[PATCH] rs6000: MMA test case ICEs using -O3

Peter Bergner bergner@linux.ibm.com
Tue Mar 30 23:49:29 GMT 2021

The mma_assemble_input_operand predicate does not accept reg+reg indexed
addresses which can lead to ICEs.  The problem is that the quad_address_p
function only accepts reg+offset addresses that are valid for quad word
accesses, but not reg+reg addresses which are also valid for quad word
accesses when dealing with vector types.  The solution used here is to
call memory_operand, which uses rs6000_legitimate_address_p to ensure
the address is valid.  For reg+offset addresses, it uses quad_address_p like
before, but for reg+reg addresses, it calls legitimate_indexed_address_p
addresses which fixes this specific ICE.

This passed bootstrap and regtesting on powerpc64le-linux with no regressions.
I also compiled some non-trivial DGEMM and SGEMM test cases that use our
MMA builtins and I don't see any generated code differences.

Ok for trunk?

The same bad test in mma_assemble_input_operand exists in GCC 10, but I
have been unable to get it to ICE there with this test case.  I assume
we still want to fix it there too?  If so, ok for GCC 10 after some trunk
burn in?


	PR target/99842
	* config/rs6000/predicates.md:

	PR target/99842
	* g++.target/powerpc/pr99842.C: New.

diff --git a/gcc/config/rs6000/predicates.md b/gcc/config/rs6000/predicates.md
index 859af75dfbd..e48c6eee19e 100644
--- a/gcc/config/rs6000/predicates.md
+++ b/gcc/config/rs6000/predicates.md
@@ -1171,8 +1171,7 @@
 (define_special_predicate "mma_assemble_input_operand"
   (match_test "(mode == V16QImode
 		&& (vsx_register_operand (op, mode)
-		    || (MEM_P (op)
-			&& quad_address_p (XEXP (op, 0), mode, false))))"))
+		    || memory_operand (op, mode)))"))
 ;; Return 1 if this operand is valid for an MMA disassemble insn.
 (define_predicate "mma_disassemble_output_operand"
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/g++.target/powerpc/pr99842.C b/gcc/testsuite/g++.target/powerpc/pr99842.C
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d84de3b4570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/g++.target/powerpc/pr99842.C
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+/* PR target/99842 */
+/* { dg-require-effective-target power10_ok } */
+/* { dg-options "-O3 -mdejagnu-cpu=power10 -w" } */
+/* Verify we do not ICE on the following source.  */
+enum { a, b, c, d };
+template <typename> struct e;
+template <typename g, typename h, typename k> struct e<g(h, k)> {
+  typedef h f;
+template <typename> struct ac;
+template <typename ab> struct ac<const ab> : ac<ab> {};
+template <typename> struct l;
+template <typename, int, int m, int = 0, int = a, int = m> class n;
+template <typename> class o;
+template <typename, typename, typename> class ag;
+template <typename, typename, int = c> class af;
+template <typename> struct ad;
+template <typename ab> struct an {
+  typedef n<typename ab ::ah, ac<ab>::ai, ac<ab>::aj> f;
+template <typename al> struct am { typedef o<al> f; };
+template <typename al, typename = typename ac<al>::ao,
+          typename = typename ac<al>::av>
+struct ak;
+template <typename al, typename ao> struct ak<al, ao, int> {
+  typedef typename am<al>::f f;
+template <typename, typename, typename> struct aq;
+template <typename ar, typename as> struct aq<ar, ar, as> { typedef ar at; };
+template <typename ap> ap bf(const typename ad<ap>::f *);
+template <typename ap, int> ap aw(typename ad<ap>::f *ax) { return bf<ap>(ax); }
+typedef __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) double au;
+template <> struct ad<au> { typedef double f; };
+template <> au bf(const double *ax) { return __builtin_vec_vsx_ld(0, ax); }
+template <typename> struct az {};
+template <typename al> class o : public l<al> {
+  typedef typename ac<al>::ah ah;
+  template <typename ay> al &operator+=(const o<ay> &);
+template <typename> struct l {};
+template <typename ba, typename bb, int bd> struct ac<af<ba, bb, bd>> {
+  typedef typename ba::ah ah;
+  enum { ai, aj };
+template <typename, typename, int bd>
+class af
+    : public ak<
+          af<ag<int, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>>,
+             n<double, -1, 1, 3>, bd>,
+          int, int>::f {};
+template <typename, typename, typename> struct be;
+template <typename bj, typename bg, typename g> void bi(bj, bg bm, g) {
+  typename an<bg>::f bk(bm);
+template <typename bj, typename bg, typename g> void bl(bj, bg bm, g bp) {
+  be<bj, bg, g>::bn(a, bm, bp);
+template <typename, typename, typename, typename> struct bo;
+class bs {
+  bs(double *, int);
+  double &operator()(int, int) { return bq[br]; }
+  template <typename bw, int> bw bt(int i, int j) {
+    double &bu = operator()(i, j);
+    return aw<bw, b>(&bu);
+  }
+  double *bq;
+  int br;
+class ca : public bs {
+  ca(double *by, int bz) : bs(by, bz) {}
+template <typename al> class ce : public am<al>::f {
+  template <typename ay> void cb(l<ay>) {
+    af<ag<int, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>>,
+       n<double, -1, 1, 3>>
+        cc;
+    bl(0, cc, az<typename ay::ah>());
+  }
+  template <typename> void ch(long);
+  template <typename ay> void ch(l<ay> cf) { cb(cf); }
+template <typename cg, int aa, int m, int cl, int ci, int cj>
+struct ac<n<cg, aa, m, cl, ci, cj>> {
+  typedef cg ah;
+  typedef int av;
+template <typename cg, int, int m, int, int, int>
+class n : public ce<n<cg, m, c>> {
+  template <typename ab> n(ab p) { n::template ch<ab>(p); }
+template <typename bc, typename ba, typename bb> struct ac<ag<bc, ba, bb>> {
+  typedef ba ao;
+  typedef typename e<bc(typename ba::ah, typename bb::ah)>::f ah;
+  typedef typename aq<typename ac<ba>::av, typename ac<bb>::av, bc>::at av;
+template <typename> class cm;
+template <typename, typename r, typename cs>
+class ag
+    : public cm<typename aq<typename ac<r>::av, typename ac<cs>::av, int>::at> {
+template <typename>
+class cm : public ak<ag<int, n<double, 1, 1>, n<double, 1, 1>>>::f {};
+template <typename al>
+template <typename ay>
+al &o<al>::operator+=(const o<ay> &) {
+  af<ag<int, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>>,
+     n<double, -1, 1, 3>>
+      co;
+  bi(0, co, int());
+enum { cp };
+template <int> struct cq;
+template <typename> struct cr {
+  enum { q };
+  enum { ae = cq<q>::at };
+template <> struct cq<cp> {
+  enum { at = d };
+struct t {
+  template <typename ba, typename bb, typename s> static void bn(ba, bb, s) {
+    typedef typename bb::ah x;
+    x u;
+    bo<long, ca, x, ca>::bn(0, 0, ca(0, 0), ca(&u, 1), 0, 0, 0);
+  }
+template <typename, typename bb, int = cr<bb>::ae> struct cu;
+template <typename cd, typename ba, typename bb, int ct, typename ah>
+struct be<cd, af<ba, bb, ct>, az<ah>> {
+  static void bn(cd, af<ba, bb> bm, az<ah>) {
+    ag<int, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>> da;
+    cu<ba, bb>::cv(c, da, bm);
+  }
+template <typename al> struct cw {
+  template <typename bj>
+  static void
+  cv(bj, ag<int, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>>,
+     n<double, -1, 1, 3> bx) {
+    double alpha;
+    ag<int, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>, const n<double, -1, -1, 3>> bh;
+    al::cx(c, bh, bx, alpha);
+  }
+template <typename ba, typename bb> struct cu<ba, bb, d> : cw<cu<ba, bb>> {
+  template <typename s> static void cx(s, ba, bb bx, typename af<ba, bb>::ah) {
+    ba cz;
+    t::bn(cz, bx, c);
+  }
+template <typename dj, typename, bool>
+void db(__vector_quad *, __vector_pair &, dj);
+template <typename, typename, typename, typename, typename, typename, int>
+void dc(ca alhs) {
+  typedef au dj;
+  typedef au dd;
+  ca bh(alhs);
+  enum { de };
+  __vector_quad df, dg;
+  int j;
+  dd v;
+  __vector_pair dh;
+  __builtin_mma_assemble_pair(
+      &dh, (__attribute__((altivec(vector__))) char)bh.bt<dj, de>(0, j),
+      (__attribute__((altivec(vector__))) char)bh.bt<dj, de>(0, j));
+  db<dj, dd, true>(&df, dh, v);
+  __vector_pair di;
+  __builtin_mma_assemble_pair(
+      &di, (__attribute__((altivec(vector__))) char)bh.bt<dj, de>(0, j),
+      (__attribute__((altivec(vector__))) char)bh.bt<dj, de>(0, j));
+  db<dj, dd, true>(&dg, di, v);
+template <typename bv, typename w, typename cy> struct bo<bv, w, double, cy> {
+  static void bn(bv, bv, w bh, cy, double, bv, double) {
+    dc<bv, double, w, double, cy, double, d>(bh);
+  }
+void dm() {
+  n<double, 1, 1> dk(1), y(0);
+  y += dk;

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