4046 new failures...

Mark Mitchell mark@codesourcery.com
Tue Feb 26 16:10:00 GMT 2002

> Can anyone think of a better way?

The right fix (and I know it's right because Benjamin and
Richard and Alexandre Petit-Bianco and I all thought so
while under the influence of Chinese food) is that saying
"make" (or "make bootstrap") in the objdir should result
in, also in the objdir, a directory structure that looks
just like what you want to install, and then "make install"
should just be "cp -r" on steroids.

Then, running the tests is just running "gcc" (not "xgcc -B...")
in the newly created directory.

The only downside is that this is gads of Makefile hackery and
nobody wants to do it.

Mark Mitchell                mark@codesourcery.com
CodeSourcery, LLC            http://www.codesourcery.com

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