#import, #pragma once to be removed in 3.4

Kai Henningsen kaih@khms.westfalen.de
Fri Feb 7 08:34:00 GMT 2003

nicola@brainstorm.co.uk (Nicola Pero)  wrote on 07.02.03 in <Pine.LNX.4.21.0302070051130.18533-100000@nicola.brainstorm.co.uk>:

> > Objective C is a different matter entirely.  #import is the documented
> > mechanism for header inclusion in Objective C.  To the extent that there
> > is a standard for Objective C, #import is part of it.  We shouldn't just
> > change that language definition.
> We *should* change that language definition instead!

Maybe what we need is to have someone who is responsible for the language  
definition. Or in other words, a project to create a definitive definition  
for the language, on a level similar to, say, the ISO C standards (of  
course, one would probably simply reference those for the bulk of the  
spec, and concentrate on the differences). As I recall, the current  
descriptions barely meet K&R 1 level, if that, and thus isn't really  
sufficient to decide corner cases in a compiler.

Thi might also describe Objective C++, which AFAIK has never had a  
coherent description apart from "add the Objective C stuff to C++", which  
at least with modern C++ isn't even remotely enough spec as I understand  

MfG Kai

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