[PATCH] Remove redundant builtins for avx512f scalar instructions.

Jeff Law law@redhat.com
Mon Nov 30 16:23:15 GMT 2020

On 11/12/20 11:21 PM, Hongyu Wang wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for reminding me about this patch. I didn't remove any existing
> intrinsics, just remove redundant builtin functions that end-users
> would not likely to use.
> Also I'm OK to keep current implementation, in case there might be
> someone using the builtin directly.
That seems wise -- we can't reasonably predict if users are using those
builtins directly. 

So if we can clean things up and keep the redundant builtins that seems
best.  Or just leave things as-is. 

The other possibility would be to deprecate the redundant builtins this
release and remove them in gcc-12.  I haven't looked at how difficult
that might be, but the idea here would be to give users a warning if
they use those builtins directly and enough time to resolve the issue
before we remove them.


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