[ PATCH ] C++20 <span>

Jonathan Wakely jwakely@redhat.com
Tue Sep 3 13:31:00 GMT 2019

On 30/08/19 19:42 -0400, JeanHeyd Meneide wrote:
>Ahem -- we were supposed to use the 20 version of the constexpr macro,
>not the base one.
>I will note that, for some reason, the default constructor was already
>constexpr, so we don't change that one!


I've done a thorough review now, lots of comments below.

>On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 5:11 PM JeanHeyd Meneide
><phdofthehouse@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 3:41 PM Jonathan Wakely <jwakely@redhat.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > On 30/08/19 15:22 -0400, JeanHeyd Meneide wrote:
>> > >This patch implements <span> as it currently exists in the C++20 Working Draft.
>> >
>> > Nice!
>> >
>> >
>> > >Notes:
>> > >- __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator is not fully constexpr, so its not used here
>> >
>> > I'd prefer to make __normal_iterator constexpr, and use it.
>> > It needs to be constexpr anyway for string and vector.
>> > ...
>> Alright, thank you for the feedback. I fixed it up!
>> Tested x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.
>> 2019-08-30  JeanHeyd "ThePhD" Meneide  <phdofthehouse@gmail.com>
>>         * include/std/span: Implement the entirety of span.
>>         * include/bits/stl_iterator.h: __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<T,
>> C> is now constexpr-qualified for C++11+.
>>        * include/bits/range_access.h: Add __adl_* versions of access functions.
>>         * testsuite/23_containers/span/everything.cc: constexpr and
>> non-constexpr tests.
>>         * include/Makefile.in: Add span to install.
>>         * include/Makefile.am: Likewise

>diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
>index d9d3967a12c..fd116c362ac 100644
>--- a/.gitignore
>+++ b/.gitignore
>@@ -57,3 +57,7 @@ REVISION
> /mpc*
> /gmp*
> /isl*
>+# ignore sprinkled in dev files that keep popping up

No thanks :-)

If you want to add things to be ignored in your local repo then you
can put these entries in .git/info/exclude which is not checked in.

>diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.am b/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.am
>index 3fe80f32cc4..b8b786d9260 100644
>--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.am
>+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.am
>@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ std_headers = \
> 	${std_srcdir}/scoped_allocator \
> 	${std_srcdir}/set \
> 	${std_srcdir}/shared_mutex \
>+	${std_srcdir}/span \
> 	${std_srcdir}/sstream \
> 	${std_srcdir}/stack \
> 	${std_srcdir}/stdexcept \
>diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.in b/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.in
>index b675d356cd4..cd1e9df5482 100644
>--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.in
>+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/Makefile.in

This file is generated by running autoreconf, so doesn't need to be
included in patches. Not a problem here, but for patches that makes
lots of changes to the configury stuff, it's just noise to include the
generated parts in the patch.

>@@ -412,6 +412,7 @@ std_headers = \
> 	${std_srcdir}/scoped_allocator \
> 	${std_srcdir}/set \
> 	${std_srcdir}/shared_mutex \
>+	${std_srcdir}/span \
> 	${std_srcdir}/sstream \
> 	${std_srcdir}/stack \
> 	${std_srcdir}/stdexcept \
>diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/range_access.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/range_access.h
>index d1e74711433..3acaebadcf1 100644
>--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/range_access.h
>+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/range_access.h
> #endif // C++17
>+#if __cplusplus > 201703L
>+  // "why are these in namespace std:: and not __gnu_cxx:: ?"
>+  // because if we don't put them here it's impossible to
>+  // have implicit ADL with "using std::begin/end/size/data;".
>+  template <typename _Container>
>+    constexpr auto
>+    __adl_begin(_Container& __cont) noexcept(noexcept(begin(__cont)))
>+    { return begin(__cont); }

It looks like__adl_begin and __adl_end should be guarded by #ifdef
_GLIBCXX_P1394 because they're not needed otherwise.

>diff --git a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_iterator.h b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_iterator.h
>index 8ab0d72b0c2..f6a6060f2e3 100644
>--- a/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_iterator.h
>+++ b/libstdc++-v3/include/bits/stl_iterator.h
>       typedef typename __traits_type::reference 	reference;
>       typedef typename __traits_type::pointer   	pointer;
>+      // this was already constexpr
>+      // so it will not be changed to

There's no need to add a comment saying what you didn't change :-)

>       _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR __normal_iterator() _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
>       : _M_current(_Iterator()) { }
>       explicit
>-      __normal_iterator(const _Iterator& __i) _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
>+      _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR20 __normal_iterator(const _Iterator& __i) _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT

The correct macro is _GLIBCXX20_CONSTEXPR. Was this patch tested?

Please put it on the previous line with 'explicit' i.e.

      explicit _GLIBCXX20_CONSTEXPR

>   template<typename _Iterator, typename _Container>
>-    inline bool
>+    _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR20 inline bool
>     operator>=(const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __lhs,
> 	       const __normal_iterator<_Iterator, _Container>& __rhs)
>   template<typename _IteratorL, typename _IteratorR, typename _Container>
> #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
>     // DR 685.
>-    inline auto
>+    _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR20 inline auto
>     operator-(const __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>& __lhs,
> 	      const __normal_iterator<_IteratorR, _Container>& __rhs) noexcept
>     -> decltype(__lhs.base() - __rhs.base())
> #else
>-    inline typename __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>::difference_type
>+    _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR20 inline typename __normal_iterator<_IteratorL, _Container>::difference_type

There's no need to put it here, because this #else branch is for C++98
and the macro will always expand to nothing for C++98.

>+// get on someone's back about it in Belfast!!!
>+#define __cpp_lib_span 201911
>+  inline constexpr size_t dynamic_extent =
>+    static_cast<size_t>(-1);
>+  namespace __detail
>+  {
>+    template<typename _Element, typename _ToElement>
>+    using __is_base_derived_safe_convertible =
>+      is_convertible<_Element (*)[], _ToElement (*)[]>;

Do we need this alias template if the only place it's used is here ...

>+    template<typename _Element, typename _ToElement>
>+    static constexpr inline bool __is_base_derived_safe_convertible_v =
>+      __is_base_derived_safe_convertible<_Element, _ToElement>::value;

Could we just define the variable template in terms of

>+    template<typename>

All your templates are indented wrong, there should be another level
of indentation after the template-head.

>+    struct __is_std_array : false_type
>+    {
>+    };
>+    template<typename _Element, size_t _Extent>
>+    struct __is_std_array<::std::array<_Element, _Extent>> : true_type

This should be _GLIBCXX_STD_C::array because when _GLIBCXX_DEBUG is
defined std::array is the same type as std::__debug::array
(std::__debug is an inline namespace). That will mean the following
specialization a redefinition of the one above, which is an error.

>+    {
>+    };
>+    template<typename _Element, size_t _Extent>
>+    struct __is_std_array<::std::__debug::array<_Element, _Extent>>
>+    : true_type
>+    {
>+    };
>+#endif // debug/array
>+    template<typename _Type>
>+    inline constexpr bool __is_std_array_v = __is_std_array<_Type>::value;

If we don't need the __is_std_array class templates directly we could
just specialize this variable template instead.

  template<typename _Tp>
    inline constexpr bool __is_std_array_v = false;

  template<typename _Tp, size_t _Num>
    inline constexpr bool
    __is_std_array_v<_GLIBCXX_STD_C::array<_Tp, _Num>> = true;

  template<typename _Tp, size_t _Num>
    inline constexpr bool
    __is_std_array_v<std::__debug::array<_Tp, _Num>> = true;
#endif // debug/array

>+    template<size_t _Extent>
>+    struct __extent_storage
>+    {
>+      constexpr __extent_storage() noexcept = default;

An empty line between these constructors please.

>+      constexpr __extent_storage(size_t) noexcept
>+      {
>+      }

And the closing brace can be on the same line as the opening one:

        { }
>+      static constexpr size_t
>+      _M_extent() noexcept
>+      {
>+        return _Extent;
>+      }

Even if not empty, one line functions can be written like

        { return _Extent; }

>+    };


>+  template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent = dynamic_extent>
>+  class span : private __detail::__extent_storage<_Extent>
>+  {
>+  public:
>+    // member types
>+    using value_type             = remove_cv_t<_Type>;
>+    using element_type           = _Type;
>+    using index_type             = size_t;
>+    using reference              = element_type&;
>+    using const_reference        = const element_type&;
>+    using pointer                = _Type*;
>+    using const_pointer          = const _Type*;
>+    using iterator               = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<pointer, span>;
>+    using const_iterator         = __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const_pointer, span>;
>+    using reverse_iterator       = ::std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
>+    using const_reverse_iterator = ::std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
>+    using difference_type        = ptrdiff_t;
>+    // Official wording has no size_type -- why??
>+    // using size_type = size_t;
>+    // member constants
>+    static inline constexpr size_t extent = _Extent;
>+  private:
>+    using __base_t = __detail::__extent_storage<_Extent>;
>+  public:
>+    // constructors
>+    constexpr span() noexcept : __base_t(), _M_ptr(nullptr)

This constructor needs SFINAE constraints:

  Constraints: Extent == dynamic_extent || Extent == 0 is true.

>+    {
>+    }
>+    constexpr span(const span&) noexcept = default;
>+    template<size_t _ArrayExtent,
>+      enable_if_t<
>+        (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _ArrayExtent == _Extent) &&
>+        __detail::__is_base_derived_safe_convertible_v<
>+          remove_pointer_t<decltype(::std::__adl_data(
>+            ::std::declval<element_type (&)[_ArrayExtent]>()))>,
>+          element_type>>* = nullptr>
>+    constexpr span(element_type (&__arr)[_ArrayExtent]) noexcept(
>+      noexcept(::std::__adl_data(__arr)))
>+    : span(::std::__adl_data(__arr), _ArrayExtent)
>+    {
>+    }
>+    template<size_t _ArrayExtent,
>+      enable_if_t<
>+        (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _ArrayExtent == _Extent) &&
>+        __detail::__is_base_derived_safe_convertible_v<
>+          remove_pointer_t<decltype(::std::__adl_data(
>+            ::std::declval<array<value_type, _ArrayExtent>&>()))>,
>+          element_type>>* = nullptr>
>+    constexpr span(array<value_type, _ArrayExtent>& __arr) noexcept(
>+      noexcept(::std::__adl_data(__arr)))
>+    : span(::std::__adl_data(__arr), _ArrayExtent)
>+    {
>+    }
>+    template<size_t _ArrayExtent,
>+      enable_if_t<
>+        (_Extent == dynamic_extent || _ArrayExtent == _Extent) &&
>+        __detail::__is_base_derived_safe_convertible_v<
>+          remove_pointer_t<decltype(::std::__adl_data(
>+            ::std::declval<const array<value_type, _ArrayExtent>&>()))>,
>+          element_type>>* = nullptr>
>+    constexpr span(const array<value_type, _ArrayExtent>&
>+        __arr) noexcept(noexcept(::std::__adl_data(__arr)))
>+    : span(::std::__adl_data(__arr), _ArrayExtent)
>+    {
>+    }
>+    // NOTE: when the time comes, and P1394 -
>+    // range constructors for std::span - ships in
>+    // the standard, delete the #else block and remove
>+    // the conditional
>+    // if the paper fails, delete #if block
>+    // and keep the crappy #else block
>+    // and then cry that NB comments failed C++20...
>+    // but maybe for C++23?
>+#if defined(_GLIBCXX_P1394) && _GLIBCXX_P1394
>+    template<typename _Range,
>+      enable_if_t<
>+        (_Extent == dynamic_extent) &&
>+        !is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_Range>, span> &&
>+        !__detail::__is_std_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Range>> &&
>+        !is_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Range>> &&
>+        __detail::__is_base_derived_safe_convertible_v<
>+          remove_pointer_t<decltype(
>+            ::std::__adl_data(::std::declval<_Range&>()))>,
>+          element_type>>* = nullptr>
>+    constexpr span(_Range&& __range) noexcept(
>+      noexcept(::std::__adl_data(__range)) &&
>+      noexcept(::std::__adl_size(__range)))
>+    : span(::std::__adl_data(__range), ::std::__adl_size(__range))
>+    {
>+    }
>+    template<typename _ContiguousIterator, typename _Sentinel,
>+      enable_if_t<!is_convertible_v<_Sentinel, index_type> &&
>+                         __detail::__is_base_derived_safe_convertible_v<
>+                           remove_reference_t<typename
>+                               iterator_traits<_ContiguousIterator>::reference>,
>+                           element_type>>* = nullptr>
>+    constexpr span(_ContiguousIterator __first, _Sentinel __last)
>+    : span(::std::move(__first), static_cast<index_type>(__last - __first))
>+    {
>+    }
>+    template<typename _ContiguousIterator>
>+    constexpr span(_ContiguousIterator __first, index_type __count) noexcept(
>+      noexcept(::std::to_address(__first)))
>+    : __base_t(__count), _M_ptr(::std::to_address(__first))
>+    {
>+    }
>+    template<typename _Container,
>+      enable_if_t<
>+        (_Extent == dynamic_extent) &&
>+        !is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>, span> &&
>+        !__detail::__is_std_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>> &&
>+        !is_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>> &&
>+        __detail::__is_base_derived_safe_convertible_v<
>+          remove_pointer_t<decltype(
>+            ::std::__adl_data(::std::declval<_Container&>()))>,
>+          element_type>>* = nullptr>
>+    constexpr span(_Container& __range) noexcept(
>+      noexcept(::std::__adl_data(__range)) &&
>+      noexcept(::std::__adl_size(__range)))
>+    : span(::std::__adl_data(__range), ::std::__adl_size(__range))
>+    {
>+    }
>+    template<typename _Container,
>+      enable_if_t<
>+        (_Extent == dynamic_extent) &&
>+        !is_same_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>, span> &&
>+        !__detail::__is_std_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>> &&
>+        !is_array_v<remove_cvref_t<_Container>> &&
>+        __detail::__is_base_derived_safe_convertible_v<
>+          remove_pointer_t<decltype(
>+            ::std::__adl_data(::std::declval<_Container&>()))>,
>+          element_type>>* = nullptr>
>+    constexpr span(const _Container& __range) noexcept(
>+      noexcept(::std::__adl_data(__range)) &&
>+      noexcept(::std::__adl_size(__range)))
>+    : span(::std::__adl_data(__range), ::std::__adl_size(__range))
>+    {
>+    }
>+    constexpr span(pointer __first, pointer __last) noexcept
>+    : span(::std::move(__first), static_cast<index_type>(__last - __first))
>+    {
>+    }

Blank line between these ctors please. It would also be helpful to
order the ctors as shown in the draft.

>+    constexpr span(pointer __first, index_type __count) noexcept
>+    : __base_t(__count), _M_ptr(static_cast<pointer>(__first))
>+    {

This could use an assertion to check one of the "Expects:"

  __glibcxx_assert(extent == dynamic_extent || __count == extent);

We can't check that [ptr, ptr+count) is a valid range, that's just
something users need to ensure.

>+    }
>+#endif // P1394
>+    // assignment
>+    constexpr span&
>+    operator=(const span&) noexcept = default;
>+    // observers
>+    constexpr reference
>+    front() noexcept
>+    {
>+      return *this->begin();
>+    }

This member function isn't shown in the draft.

>+    constexpr const_reference
>+    front() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return *this->begin();
>+    }
>+    constexpr reference
>+    back() noexcept
>+    {
>+      return *(this->begin() + 1);
>+    }

Not shown in the draft.

>+    constexpr const_reference
>+    back() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return *(this->end() - 1);
>+    }
>+    constexpr reference operator[](index_type __idx) noexcept
>+    {
>+      return *(this->_M_ptr + __idx);
>+    }

Not shown in the draft.

>+    constexpr const_reference operator[](index_type __idx) const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return *(this->_M_ptr + __idx);
>+    }
>+    constexpr pointer
>+    data() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return this->_M_ptr;
>+    }
>+    constexpr index_type
>+    size() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return this->__base_t::_M_extent();
>+    }
>+    constexpr index_type
>+    size_bytes() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return this->__base_t::_M_extent() * sizeof(element_type);
>+    }
>+    constexpr bool
>+    empty() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return size() == 0;
>+    }
>+    // observers: iterators
>+    constexpr iterator
>+    begin() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return iterator(this->_M_ptr);
>+    }
>+    constexpr const_iterator
>+    cbegin() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return const_iterator(this->_M_ptr);
>+    }
>+    constexpr iterator
>+    end() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return iterator(this->_M_ptr + this->size());
>+    }
>+    constexpr const_iterator
>+    cend() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return const_iterator(this->_M_ptr + this->size());
>+    }
>+    constexpr reverse_iterator
>+    rbegin() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return reverse_iterator(this->begin());
>+    }

The rbeing() function needs to return an iterator that starts from the
end, i.e. return reverse_iterator(end());

>+    constexpr const_reverse_iterator
>+    crbegin() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return const_reverse_iterator(this->cbegin());

Same here.

>+    }
>+    constexpr reverse_iterator
>+    rend() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return reverse_iterator(this->end());

And this should be return reverse_iterator(begin());

>+    }
>+    constexpr const_reverse_iterator
>+    crend() const noexcept
>+    {
>+      return const_reverse_iterator(this->cend());

Same here.

>+    }
>+    // observers: subranges
>+    template<size_t _Count>
>+    constexpr auto

It doesn't seem beneficial to use an 'auto' return type here.

>+    first() const
>+    {
>+      using __span_t = ::std::span<element_type, _Count>;
>+      return __span_t(this->data(), _Count);
>+    }

The function would be shorter without 'auto' return, and users can see
what it returns without inspecting the function body:

  template<size_t _Count>
    constexpr span<element_type, _Count>
    first() const
    { return { data(), _Count }; }

Although we should put an assertion in there:

  template<size_t _Count>
    constexpr span<element_type, _Count>
    first() const
      __glibcxx_assert(_Count < size());
      return { data(), _Count };

>+    constexpr auto
>+    first(index_type __count) const
>+    {
>+      using __span_t = ::std::span<element_type, dynamic_extent>;
>+      return __span_t(this->data(), __count);

Same here.

>+    }
>+    template<size_t _Count>
>+    constexpr ::std::span<element_type, _Count>
>+    last() const
>+    {
>+      static_assert(_Count == dynamic_extent ||
>+                      _Extent == dynamic_extent || _Count <= _Extent,
>+        "assertion failed: Count or Extent are dynamic, "
>+        "or the Count is less than the static extent");

Please also add a runtime assertion to check _Count <= size().

>+      using __span_t = ::std::span<element_type, _Count>;
>+      return __span_t(this->data() + (this->size() - _Count), _Count);

The return type is not needed here, it can be simply:

  return {this->data() + (this->size() - _Count), _Count};

>+    }
>+    constexpr auto
>+    last(index_type __count) const
>+    {
>+      using __span_t = ::std::span<element_type, dynamic_extent>;
>+      return __span_t(this->data() + (this->size() - __count), __count);
>+    }
>+    template<size_t _Offset,
>+      size_t _Count = dynamic_extent>
>+    constexpr auto
>+    subspan() const
>+    {
>+      static_assert(_Count == dynamic_extent ||
>+                      _Extent == dynamic_extent ||
>+                      (_Offset + _Count) <= _Extent,
>+        "assertion failed: Count or Extent are dynamic, "
>+        "or the Count + Offset is less than the static extent");
>+      constexpr size_t __span_extent =
>+        (_Count != dynamic_extent
>+            ? _Count
>+            : (_Extent != dynamic_extent ? _Extent - _Offset
>+                                                : dynamic_extent));
>+      using __span_t = ::std::span<element_type, __span_extent>;
>+      return __span_t(this->data() + _Offset,
>+        (_Count == dynamic_extent ? this->size() - _Offset : _Count));
>+    }
>+    constexpr auto
>+    subspan(
>+      index_type __offset, index_type __count = dynamic_extent) const
>+    {
>+      using __span_t = ::std::span<element_type, dynamic_extent>;
>+      return __span_t(this->data() + __offset,
>+        __count == dynamic_extent ? this->size() - __offset : __count);
>+    }
>+    // observers: range helpers
>+    friend constexpr iterator
>+    begin(span __sp) noexcept
>+    {
>+      return __sp.begin();
>+    }
>+    friend constexpr iterator
>+    end(span __sp) noexcept
>+    {
>+      return __sp.end();
>+    }
>+  private:
>+    pointer _M_ptr;
>+  };
>+  template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
>+  auto as_bytes(::std::span<_Type, _Extent> __sp) noexcept
>+  {
>+    constexpr size_t __byte_extent =
>+      (_Extent == ::std::dynamic_extent
>+          ? _Extent
>+          : (_Extent *
>+              sizeof(typename ::std::span<_Type, _Extent>::element_type)));
>+    using __byte_span_t = ::std::span<const byte, __byte_extent>;
>+    return __byte_span_t(
>+      reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(__sp.data()), __sp.size_bytes());
>+  }

Wouldn't this be easier to read (and easier for the compiler to
evaluate) if written how it's specified in the standard?

template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
  span<const byte, _Extent == dynamic_extent
       ? dynamic_extent : _Extent * sizeof(_Type)>
  as_bytes(span<_Type, _Extent> __sp) noexcept
    return {reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(__sp.data()), __sp.size_bytes()};

>+  template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
>+  auto as_writable_bytes(::std::span<_Type, _Extent> __sp) noexcept
>+  {
>+    constexpr size_t __byte_extent =
>+      (_Extent == dynamic_extent
>+          ? _Extent
>+          : (_Extent *
>+              sizeof(typename ::std::span<_Type, _Extent>::element_type)));
>+    using __byte_span_t = ::std::span<byte, __byte_extent>;
>+    return __byte_span_t(
>+      reinterpret_cast<byte*>(__sp.data()), __sp.size_bytes());
>+  }

template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
  span<byte, _Extent == dynamic_extent
       ? dynamic_extent : _Extent * sizeof(_Type)>
  as_writable_bytes(span<_Type, _Extent> __sp) noexcept
    return {reinterpret_cast<byte*>(__sp.data()), __sp.size_bytes()};

>+  // tuple helpers
>+  template<size_t _Index, typename _Type, size_t _Extent,
>+    enable_if_t<(_Extent > 0) && (_Index < _Extent)>* = nullptr>

The standard says this check should be "Mandates:" not "Constraints:"
so it should be checked as a static_assert, not using SFINAE. Also,
isn't _Extent > 0 wrong? It must be greater than zero if _Index <
_Extent, and it should be checking _Extent != dynamic_extent according
to the curent draft.

>+  constexpr typename ::std::span<_Type, _Extent>::reference get(

Please start a new line for "get(" instead of having it wandering off
somewhere on the right. Shouldn't the return type be simply _Type& ?


template<size_t _Index, typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
  constexpr _Type&
  get(span<_Type, _Extent> __sp) noexcept
    static_assert(_Extent != dynamic_extent && _Index < _Extent);
    return __sp[_Index];

>+    ::std::span<_Type, _Extent> __sp) noexcept
>+  {
>+    return __sp[_Index];
>+  }
>+  template<typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
>+  class tuple_size<::std::span<_Type, _Extent>>

Please use 'struct' not 'class' for all the tuple_size and
tuple_element specializations. I've created
https://github.com/cplusplus/draft/pull/3211 to make that consistent
in the draft.

>+  : public integral_constant<size_t, _Extent>
>+  {
>+  };
>+  template<typename _Type>
>+  class tuple_size<::std::span<_Type, dynamic_extent>>;

If you put static_assert(_Extent != dynamic_extent) in the partial
specialization above then you wouldn't need this incomplete type, and
it might give a more user-friendly diagnostic.

>+  template<size_t _Index, typename _Type, size_t _Extent>
>+  struct tuple_element<_Index, ::std::span<_Type, _Extent>>
>+  {
>+    static_assert(_Index < _Extent, "assertion failed: Index is less than Extent");

The compiler will already print "assertion failed" for a failed static
assertion, so this message would mean it's printed twice.

I'd leave the message, and just do static_assert(_Index < _Extent);

I think you also want static_assert(_Extent != dynamic_extent);

>+    using type = typename ::std::span<_Type, _Extent>::element_type;
>+  };
>+  // deduction guides

Please put the deduction guides immediately after the class definition
(that's where we put them for all other types).

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