GCC port to TI C55x DSP ??

Samuel Ortiz samuel.ortiz@smartdata.ch
Fri Jan 24 15:39:00 GMT 2003

Hi guys,

I've been looking around this mailing list archive for any answer to these
questions :
  * Are there some people working on a GCC port to the C55x DSP
    from TI ?
  * Are there some plans on porting it ?
  * Are people cross-compiling C code targeted to C55x on Linux ?
    If yes, which compilers are available out there (free or not) ?
  * Are other people than me interested in using a C55x GCC backend port ?

I couldn't find any answer, even though other people already asked the
same question. I would also be really kind if the TI crew could answer
some of these questions. In particular to let us know if they are planning
or wroking on some C compiler for the C54x/55x on Linux.

Thanks a lot in advance for your answers and time.


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