Merging FSFChangeLog

Joern Rennecke
Mon Oct 11 08:03:00 GMT 1999

>   > I understand the historical reasons for that situation; but I'd like
>   > to see it stop, and have GCC continue with the tradition of numbered
>   > changelogs (i.e. ChangeLog.10, ChangeLog.11, ChangeLog.12 and so on).
> No no no.  We don't want to do this.  If anything those old FSFChangeLogs
> will disappear as they become less and less relevant over time.

I would say that they will become more relevant, since in the future there
will be more people who can't remember how gcc has developed, and the
ChangeLog would be the most readily available source to find out when,
by whom  - and with some luck and / or further investigation, even why
- a piece of code was introduced.

The ChangeLogs are out history.  Do we want to repeat them on the mailing
lists to any curious newcomer, because the repository doesn't remember them

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