but they are probably not what you 
are looking for.

It isn't exactly clear what you are asking for though.  IPA is a broad 
area of compiler algorithms.  Most end users don't really care about 
compiler algorithms though.  What they care about is performance of the 
resulting code.  Why are you asking about IPA?
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.SpecifixInc.com

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