[COMMITTED] ada: Use Inline aspect instead of pragma in Einfo.Utils

Marc Poulhiès poulhies@adacore.com
Mon May 15 09:44:17 GMT 2023

From: Bob Duff <duff@adacore.com>

This package was using the Ada 83 renaming idiom for inlining
Next_Component and other Next_... procedures without inlining the
same-named functions. Using the Inline aspect avoids that sort
of horsing around.

We change all the other pragmas Inline in this package to aspects
as well, which is a more-minor improvement. Fix too-long lines
without wrapping lines.


	* einfo-utils.ads, einfo-utils.adb: Get rid of the Proc_Next_...
	procedures. Use Inline aspect instead of pragma Inline.
	Is_Discrete_Or_Fixed_Point_Type did not have pragma Inline, but
	now has the aspect; this was probably an oversight
	(which illustrates why aspects are better).

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.

 gcc/ada/einfo-utils.adb |  43 ++--
 gcc/ada/einfo-utils.ads | 432 ++++++++++++++--------------------------
 2 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 299 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gcc/ada/einfo-utils.adb b/gcc/ada/einfo-utils.adb
index a8220e2d133..febc80a3858 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/einfo-utils.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/einfo-utils.adb
@@ -1505,11 +1505,10 @@ package body Einfo.Utils is
       Kind : constant Node_Kind := Nkind (N);
-      --  Identifiers, operator symbols, expanded names are entity names
+      --  Identifiers, operator symbols, expanded names are entity names.
+      --  (But not N_Character_Literal.)
-      return Kind = N_Identifier
-        or else Kind = N_Operator_Symbol
-        or else Kind = N_Expanded_Name
+      return Kind in N_Identifier | N_Operator_Symbol | N_Expanded_Name
       --  Attribute references are entity names if they refer to an entity.
       --  Note that we don't do this by testing for the presence of the
@@ -3212,49 +3211,49 @@ package body Einfo.Utils is
    -- Iterator Procedures --
-   procedure Proc_Next_Component                 (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Component                 (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Component (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Component;
+   end Next_Component;
-   procedure Proc_Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Component_Or_Discriminant;
+   end Next_Component_Or_Discriminant;
-   procedure Proc_Next_Discriminant              (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Discriminant              (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Discriminant (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Discriminant;
+   end Next_Discriminant;
-   procedure Proc_Next_Formal                    (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Formal                    (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Formal (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Formal;
+   end Next_Formal;
-   procedure Proc_Next_Formal_With_Extras        (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Formal_With_Extras        (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Formal_With_Extras (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Formal_With_Extras;
+   end Next_Formal_With_Extras;
-   procedure Proc_Next_Index                     (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Index                     (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Index (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Index;
+   end Next_Index;
-   procedure Proc_Next_Inlined_Subprogram        (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Inlined_Subprogram        (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Inlined_Subprogram (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Inlined_Subprogram;
+   end Next_Inlined_Subprogram;
-   procedure Proc_Next_Literal                   (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Literal                   (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Literal (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Literal;
+   end Next_Literal;
-   procedure Proc_Next_Stored_Discriminant       (N : in out Node_Id) is
+   procedure Next_Stored_Discriminant       (N : in out Node_Id) is
       N := Next_Stored_Discriminant (N);
-   end Proc_Next_Stored_Discriminant;
+   end Next_Stored_Discriminant;
 end Einfo.Utils;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/einfo-utils.ads b/gcc/ada/einfo-utils.ads
index 896d8f0de19..028665439bb 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/einfo-utils.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/einfo-utils.ads
@@ -43,32 +43,24 @@ package Einfo.Utils is
    --  expressions, but those use different mechanisms; the fields here are not
    --  used.
-   function Alias (N : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
-   procedure Set_Alias (N : Entity_Id; Val : Entity_Id);
-   function Renamed_Entity (N : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
-   procedure Set_Renamed_Entity (N : Entity_Id; Val : Entity_Id);
-   function Renamed_Object (N : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
-   procedure Set_Renamed_Object (N : Entity_Id; Val : Node_Id);
-   function Renamed_Entity_Or_Object (N : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
+   function Alias (N : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id with Inline;
+   procedure Set_Alias (N : Entity_Id; Val : Entity_Id) with Inline;
+   function Renamed_Entity (N : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id with Inline;
+   procedure Set_Renamed_Entity (N : Entity_Id; Val : Entity_Id) with Inline;
+   function Renamed_Object (N : Entity_Id) return Node_Id with Inline;
+   procedure Set_Renamed_Object (N : Entity_Id; Val : Node_Id) with Inline;
+   function Renamed_Entity_Or_Object (N : Entity_Id) return Node_Id
+     with Inline;
    --  This getter is used when we don't know statically whether we want to
    --  call Renamed_Entity or Renamed_Object.
    procedure Set_Renamed_Object_Of_Possibly_Void
-     (N : Entity_Id; Val : Node_Id);
+     (N : Entity_Id; Val : Node_Id) with Inline;
    --  Set_Renamed_Object doesn't allow Void; this is used in the rare cases
    --  where we set the field of an entity that might be Void. It might be a
    --  good idea to get rid of calls to this.
-   pragma Inline (Alias);
-   pragma Inline (Set_Alias);
-   pragma Inline (Renamed_Entity);
-   pragma Inline (Set_Renamed_Entity);
-   pragma Inline (Renamed_Object);
-   pragma Inline (Set_Renamed_Object);
-   pragma Inline (Renamed_Entity_Or_Object);
-   pragma Inline (Set_Renamed_Object_Of_Possibly_Void);
    -- Type Synonyms --
@@ -100,100 +92,53 @@ package Einfo.Utils is
    --  Is_Generic_Type where the Ekind does not provide the needed
    --  information).
-   function Is_Access_Object_Type               (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Access_Type                      (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Access_Subprogram_Type           (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Aggregate_Type                   (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Anonymous_Access_Type            (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Array_Type                       (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Assignable                       (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Class_Wide_Type                  (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Composite_Type                   (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Concurrent_Body                  (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Concurrent_Type                  (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type         (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Digits_Type                      (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Discrete_Or_Fixed_Point_Type     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Discrete_Type                    (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Elementary_Type                  (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Entry                            (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Enumeration_Type                 (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Fixed_Point_Type                 (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Floating_Point_Type              (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Formal                           (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Formal_Object                    (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Generic_Subprogram               (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Generic_Unit                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Ghost_Entity                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Incomplete_Or_Private_Type       (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Incomplete_Type                  (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Integer_Type                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Modular_Integer_Type             (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Named_Access_Type                (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Named_Number                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Numeric_Type                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Object                           (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Type        (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Overloadable                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Private_Type                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Protected_Type                   (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Real_Type                        (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Record_Type                      (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Scalar_Type                      (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Signed_Integer_Type              (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Subprogram                       (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Subprogram_Or_Entry              (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Subprogram_Or_Generic_Subprogram (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Task_Type                        (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Type                             (Id : E) return B;
-   pragma Inline (Is_Access_Object_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Access_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Access_Subprogram_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Aggregate_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Anonymous_Access_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Array_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Assignable);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Class_Wide_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Composite_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Concurrent_Body);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Concurrent_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Digits_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Discrete_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Elementary_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Entry);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Enumeration_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Fixed_Point_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Floating_Point_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Formal);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Formal_Object);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Generic_Subprogram);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Generic_Unit);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Ghost_Entity);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Incomplete_Or_Private_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Incomplete_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Integer_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Modular_Integer_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Named_Access_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Named_Number);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Numeric_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Object);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Overloadable);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Private_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Protected_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Real_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Record_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Scalar_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Signed_Integer_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Subprogram);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Subprogram_Or_Entry);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Subprogram_Or_Generic_Subprogram);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Task_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Type);
+   function Is_Access_Object_Type               (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Access_Type                      (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Access_Protected_Subprogram_Type (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Access_Subprogram_Type           (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Aggregate_Type                   (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Anonymous_Access_Type            (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Array_Type                       (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Assignable                       (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Class_Wide_Type                  (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Composite_Type                   (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Concurrent_Body                  (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Concurrent_Type                  (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type         (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Digits_Type                      (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Discrete_Or_Fixed_Point_Type     (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Discrete_Type                    (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Elementary_Type                  (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Entry                            (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Enumeration_Type                 (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Fixed_Point_Type                 (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Floating_Point_Type              (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Formal                           (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Formal_Object                    (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Generic_Subprogram               (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Generic_Unit                     (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Ghost_Entity                     (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Incomplete_Or_Private_Type       (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Incomplete_Type                  (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Integer_Type                     (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Modular_Integer_Type             (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Named_Access_Type                (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Named_Number                     (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Numeric_Type                     (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Object                           (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Type        (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Overloadable                     (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Private_Type                     (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Protected_Type                   (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Real_Type                        (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Record_Type                      (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Scalar_Type                      (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Signed_Integer_Type              (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Subprogram                       (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Subprogram_Or_Entry              (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Subprogram_Or_Generic_Subprogram (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Task_Type                        (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Type                             (Id : E) return B with Inline;
    -- Synthesized Attribute Functions --
@@ -202,17 +147,17 @@ package Einfo.Utils is
    --  The functions in this section synthesize attributes from the tree,
    --  so they do not correspond to defined fields in the entity itself.
-   function Address_Clause                      (Id : E) return Node_Id;
-   function Aft_Value                           (Id : E) return U;
-   function Alignment_Clause                    (Id : E) return Node_Id;
-   function Base_Type                           (Id : E) return E;
-   function Declaration_Node                    (Id : E) return Node_Id;
-   function Designated_Type                     (Id : E) return E;
-   function Entry_Index_Type                    (Id : E) return E;
-   function First_Component                     (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function First_Component_Or_Discriminant     (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function First_Formal                        (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function First_Formal_With_Extras            (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Address_Clause (Id : E) return Node_Id with Inline;
+   function Aft_Value (Id : E) return U;
+   function Alignment_Clause (Id : E) return Node_Id with Inline;
+   function Base_Type (Id : E) return E with Inline;
+   function Declaration_Node (Id : E) return Node_Id;
+   function Designated_Type (Id : E) return E;
+   function Entry_Index_Type (Id : E) return E;
+   function First_Component (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function First_Component_Or_Discriminant (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function First_Formal (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function First_Formal_With_Extras (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
    function Float_Rep
      (N : Entity_Id) return F with Inline, Pre =>
@@ -223,117 +168,89 @@ package Einfo.Utils is
       Ignore_N in E_Void_Id
          | Float_Kind_Id;
-   function Has_Attach_Handler                  (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_DIC                             (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Entries                         (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Foreign_Convention              (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Interrupt_Handler               (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Invariants                      (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Limited_View                    (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Non_Limited_View                (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Non_Null_Abstract_State         (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Non_Null_Visible_Refinement     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Null_Abstract_State             (Id : E) return B;
-   function Has_Null_Visible_Refinement         (Id : E) return B;
-   function Implementation_Base_Type            (Id : E) return E;
-   function Is_Base_Type                        (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Attach_Handler (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_DIC (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Entries (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Foreign_Convention (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Has_Interrupt_Handler (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Invariants (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Limited_View (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Non_Limited_View (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Has_Non_Null_Abstract_State (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Non_Null_Visible_Refinement (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Null_Abstract_State (Id : E) return B;
+   function Has_Null_Visible_Refinement (Id : E) return B;
+   function Implementation_Base_Type (Id : E) return E;
+   function Is_Base_Type (Id : E) return B with Inline;
    --  Note that Is_Base_Type returns True for nontypes
-   function Is_Boolean_Type                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Constant_Object                  (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Controlled                       (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Discriminal                      (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Dynamic_Scope                    (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Elaboration_Target               (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_External_State                   (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Finalizer                        (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Full_Access                      (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Null_State                       (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package       (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Packed_Array                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Prival                           (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Protected_Component              (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Protected_Interface              (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Protected_Record_Type            (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Relaxed_Initialization_State     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Standard_Character_Type          (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Standard_String_Type             (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_String_Type                      (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Synchronized_Interface           (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Synchronized_State               (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Task_Interface                   (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Task_Record_Type                 (Id : E) return B;
-   function Is_Wrapper_Package                  (Id : E) return B;
-   function Last_Formal                         (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Machine_Emax_Value                  (Id : E) return U;
-   function Machine_Emin_Value                  (Id : E) return U;
-   function Machine_Mantissa_Value              (Id : E) return U;
-   function Machine_Radix_Value                 (Id : E) return U;
-   function Model_Emin_Value                    (Id : E) return U;
-   function Model_Epsilon_Value                 (Id : E) return R;
-   function Model_Mantissa_Value                (Id : E) return U;
-   function Model_Small_Value                   (Id : E) return R;
-   function Next_Component                      (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Next_Component_Or_Discriminant      (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Next_Discriminant                   (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Next_Formal                         (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Next_Formal_With_Extras             (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Next_Index                          (Id : N) return Node_Id;
-   function Next_Literal                        (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Next_Stored_Discriminant            (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Number_Dimensions                   (Id : E) return Pos;
-   function Number_Entries                      (Id : E) return Nat;
-   function Number_Formals                      (Id : E) return Pos;
-   function Object_Size_Clause                  (Id : E) return Node_Id;
-   function Parameter_Mode                      (Id : E) return Formal_Kind;
-   function Partial_Refinement_Constituents     (Id : E) return L;
-   function Primitive_Operations                (Id : E) return L;
-   function Root_Type                           (Id : E) return E;
-   function Safe_Emax_Value                     (Id : E) return U;
-   function Safe_First_Value                    (Id : E) return R;
-   function Safe_Last_Value                     (Id : E) return R;
-   function Size_Clause                         (Id : E) return Node_Id;
-   function Stream_Size_Clause                  (Id : E) return N;
-   function Type_High_Bound                     (Id : E) return N;
-   function Type_Low_Bound                      (Id : E) return N;
-   function Underlying_Type                     (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
-   function Scope_Depth                         (Id : E) return U;
-   function Scope_Depth_Set                     (Id : E) return B;
-   function Scope_Depth_Default_0               (Id : E) return U;
+   function Is_Boolean_Type (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Constant_Object (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Controlled (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Discriminal (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Dynamic_Scope (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Elaboration_Target (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_External_State (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Finalizer (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Full_Access (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Null_State (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Packed_Array (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Prival (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Protected_Component (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Protected_Interface (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Protected_Record_Type (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Relaxed_Initialization_State (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Standard_Character_Type (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Standard_String_Type (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_String_Type (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Synchronized_Interface (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Synchronized_State (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Task_Interface (Id : E) return B;
+   function Is_Task_Record_Type (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Is_Wrapper_Package (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Last_Formal (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Machine_Emax_Value (Id : E) return U;
+   function Machine_Emin_Value (Id : E) return U;
+   function Machine_Mantissa_Value (Id : E) return U;
+   function Machine_Radix_Value (Id : E) return U;
+   function Model_Emin_Value (Id : E) return U;
+   function Model_Epsilon_Value (Id : E) return R;
+   function Model_Mantissa_Value (Id : E) return U;
+   function Model_Small_Value (Id : E) return R;
+   function Next_Component (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Next_Discriminant (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Next_Formal (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Next_Formal_With_Extras (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Next_Index (Id : N) return Node_Id;
+   function Next_Literal (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Next_Stored_Discriminant (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Number_Dimensions (Id : E) return Pos;
+   function Number_Entries (Id : E) return Nat;
+   function Number_Formals (Id : E) return Pos;
+   function Object_Size_Clause (Id : E) return Node_Id;
+   function Parameter_Mode (Id : E) return Formal_Kind;
+   function Partial_Refinement_Constituents (Id : E) return L;
+   function Primitive_Operations (Id : E) return L;
+   function Root_Type (Id : E) return E;
+   function Safe_Emax_Value (Id : E) return U;
+   function Safe_First_Value (Id : E) return R;
+   function Safe_Last_Value (Id : E) return R;
+   function Size_Clause (Id : E) return Node_Id with Inline;
+   function Stream_Size_Clause (Id : E) return N with Inline;
+   function Type_High_Bound (Id : E) return N with Inline;
+   function Type_Low_Bound (Id : E) return N with Inline;
+   function Underlying_Type (Id : E) return Entity_Id;
+   function Scope_Depth (Id : E) return U with Inline;
+   function Scope_Depth_Set (Id : E) return B with Inline;
+   function Scope_Depth_Default_0 (Id : E) return U;
    --  In rare cases, the Scope_Depth_Value (queried by Scope_Depth) is
    --  not correctly set before querying it; this may be used instead of
    --  Scope_Depth in such cases. It returns Uint_0 if the Scope_Depth_Value
    --  has not been set. See documentation in Einfo.
-   pragma Inline (Address_Clause);
-   pragma Inline (Alignment_Clause);
-   pragma Inline (Base_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Has_Foreign_Convention);
-   pragma Inline (Has_Non_Limited_View);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Base_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Boolean_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Constant_Object);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Controlled);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Discriminal);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Finalizer);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Full_Access);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Null_State);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Package_Or_Generic_Package);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Packed_Array);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Prival);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Protected_Component);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Protected_Record_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_String_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Task_Record_Type);
-   pragma Inline (Is_Wrapper_Package);
-   pragma Inline (Scope_Depth);
-   pragma Inline (Scope_Depth_Set);
-   pragma Inline (Size_Clause);
-   pragma Inline (Stream_Size_Clause);
-   pragma Inline (Type_High_Bound);
-   pragma Inline (Type_Low_Bound);
    -- Type Representation Attribute Fields --
@@ -455,52 +372,15 @@ package Einfo.Utils is
    --  We define the set of Proc_Next_xxx routines simply for the purposes
    --  of inlining them without necessarily inlining the function.
-   procedure Proc_Next_Component                 (N : in out Node_Id);
-   procedure Proc_Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (N : in out Node_Id);
-   procedure Proc_Next_Discriminant              (N : in out Node_Id);
-   procedure Proc_Next_Formal                    (N : in out Node_Id);
-   procedure Proc_Next_Formal_With_Extras        (N : in out Node_Id);
-   procedure Proc_Next_Index                     (N : in out Node_Id);
-   procedure Proc_Next_Inlined_Subprogram        (N : in out Node_Id);
-   procedure Proc_Next_Literal                   (N : in out Node_Id);
-   procedure Proc_Next_Stored_Discriminant       (N : in out Node_Id);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Component);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Component_Or_Discriminant);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Discriminant);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Formal);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Formal_With_Extras);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Index);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Inlined_Subprogram);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Literal);
-   pragma Inline (Proc_Next_Stored_Discriminant);
-   procedure Next_Component                 (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Component;
-   procedure Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Component_Or_Discriminant;
-   procedure Next_Discriminant              (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Discriminant;
-   procedure Next_Formal                    (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Formal;
-   procedure Next_Formal_With_Extras        (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Formal_With_Extras;
-   procedure Next_Index                     (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Index;
-   procedure Next_Inlined_Subprogram        (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Inlined_Subprogram;
-   procedure Next_Literal                   (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Literal;
-   procedure Next_Stored_Discriminant       (N : in out Node_Id)
-     renames Proc_Next_Stored_Discriminant;
+   procedure Next_Component                 (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
+   procedure Next_Component_Or_Discriminant (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
+   procedure Next_Discriminant              (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
+   procedure Next_Formal                    (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
+   procedure Next_Formal_With_Extras        (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
+   procedure Next_Index                     (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
+   procedure Next_Inlined_Subprogram        (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
+   procedure Next_Literal                   (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
+   procedure Next_Stored_Discriminant       (N : in out Node_Id) with Inline;
    -- Testing Warning Flags --
@@ -622,7 +502,7 @@ package Einfo.Utils is
    --  is the name of a class_wide type whose root is incomplete, return the
    --  corresponding full declaration, else return T itself.
-   function Is_Entity_Name (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+   function Is_Entity_Name (N : Node_Id) return Boolean with Inline;
    --  Test if the node N is the name of an entity (i.e. is an identifier,
    --  expanded name, or an attribute reference that returns an entity).
@@ -661,8 +541,6 @@ package Einfo.Utils is
    --  Also, if the Etype of E is set and is an anonymous access type with
    --  no convention set, this anonymous type inherits the convention of E.
-   pragma Inline (Is_Entity_Name);
    -- Debugging Output Subprograms --

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