Possible Enhancement - Forcing double prec. on Intel FPUs

Dave Love d.love@dl.ac.uk
Wed Jun 17 12:16:00 GMT 1998

>>>>> "Ralf" == Ralf Loesche <loesche@math.tu-dresden.de> writes:

 Ralf> To make it more clear: I use BLAS and LAPACK a lot. Some tests 
 Ralf> (finding the largest element in a vector) fail unless they are
 Ralf> performed in double prec. or -ffloat-store is used.

If the current LAPACK/BLAS fails like that, I'm surprised, I didn't
think that was the case, and I think you should make a LAPACK bug
report.  Is this any more than a broken test?  [I've never had enough
disc space in the right place at the right time to check lapack
properly prior to g77 releases, as should have been done.]

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