[COMMITTED] ada: Skip dynamic interface conversion under native runtime

Marc Poulhiès poulhies@adacore.com
Mon May 15 09:42:03 GMT 2023

From: Javier Miranda <miranda@adacore.com>


	* exp_disp.adb
	(Has_Dispatching_Constructor_Call): New subprogram.
	(Expand_Interface_Conversion): No need to perform dynamic
	interface conversion when the operand and the target type are
	interface types and the target interface type is an ancestor of
	the operand type. The unique exception to this rule is when the
	operand has a dispatching constructor call (as documented in the

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on master.

 gcc/ada/exp_disp.adb | 98 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_disp.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_disp.adb
index 7970b792363..1fb15fb7b02 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_disp.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_disp.adb
@@ -1222,9 +1222,93 @@ package body Exp_Disp is
    procedure Expand_Interface_Conversion (N : Node_Id) is
+      function Has_Dispatching_Constructor_Call
+        (Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+      --  Determines if the expression has a dispatching constructor call
       function Underlying_Record_Type (Typ : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
       --  Return the underlying record type of Typ
+      --------------------------------------
+      -- Has_Dispatching_Constructor_Call --
+      --------------------------------------
+      function Has_Dispatching_Constructor_Call (Expr : Node_Id) return Boolean
+      is
+         function Is_Dispatching_Constructor_Call (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+         --  Determines if N is a dispatching constructor call
+         function Process (Nod : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
+         --  Traverse the expression searching for constructor calls
+         -------------------------------------
+         -- Is_Dispatching_Constructor_Call --
+         -------------------------------------
+         function Is_Dispatching_Constructor_Call (N : Node_Id) return Boolean
+         is
+            Param       : Node_Id;
+            Param_Type  : Entity_Id;
+            Assoc_Node  : Node_Id;
+            Gen_Func_Id : Entity_Id;
+         begin
+            if Nkind (N) = N_Function_Call
+              and then Present (Parameter_Associations (N))
+            then
+               Param := First (Parameter_Associations (N));
+               if Nkind (Param) = N_Parameter_Association then
+                  Param := Selector_Name (Param);
+               end if;
+               Param_Type := Etype (Param);
+               if Is_Itype (Param_Type) then
+                  Assoc_Node := Associated_Node_For_Itype (Param_Type);
+                  if Nkind (Assoc_Node) = N_Function_Specification
+                    and then Present (Generic_Parent (Assoc_Node))
+                  then
+                     Gen_Func_Id := Generic_Parent (Assoc_Node);
+                     if Is_Intrinsic_Subprogram (Gen_Func_Id)
+                       and then Chars (Gen_Func_Id)
+                                  = Name_Generic_Dispatching_Constructor
+                     then
+                        return True;
+                     end if;
+                  end if;
+               end if;
+            end if;
+            return False;
+         end Is_Dispatching_Constructor_Call;
+         -------------
+         -- Process --
+         -------------
+         function Process (Nod : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
+         begin
+            if Nkind (Nod) = N_Function_Call
+              and then Is_Dispatching_Constructor_Call (Nod)
+            then
+               return Abandon;
+            end if;
+            return OK;
+         end Process;
+         function Traverse_Expression is new Traverse_Func (Process);
+      --  Start of processing for Has_Dispatching_Constructor_Call
+      begin
+         return Traverse_Expression (Expr) = Abandon;
+      end Has_Dispatching_Constructor_Call;
       -- Underlying_Record_Type --
@@ -1327,16 +1411,16 @@ package body Exp_Disp is
          --  object to reference the corresponding secondary dispatch table
          --  (cf. Make_DT and Expand_Dispatching_Constructor_Call)).
-         --  At this stage we cannot identify whether the underlying object is
-         --  a BIP object and hence we cannot skip generating the code to try
-         --  displacing the pointer to the object. However, under configurable
-         --  runtime it is safe to skip generating code to displace the pointer
-         --  to the object, because generic dispatching constructors are not
-         --  supported.
+         --  Under regular runtime this is a minor optimization that improves
+         --  the generated code; under configurable runtime (where generic
+         --  dispatching constructors are not supported) this optimization
+         --  allows supporting this interface conversion, which otherwise
+         --  would require calling the runtime routine to displace the
+         --  pointer to the object.
          elsif Is_Interface (Iface_Typ)
            and then Is_Ancestor (Iface_Typ, Opnd, Use_Full_View => True)
-           and then not RTE_Available (RE_Displace)
+           and then not Has_Dispatching_Constructor_Call (Operand)
          end if;

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