__eprintf again

Jeffrey A Law law@cygnus.com
Tue Jun 23 22:55:00 GMT 1998

  In message < 359002D1.702A@aries.tucson.saic.com >you write:
  > Sorry - my previous posting was incomplete.
  > On a Solaris 2.5.1 box,
  > while trying to build the 19980619b snapshot of the blitz library
  > ( http://monet.uwaterloo.ca/blitz/ )
  > with egcs-19980621 and binutils-2.9.1 I get the following 
  > error:
  > g++ -I./.. -ftemplate-depth-30 -g -DBZ_DEBUG  -c ./ctors.cpp
  > g++  ctors.o -o ctors -L../lib -lblitz -lm
  > Undefined                       first referenced
  >  symbol                             in file
  > __eprintf                           ctors.o
  > ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to ctors
  > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  > gmake[1]: *** [ctors] Error 1
  > gmake: *** [check] Error 2
  > Doing nm on libgcc.a comes up with
  > _eprintf.o:
Hmmm, did it list any symbols for eprintf.o?

Did you configure with the "--with-newlib" option?  That disables
__eprintf in libgcc.a.  If yes, then that's where you went wrong :-)
since newlib is for embedded systems, not native ports.


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