egcs/gcc and solaris x86 V2.6

Gerald Pfeifer
Wed Jul 15 06:45:00 GMT 1998

On Tue, 14 Jul 1998, Dickson, Ross wrote:
> I have several comments on the installation process for egcs/gcc when
> working with Solaris 2.6 for x86.


> Finally, in there is a line
> You'll need a patch to fix an egcs bug on this platform. x86 solaris patch 
> where "x86 solaris patch" is a link to
> which does not work due to
> the "www-" at the beginning.

While this won't solve your problem, here is a patch to correct this and
update the entry on the web/in the docs.


Index: specific.html
RCS file: /egcs/carton/cvsfiles/wwwdocs/htdocs/install/specific.html,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -c -3 -p -r1.9 specific.html
*** specific.html	1998/07/14 03:01:40	1.9
--- specific.html	1998/07/15 11:10:20
*************** tell you what you're running) require TL
*** 28,35 ****
  C++ constructors and destructors to work right.
! You'll need a patch to fix an egcs bug on this platform.
! <a href=" "> x86 solaris patch</a>
  We <b>highly</b> recommend using gas/binutils-2.8 on all hppa platforms; you
--- 28,36 ----
  C++ constructors and destructors to work right.
! For versions of egcs before 1.0.1 you'll need a special
! <a href=" ">x86 solaris patch</a>
! to fix an egcs bug on this platform.
  We <b>highly</b> recommend using gas/binutils-2.8 on all hppa platforms; you
*************** exception handling 
*** 123,129 ****
  <p>XXX Linux stuff
  -k encaps stuff
! <i>Last modified on May 15, 1998.</i>
  <!--#include virtual="/glimpsebox.html"-->
--- 124,130 ----
  <p>XXX Linux stuff
  -k encaps stuff
! <i>Last modified on July 15, 1998.</i>
  <!--#include virtual="/glimpsebox.html"-->

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