Who should we contact for a proposed new feature of gcc, g77 and g++?

Dario Menasce menasce@sgicop.mi.infn.it
Mon Apr 26 09:49:00 GMT 1999

To whom it may concern:

   we are developing a WEB based Source Code Navigator (called WhereTheHeck)
(a demo is available at http://almifo1e.mi.infn.it/W_Main.html ).

The reason we write to this mailing-list, is just because the technology we 
base our Navigator upon, is a modified version of the f2c, gcc and g++ 
compilers. We "modified" them by providing additional features with respect 
to the "official" ones: specifically the ability of writing
to STDOUT a line for each token found during the parsing stage.
Each line contains a conventional description of the token (what kind of
token it is: a variable, a class definition, a common block or whatever is a
valid token for FORTRAN, C and C++). This output is tored in a database
for later retrieval.

Our WEB server, upon request from a user interested in locating a token
in a very large source code, reads from this database and shows the
corresponding source code on the WEB client (Netscape Communicator).

We would like to know from the egcs community, who is the contact person to 
talk to for a discussion about a possible collaboration with Lex-Yacc 
experts in pursuing this project, which is of interest to the large High
Energy Physics community. Our project is sponsored by INFN, the Italian
Nuclear Research Funding Agency and our first prototype is currently used by
physicts at Fermilab ( http://www.infn.it and http://www.fnal.gov ).

Specifically, we would like to know if it's acceptable that the new feature
we provide becomes a standard feature of gcc and g++. In the case of
FORTRAN we modified f2c just because in that case a lexer file was publicly
available: we would like to do the same thing with g77, but we need to
contact an expert.

Anyone interested should please reply to 
Dario.Menasce@mi.infn.it, Stefano.Magni@mi.infn.it or

Please, in order ot get a feeling of what we are talking about, take a look 
at the demo http://almifo1e.mi.infn.it/W_Main.html (for the time being it 
works fine only with Netscape Communicator, sorry).

				Thanks to everyone.
					Dario Menasce

| Dario Menasce, INFN Milano, via Celoria 16 (Italy) Tel: +39 2 2392 322 |
| WEB home page: http://sgimida.mi.infn.it/~menasce/home.html            |
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