Updated invitation with note: GCC Rust hang out @ Weekly from 7pm to 7:30pm on Wednesday from Wed 29 Jun to Tue 2 Aug (BST) (gcc-rust@gcc.gnu.org)

philip.herron@embecosm.com philip.herron@embecosm.com
Wed Aug 3 16:43:19 GMT 2022

This event has been updated with a note:
"need to reschedule this "
Changed: Time

GCC Rust hang out
Weekly from 7pm to 7:30pm on Wednesday from Wednesday 29 Jun to Tuesday 2  
United Kingdom Time


Hi everyone

This is a regular call for anyone to drop in and talk about gccrs, it  
should suit some people better with this time.

We will reuse our jitsi link: https://meet.jit.si/gccrs-community-call




philip.herron@embecosm.com- organiser
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Reply for gcc-rust@gcc.gnu.org and view more details  
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