Using GMP in a GCC Frontend.

Geert Bosch
Wed Aug 2 15:27:00 GMT 2000

On Wed, 02 Aug 2000 22:20:24 +0200, Toon Moene wrote:

  However, AFAIK, that would mean that the Fortran 95 frontend would be
  the first to depend on such an "outside" library.
  Is that a problem - and if so, why ?

The GNAT frontend uses its own routines for unlimited precision
evaluation of rational expressions, as this is required by the
language standard. It is not that hard to do, and there would
be no reason why you couldn't steal the GNAT packages and
translate them to fortran or C.

The packages for universal integer and universal real are 2400 and 1400
lines respectively, of which about half blank or comment.

On the other hand, if more frontends are going to use this it might make
sense to include GMP...


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