egcs-1.1 release schedule

Mark Mitchell
Sat Jun 20 15:36:00 GMT 1998

>>>>> "Joe" == Joe Buck <> writes:

    >> Is there any project to improve alias analysis (C++) and const
    >> reference optimization to be included in egcs-1.1 ?

    Joe> egcs-1.1 is unlikely to contain anything that isn't in the
    Joe> current snapshot (except for simple bug fixes).  It will have

Well, I did submit code to type-based alias analysis about a week
ago.  I'm hoping that code will be in the 1.1. release; that will
depend on a) Jeff's availability to look at the code and b) whether
he thinks I did a good job or not.

This code makes a huge difference on some scientific computing
benchmarks one of my customers is using.

You can look through the egcs-patches archive if you're interested in
trying out the patch.

Mark Mitchell
Mark Mitchell Consulting

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