koenig lookup in C++

Mark Mitchell mark@codesourcery.com
Thu Aug 17 14:38:00 GMT 2000

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Merrill <jason@redhat.com> writes:

    Jason> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2000-06/msg00836.html

    Jason> Indeed, I disagree with Mark's comments.  Mark, what was
    Jason> your rationale for treating templates differently?

Good question.  I can't reconstruct my thinking, and my words don't
make sense to me any more.

I have to admit that I haven't been following the current thread very
closely -- way too many other things on my plate, including some other
GCC issues.

Coincidentally, I just approved a patch from Nathan that I think just
handles TYPENAME_TYPE like TEMPLATE_TYPE_PARAM in arg_assoc_type -- in
particular, it adds no new associated namespaces.  That seems like the
right thing to me.  Or am I delusional again?

Mark Mitchell                   mark@codesourcery.com
CodeSourcery, LLC               http://www.codesourcery.com

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