Why is this list so slow?

Jeffrey A Law law@cygnus.com
Tue Jun 30 14:08:00 GMT 1998

  In message < 199806301842.LAA03006@kankakee.wrs.com >you write:
  > > Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 12:06:20 -0600
  > > From: Jeffrey A Law <law@cygnus.com>
  > > If someone wants to volunteer to do some exploding for the lists I'm
  > > game.  Particularly for non-US sites since they represent this biggest
  > > problems for our mail system.
  > Another partial solution may be to move people that contribute code to
  > the front of the list.  Think of it as a reward for contributing.  I'm
  > not sure if this will really help those people or not...  but my guess
  > is it will.
Actually, this does very little to improve the situation.  


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