Extreme PRE compile times

law@redhat.com law@redhat.com
Thu Nov 13 16:41:00 GMT 2003

In message <Pine.LNX.4.56.0311131112230.29117@dberlin.org>, Daniel Berlin write
 >> Clearly PRE is still doing something that's not terribly intelligent given
 >> that PRE + the increase the GC time accounts for 90% of the total
 >> compilation time for this file.
 >As I said, it's being worked on.
 >This also looks like it was done with checking on.
 >Please turn checking off and try again.
Err, that's not a solution.  This needs to work in a reasonable manner
even with checking enabled.  It's not acceptable for PRE to blow up
compile times like that.  If it wasn't for PRE that file would compile
in 2 minutes, with PRE it takes 15.


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