m68k-unknown-coff cross failure

Jeffrey A Law law@cygnus.com
Tue Dec 2 09:56:00 GMT 1997

  In message < 19971202025445.4672.qmail@ragnarok.mlb.dmt.csiro.au >you write:
  > The approved way is to use
  >     make cross
  > which does much the same thing. However, when you come to install the
  > cross-compiler, "make install" or "make cross install" will still try and
  > build the Fortran runtime, since target "install" depends on "all" (or
  > equivalent). So I just use the first method.

I've made a note of this in the install instructions and the faq.

I've also checked in a change in the _mainline_ sources for install-cross.


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