[Ada] Crash on an aspect specification with parameter associations

Pierre-Marie de Rodat derodat@adacore.com
Mon Sep 25 10:08:00 GMT 2017

This patch fixes a compiler abort in ASIS mode on an aspect specification
whose expression is a function call with parameter associations.

The following must compile quietly:

   gcc -c -gnatct p.adb

with System;
procedure P is
 type T is new Integer;

 package Obj is
    Buf : T := 1234;
 end Obj;

 function Unchecked_Data_Address (Stream : T;
   Current_Read_Position : Boolean := False) return System.Address;

   function Unchecked_Data_Address (Stream : T;
      Current_Read_Position : Boolean := False) return System.Address is
    return Stream'Address;

   Result : constant String (1 .. 10)
     with Address =>
       Unchecked_Data_Address (Obj.Buf, Current_Read_Position => True),
     Import, Convention => Ada;


Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2017-09-25  Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>

	* sem_ch13.adb (Analyze_One_Aspect): In ASIS mode make a full copy of
	the expression to be used in the generated attribute specification
	(rather than relocating it) to avoid resolving a potentially malformed
	tree when the expression is resolved through an ASIS-specific call to
	Resolve_Aspect_Expressions.  This manifests itself as a crash on a
	function with parameter associations.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: sem_ch13.adb
--- sem_ch13.adb	(revision 253141)
+++ sem_ch13.adb	(working copy)
@@ -2264,13 +2264,29 @@
                      end if;
                   end if;
-                  --  Construct the attribute definition clause
+                  --  Construct the attribute_definition_clause. The expression
+                  --  in the aspect specification is simply shared with the
+                  --  constructed attribute, because it will be fully analyzed
+                  --  when the attribute is processed. However, in ASIS mode
+                  --  the aspect expression itself is preanalyzed and resolved
+                  --  to catch visibility errors that are otherwise caught
+                  --  later, and we create a separate copy of the expression
+                  --  to prevent analysis of a malformed tree (e.g. a function
+                  --  call with parameter associations).
-                  Aitem :=
-                    Make_Attribute_Definition_Clause (Loc,
-                      Name       => Ent,
-                      Chars      => Chars (Id),
-                      Expression => Relocate_Node (Expr));
+                  if ASIS_Mode then
+                     Aitem :=
+                       Make_Attribute_Definition_Clause (Loc,
+                         Name       => Ent,
+                         Chars      => Chars (Id),
+                         Expression => New_Copy_Tree (Expr));
+                  else
+                     Aitem :=
+                       Make_Attribute_Definition_Clause (Loc,
+                         Name       => Ent,
+                         Chars      => Chars (Id),
+                         Expression => Relocate_Node (Expr));
+                  end if;
                   --  If the address is specified, then we treat the entity as
                   --  referenced, to avoid spurious warnings. This is analogous

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