another bug

H.J. Lu
Mon Dec 15 20:55:00 GMT 1997

> Hi,
> I think I found another bug which was introduced in egcs by the gcc
> 2.8 merge.  So this might also effect gcc 2.8.  I sincerely hope that
> none of my modifications to my local gcc repository caused this
> problem.

It looks like an egcs bug since gcc 2.8.0 is ok. Here is
the output.

	.file	"e_hypotf.i"
	.version	"01.01"
/ GNU C version 2.8.0 (i586-unknown-linux-gnulibc1) compiled by GNU C version 2.8.0.
/ options passed:  -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -O3 -fPIC
/ options enabled:  -fdefer-pop -fomit-frame-pointer -fcse-follow-jumps
/ -fcse-skip-blocks -fexpensive-optimizations -fthread-jumps
/ -fstrength-reduce -fpeephole -fforce-mem -ffunction-cse
/ -finline-functions -finline -fkeep-static-consts -fcaller-saves
/ -fpcc-struct-return -frerun-cse-after-loop -fschedule-insns2 -fPIC
/ -fcommon -fverbose-asm -fgnu-linker -m80387 -mhard-float -mno-soft-float
/ -mieee-fp -mfp-ret-in-387 -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -mschedule-prologue
/ -mcpu=pentium -march=pentium

.section	.rodata
	.align 4
	.long 0x3f000000
	.align 4
.globl __ieee754_hypotf
	.type	 __ieee754_hypotf,@function
	pushl %esi
	pushl %ebx
	call .L81
	popl %ebx
	addl $_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+[.-.L81],%ebx
	movl 8(%esp),%ecx
	andl $2147483647,%ecx
	movl 12(%esp),%edx
	andl $2147483647,%edx
	cmpl %ecx,%edx
	jle .L12
	movl %ecx,%eax
	movl %edx,%ecx
	movl %eax,%edx
	pushl %ecx
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %edx
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	movl %ecx,%eax
	subl %edx,%eax
	cmpl $251658240,%eax
	jle .L21
	faddp %st,%st(1)
	jmp .L72
	.align 4
	xorl %esi,%esi
	cmpl $1484783616,%ecx
	jle .L22
	cmpl $2139095039,%ecx
	jle .L76
	fld %st(1)
	fadd %st(1),%st
	cmpl $2139095040,%ecx
	jne .L77
	fstp %st(0)
	jmp .L24
	.align 4
	fstp %st(2)
	cmpl $2139095040,%edx
	jne .L80
	fstp %st(1)
	jmp .L72
	.align 4
	fstp %st(0)
	fstp %st(0)
	addl $-1568669696,%ecx
	addl $-1568669696,%edx
	movl $60,%esi
	pushl %ecx
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %edx
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	cmpl $645922815,%edx
	jg .L34
	cmpl $8388607,%edx
	jg .L79
	testl %edx,%edx
	je .L80
	flds .LC0@GOTOFF(%ebx)
	fmul %st,%st(1)
	addl $-126,%esi
	fmulp %st,%st(2)
	jmp .L34
	.align 4
	fstp %st(0)
	fstp %st(0)
	addl $1568669696,%ecx
	addl $1568669696,%edx
	addl $-60,%esi
	pushl %ecx
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	pushl %edx
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	fld %st(1)
	fsub %st(1),%st
	fcom %st(1)
	fnstsw %ax
	andb $69,%ah
	jne .L50
	fstp %st(0)
	movl %ecx,%eax
	andl $-4096,%eax
	pushl %eax
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	fld %st(2)
	fld %st(2)
	fxch %st(1)
	fsub %st(2),%st
	fxch %st(4)
	fadd %st(2),%st
	fxch %st(1)
	fmulp %st,%st(3)
	fmulp %st,%st(3)
	fld %st(0)
	fmulp %st,%st(1)
	fxch %st(1)
	fsubp %st,%st(2)
	fsubp %st,%st(1)
	jmp .L75
	.align 4
	fxch %st(2)
	fadd %st(0),%st
	movl %edx,%eax
	andl $-4096,%eax
	pushl %eax
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	fld %st(2)
	fsub %st(1),%st
	leal 8388608(%ecx),%eax
	pushl %eax
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	fld %st(0)
	fmulp %st,%st(3)
	fmul %st,%st(1)
	fsubrp %st,%st(3)
	fld %st(4)
	fxch %st(3)
	fmulp %st,%st(4)
	fxch %st(2)
	fmulp %st,%st(4)
	fxch %st(1)
	faddp %st,%st(2)
	fxch %st(2)
	fsubp %st,%st(1)
	fsubrp %st,%st(1)
	testl %esi,%esi
	je .L72
	movl %esi,%eax
	sall $23,%eax
	addl $1065353216,%eax
	pushl %eax
	flds (%esp)
	addl $4,%esp
	fmulp %st,%st(1)
	jmp .L72
	.align 4
	fstp %st(0)
	popl %ebx
	popl %esi
	.size	 __ieee754_hypotf,.Lfe1-__ieee754_hypotf
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 2.8.0"

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