cross compilation.

Wed Jun 10 07:09:00 GMT 1998


i am still havng problem with my m68k->ppc cross compilation.

i copied all the glibc/include and linux/include files in the same
directory, because configure only accepts one location for include files for
cross compiler.
Since i did not yet compile glibc, glibc/include was quite empty and
pointing to files in the glibc sources. I then copied all the glibc sources
to the include directory and launched the compilation.
but now i am missing some gnu/stubs.h or something like that. still while
compiling libgcc2.c

what is this gnu/stubs.h ? is this something that i should better ask to
some glibc mailing list and not relevant to egcs ?

Also i get a reponse saying that since i compile for the same os on the
target and on the host i don't need includes ? did i misunderstood that or
can i simply point the incluides to /usr/include ? i will try that.

I think once i have sorted all that out, i will try to write some cross
compiling faq, it seems i am not the only one with this problems,i saw
another case on the cross-gcc mailing list.



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