Future of gccbug

Joseph S. Myers jsm@polyomino.org.uk
Fri Nov 7 23:59:00 GMT 2003

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Daniel Berlin wrote:

> This is an option, of course, it will just require fooling bugzilla a 
> little bit so that it thinks it's already sent mail out on these when 
> it adds them to the database (or else it will resend the mail as a 
> change reoprt when it receives it).

Of course that only applies to not remailing to gcc-bugs mail received
from gcc-bugs - it should still be mailed to the other people associated
with the bug.  (In principle, unless their address is in the To or CC 
headers of the message received from gcc-bugs, in which case it can 
probably be taken that they had already received the message.)

Joseph S. Myers

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