Results for 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) testsuite on aarch64-suse-linux-gnu

Andreas Schwab
Sat Oct 12 09:09:12 GMT 2024

LAST_UPDATED: Sat Oct 12 02:01:31 UTC 2024 (revision r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd)

Native configuration is aarch64-suse-linux-gnu

		=== libatomic tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== libatomic Summary ===

# of expected passes		54
		=== libffi tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== libffi Summary ===

# of expected passes		1574
		=== libgo tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: net
FAIL: runtime/pprof

		=== libgo Summary ===

# of expected passes		194
# of unexpected failures	2
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/./gcc/gccgo version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC)

		=== libgomp tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== libgomp Summary ===

# of expected passes		16674
# of expected failures		265
# of unsupported tests		665
		=== libitm tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== libitm Summary ===

# of expected passes		44
# of expected failures		3
# of unsupported tests		1
		=== libphobos tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64
FAIL: libphobos.exceptions/rt_trap_exceptions.d output pattern test
FAIL: libphobos.lifetime/large_aggregate_destroy_21097.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.lifetime/large_aggregate_destroy_21097.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/algorithm/iteration.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/algorithm/iteration.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/algorithm/iteration.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/algorithm/sorting.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/algorithm/sorting.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/algorithm/sorting.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/container/rbtree.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/container/rbtree.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/container/rbtree.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/conv.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/conv.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/conv.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/datetime/date.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/datetime/date.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/datetime/date.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/datetime/systime.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/datetime/systime.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/datetime/systime.d compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/format/internal/floats.d (test for excess errors)
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/format/internal/floats.d execution test
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/format/internal/write.d execution test
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/internal/math/gammafunction.d execution test
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/math/hardware.d execution test
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/math/rounding.d execution test
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/range/package.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/range/package.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/range/package.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/range/primitives.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/range/primitives.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/range/primitives.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/string.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/string.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/string.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos/std/typecons.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos/std/typecons.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos/std/typecons.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/algorithm/iteration.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/algorithm/iteration.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/algorithm/iteration.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/array.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/array.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/array.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/container/rbtree.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/container/rbtree.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/container/rbtree.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/conv.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/conv.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/conv.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/datetime/date.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/datetime/date.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/datetime/date.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/datetime/systime.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/datetime/systime.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/datetime/systime.d compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/format/internal/floats.d (test for excess errors)
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/format/internal/floats.d execution test
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/format/internal/write.d execution test
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/internal/math/gammafunction.d execution test
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/math/hardware.d execution test
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/math/rounding.d execution test
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/range/package.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/range/package.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/range/package.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/string.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/string.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/string.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/typecons.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/typecons.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/typecons.d compilation failed to produce executable
WARNING: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/uni/package.d (test for excess errors) program timed out.
FAIL: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/uni/package.d (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: libphobos.phobos_shared/std/uni/package.d compilation failed to produce executable

		=== libphobos Summary ===

# of expected passes		1068
# of unexpected failures	34
# of unresolved testcases	21
# of unsupported tests		2
		=== libstdc++ tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== libstdc++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		19462
# of expected failures		127
# of unsupported tests		394
		=== acats tests ===

		=== acats Summary ===
# of expected passes		2328
# of unexpected failures	0

		=== g++ tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/sve-sizeless-2.C  -std=gnu++11  (test for errors, line 304)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/sve-sizeless-2.C  -std=gnu++11 (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/sve-sizeless-2.C  -std=gnu++17  (test for errors, line 304)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/sve-sizeless-2.C  -std=gnu++17 (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/sve-sizeless-2.C  -std=gnu++98  (test for errors, line 304)
FAIL: g++.dg/ext/sve-sizeless-2.C  -std=gnu++98 (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-1_b.C -std=c++17 (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-1_b.C -std=c++2a (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-1_b.C -std=c++2b (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-2_b.C -std=c++17 (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-2_b.C -std=c++2a (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-2_b.C -std=c++2b (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-5_b.C -std=c++17 (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-5_b.C -std=c++2a (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header-5_b.C -std=c++2b (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header_b.C -std=c++17 (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header_b.C -std=c++2a (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-header_b.C -std=c++2b (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-tr1_b.C -std=c++17 (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-tr1_b.C -std=c++2a (test for excess errors)
FAIL: g++.dg/modules/xtreme-tr1_b.C -std=c++2b (test for excess errors)
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tindex\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.s, #0, #1
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tindex\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.s, #3, #-1
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tindex\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.s, #0, #1
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tins\\\\tv[0-9]+\\\\.s\\\\[2\\\\], w0\\\\n
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tindex\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.s, #3, #-1
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tins\\\\tv[0-9]+\\\\.s\\\\[2\\\\], w0\\\\n
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler-not \\\\tptest\\\\t
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler-not \\\\trdffr\\\\t
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler-times \\\\trdffrs\\\\t 2

		=== g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		388358
# of unexpected failures	30
# of expected failures		2483
# of unsupported tests		2748
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/gcc/xg++  version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) 

		=== gcc tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64
FAIL: gcc.dg/pr10474.c scan-rtl-dump pro_and_epilogue "Performing shrink-wrapping"
FAIL: gcc.dg/guality/pr54693-2.c   -Os  -DPREVENT_OPTIMIZATION  line 21 y == 20 - 2 * i
XPASS: gcc.dg/guality/sra-1.c   -O2  -DPREVENT_OPTIMIZATION  line 43 a.i == 4
XPASS: gcc.dg/guality/sra-1.c   -O2 -flto -fno-use-linker-plugin -flto-partition=none  -DPREVENT_OPTIMIZATION line 43 a.i == 4
FAIL: gcc.dg/guality/sra-1.c   -O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects  -DPREVENT_OPTIMIZATION line 43 a.i == 4
XPASS: gcc.dg/guality/sra-1.c   -O3 -g  -DPREVENT_OPTIMIZATION  line 43 a.i == 4
FAIL: gcc.dg/guality/vla-1.c   -O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects  -DPREVENT_OPTIMIZATION line 17 sizeof (a) == 6
FAIL: gcc.dg/guality/vla-1.c   -O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects  -DPREVENT_OPTIMIZATION line 24 i == 5
FAIL: gcc.dg/guality/vla-1.c   -O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects  -DPREVENT_OPTIMIZATION line 24 sizeof (a) == 17 * sizeof (short)
FAIL: gcc.dg/simulate-thread/atomic-other-short.c   -O0 -g  thread simulation test
FAIL: gcc.dg/tree-ssa/ssa-dom-thread-7.c scan-tree-dump thread2 "Jumps threaded: 18"
XPASS: gcc.dg/vect/complex/fast-math-complex-add-half-float.c scan-tree-dump-times vect "stmt.*COMPLEX_ADD_ROT270" 1
XPASS: gcc.dg/vect/complex/fast-math-complex-add-half-float.c scan-tree-dump-times vect "stmt.*COMPLEX_ADD_ROT90" 1
FAIL: gcc.dg/vect/complex/fast-math-complex-mls-double.c scan-tree-dump vect "Found COMPLEX_ADD_ROT270"
FAIL: gcc.dg/vect/complex/fast-math-complex-mls-float.c scan-tree-dump vect "Found COMPLEX_ADD_ROT270"
FAIL: gcc.dg/vect/complex/fast-math-complex-mls-half-float.c scan-tree-dump vect "Found COMPLEX_ADD_ROT270"
FAIL: scan-assembler-not eor
FAIL: scan-assembler-not mov
FAIL: scan-assembler-times asr 3
FAIL: check-function-bodies g1
FAIL: check-function-bodies g16
FAIL: check-function-bodies g16p
FAIL: check-function-bodies g1p
FAIL: check-function-bodies g8
FAIL: check-function-bodies g8p
FAIL: check-function-bodies g1
FAIL: check-function-bodies g16
FAIL: check-function-bodies g16p
FAIL: check-function-bodies g1p
FAIL: check-function-bodies g8
FAIL: check-function-bodies g8p
FAIL: check-function-bodies f127
FAIL: check-function-bodies f65
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\tcbnz\\t
XPASS: scan-assembler-not \\\\t[us]bfiz\\\\tw[0-9]+, w[0-9]+, 11
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\t[us]bfiz\\\\tw[0-9]+, w[0-9]+, 11 2
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\tadd\\\\tw[0-9]+, w[0-9]+, w[0-9]+, uxtb\\\\n 2
FAIL: scan-assembler-not and\\\\tw[0-9]+, w[0-9]+, 31
FAIL: check-function-bodies s16x4_2
XPASS: check-function-bodies s64x2_2
FAIL: scan-assembler-not 8.0e\\\\+0
FAIL: scan-tree-dump-not vect "LOOP VECTORIZED"
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\\\tdup\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler-times (?n)\\\\tfmul\\\\t.*v[0-9]+\\\\.s\\\\[0\\\\]\\\\n 2
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\\\tld4\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\\\tst4\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler-times rev16\\\\tx[0-9]+ 2
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\\\tst1\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler-not dup\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler-not dup\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler \\\\tfsubr\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.d, p[0-7]/m, z[0-9]+\\\\.d, #1.0
FAIL: scan-assembler \\\\tmovprfx\\\\tz[0-9]+, z[0-9]+
FAIL: scan-assembler \\\\tand\\\\tx[0-9]+, x[0-9]+, #?-31\\\\n
FAIL: scan-tree-dump-times optimized "\\\\.COND_MUL" 1
XPASS: scan-tree-dump-times optimized "\\\\.VCOND" 1
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\\\tbic\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\tnot\\\\tp[0-9]+\\\\.b, p[0-9]+/z, p[0-9]+\\\\.b\\\\n 1
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\\\tbic\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\tnot\\\\tp[0-9]+\\\\.b, p[0-9]+/z, p[0-9]+\\\\.b\\\\n 1
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\\\tptest\\\\t
FAIL: scan-assembler-not \\\\tstr\\\\tz[0-9]
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\tubfiz\\\\tx[0-9]+, x2, 10, 16\\\\n 1
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\tubfiz\\\\tx[0-9]+, x3, 10, 16\\\\n 1
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\tsbfiz\\\\tx[0-9]+, x2, 10, 32\\\\n 1
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\tsbfiz\\\\tx[0-9]+, x3, 10, 32\\\\n 1
FAIL: scan-assembler-times \\\\teors?\\\\tp[0-9]*\\\\.b, p[0-7]/z, p[0-9]*\\\\.b, p[0-9]*\\\\.b\\\\n 12
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tindex\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.s, #0, #1
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tindex\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.s, #3, #-1
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tindex\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.s, #0, #1
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tins\\\\tv[0-9]+\\\\.s\\\\[2\\\\], w0\\\\n
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tindex\\\\tz[0-9]+\\\\.s, #3, #-1
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler \\\\tins\\\\tv[0-9]+\\\\.s\\\\[2\\\\], w0\\\\n
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler-not \\\\tptest\\\\t
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler-not \\\\trdffr\\\\t
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -moverride=tune=none  scan-assembler-times \\\\trdffrs\\\\t 2
FAIL: -march=armv8.2-a+sve -fno-stack-protector  check-function-bodies callee_pred

		=== gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes		346961
# of unexpected failures	68
# of unexpected successes	8
# of expected failures		1895
# of unsupported tests		5441
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/gcc/xgcc  version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) 

		=== gdc tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== gdc Summary ===

# of expected passes		13611
# of unsupported tests		111
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/gcc/gdc  version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) 

		=== gfortran tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64
FAIL: gfortran.dg/vect/vect-8.f90   -O   scan-tree-dump-times vect "vectorized 2[45] loops" 1

		=== gfortran Summary ===

# of expected passes		70589
# of unexpected failures	1
# of expected failures		274
# of unsupported tests		168
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/gcc/gfortran  version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) 

		=== gm2 tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== gm2 Summary ===

# of expected passes		14252
		=== gnat tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== gnat Summary ===

# of expected passes		3481
# of expected failures		24
# of unsupported tests		26
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/gcc/gnatmake version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd]

		=== go tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64
WARNING: ./issue9604b-out.go compilation,  -O0 -g -fno-var-tracking-assignments  program timed out.
FAIL: ./issue9604b-out.go compilation,  -O0 -g -fno-var-tracking-assignments 
WARNING: go.test/test/cmplxdivide.go program timed out.
FAIL: go.test/test/cmplxdivide.go
FAIL: go.test/test/fixedbugs/issue27836.dir/Äfoo.go  -O -I. (test for excess errors)
FAIL: go.test/test/fixedbugs/issue27836.dir/Ämain.go  -O -I. (test for excess errors)

		=== go Summary ===

# of expected passes		8874
# of unexpected failures	4
# of untested testcases		12
# of unsupported tests		32
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/gcc/gccgo  version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) 

		=== obj-c++ tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== obj-c++ Summary ===

# of expected passes		1503
# of expected failures		10
# of unsupported tests		79
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/gcc/xg++  version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) 

		=== objc tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64

		=== objc Summary ===

# of expected passes		2846
# of unsupported tests		70
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/gcc/xgcc  version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) 

		=== rust tests ===

Running target unix/-mabi=lp64
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O1  (internal compiler error: 'verify_gimple' failed)
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O1  (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: rust/execute/torture/   -O1  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O2  (internal compiler error: 'verify_gimple' failed)
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O2  (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: rust/execute/torture/   -O2  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O2 -flto -fno-use-linker-plugin -flto-partition=none  (internal compiler error: 'verify_gimple' failed)
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O2 -flto -fno-use-linker-plugin -flto-partition=none  (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: rust/execute/torture/   -O2 -flto -fno-use-linker-plugin -flto-partition=none  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects  (internal compiler error: 'verify_gimple' failed)
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects  (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: rust/execute/torture/   -O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O3 -g  (internal compiler error: 'verify_gimple' failed)
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -O3 -g  (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: rust/execute/torture/   -O3 -g  compilation failed to produce executable
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -Os  (internal compiler error: 'verify_gimple' failed)
FAIL: rust/execute/torture/   -Os  (test for excess errors)
UNRESOLVED: rust/execute/torture/   -Os  compilation failed to produce executable

		=== rust Summary ===

# of expected passes		8419
# of unexpected failures	12
# of expected failures		69
# of unresolved testcases	6
# of unsupported tests		2
		=== gotools tests ===

FAIL: TestScript
FAIL: go test cmd/go

		=== gotools Summary ===
# of expected passes		413
# of unexpected failures	2
# of untested testcases		131
/opt/gcc/gcc-20241012/Build/./gcc/gccgo version 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC)

Compiler version: 15.0.0 20241012 (experimental) [master r15-4277-gb45e3ad78252cd] (GCC) 
Platform: aarch64-suse-linux-gnu
configure flags: --prefix=/usr --build=aarch64-suse-linux --enable-shared --with-system-zlib CFLAGS='-O2 -g' CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g' --with-multilib-list=lp64

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