Help please?

Sarel Theron
Thu Nov 1 16:02:00 GMT 2001


Excuse me if this is dumb or stupid. I need gcc 3.0 to get another 
program to work and I've got RedHat 7.1 with gcc 2.96. I've downloaded 
 gcc-3.0.2.tar and installed it in /usr/local/sbin. When I run "rpm -q 
gcc" it still reports the old version. Do I have to uninstall the old 
version or do I install the new one over it ie. in the same directory. 
In other words where do I install the new version.

I'm new to this Linux, compile etc. thing


Sarel Theron
Computer Systems Engineer
The Video Lab
South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)11 293 3123		Fax: +27 (0)11 293 3090 


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