[Ada] Confusing warning on finalization actions during elaboration

Pierre-Marie de Rodat derodat@adacore.com
Wed Nov 8 14:01:00 GMT 2017

This patch suppresses warnings concerning potential access-before-elaboration
issues when the warnings originate from finalization actions performed within
an initialization context. Such warnings seem confusing to users because they
are not directly related to source code, but to byproducts of the finalization
model in GNAT. Run time ABE checks are still installed in such cases.

-- Source --

--  pack.ads

with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;

package Pack is
   type Ctrl is new Controlled with null record;

   procedure Finalize (Obj : in out Ctrl);
   procedure Initialize (Obj : in out Ctrl);

   function Elaborator return Boolean;
end Pack;

--  pack.adb

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

package body Pack is
   procedure Initialize (Obj : in out Ctrl) is
      Put_Line ("ini");
      raise Program_Error;
   end Initialize;

   function Elaborator return Boolean is
      Put_Line ("elb");

         Obj : Ctrl;
      begin Put_Line ("ERROR: ABE not detected"); end;

      return True;
      when Program_Error =>
         Put_Line ("OK");
         return True;
   end Elaborator;

   Elab : constant Boolean := Elaborator;

   procedure Finalize (Obj : in out Ctrl) is
      Put_Line ("fin");
   end Finalize;
end Pack;

--  main.adb

with Pack;

procedure Main is begin null; end Main;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gnatmake -q main.adb
$ ./main

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2017-11-08  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>

	* sem_elab.adb (Ensure_Prior_Elaboration): Add new parameter
	In_Partial_Fin along with a comment on its usage. Do not guarantee the
	prior elaboration of a unit when the need came from a partial
	finalization context.
	(In_Initialization_Context): Relocated to Process_Call.
	(Is_Partial_Finalization_Proc): New routine.
	(Process_Access): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along with a comment
	on its usage.
	(Process_Activation_Call): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along with
	a comment on its usage.
	(Process_Activation_Conditional_ABE_Impl): Add new parameter
	In_Partial_Fin along with a comment on its usage. Do not emit any ABE
	diagnostics when the activation occurs in a partial finalization
	(Process_Activation_Guaranteed_ABE_Impl): Add new parameter
	In_Partial_Fin along with a comment on its usage.
	(Process_Call): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along with a comment
	on its usage. A call is within a partial finalization context when it
	targets a finalizer or primitive [Deep_]Finalize, and the call appears
	in initialization actions. Pass this information down to the recursive
	steps of the Processing phase.
	(Process_Call_Ada): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along with a
	comment on its usage. Remove the guard which suppresses the generation
	of implicit Elaborate[_All] pragmas. This is now done in
	(Process_Call_Conditional_ABE): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along
	with a comment on its usage. Do not emit any ABE diagnostics when the
	call occurs in a partial finalization context.
	(Process_Call_SPARK): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along with a
	comment on its usage.
	(Process_Instantiation): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along with a
	comment on its usage.
	(Process_Instantiation_Ada): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along
	with a comment on its usage.
	(Process_Instantiation_Conditional_ABE): Add new parameter
	In_Partial_Fin along with a comment on its usage. Do not emit any ABE
	diagnostics when the instantiation occurs in a partial finalization
	(Process_Instantiation_SPARK): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along
	with a comment on its usage.
	(Process_Scenario): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along  with a
	comment on its usage.
	(Process_Single_Activation): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along
	with a comment on its usage.
	(Traverse_Body): Add new parameter In_Partial_Fin along with a comment
	on its usage.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: sem_elab.adb
--- sem_elab.adb	(revision 254523)
+++ sem_elab.adb	(working copy)
@@ -785,12 +785,15 @@
    --  string " in SPARK" is added to the end of the message.
    procedure Ensure_Prior_Elaboration
-     (N            : Node_Id;
-      Unit_Id      : Entity_Id;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+     (N              : Node_Id;
+      Unit_Id        : Entity_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Guarantee the elaboration of unit Unit_Id with respect to the main unit.
-   --  N denotes the related scenario. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the
-   --  need for elaboration is initiated from a task body.
+   --  N denotes the related scenario. Flag In_Partial_Fin should be set when
+   --  the need for elaboration is initiated by a partial finalization routine.
+   --  Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the need for prior elaboration is
+   --  initiated from a task body.
    procedure Ensure_Prior_Elaboration_Dynamic
      (N        : Node_Id;
@@ -1202,86 +1205,111 @@
    --  Pop the top of the scenario stack. A check is made to ensure that the
    --  scenario being removed is the same as N.
-   procedure Process_Access (Attr : Node_Id; In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+   procedure Process_Access
+     (Attr           : Node_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for 'Access to entry, operator, or
-   --  subprogram denoted by Attr. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the
-   --  processing is initiated from a task body.
+   --  subprogram denoted by Attr. Flag In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when the
+   --  processing is initiated by a partial finalization routine. Flag
+   --  In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is initiated from a task
+   --  body.
       with procedure Process_Single_Activation
-        (Call         : Node_Id;
-         Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-         Obj_Id       : Entity_Id;
-         Task_Attrs   : Task_Attributes;
-         In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+        (Call           : Node_Id;
+         Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+         Obj_Id         : Entity_Id;
+         Task_Attrs     : Task_Attributes;
+         In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+         In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
       --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for task activation call Call
       --  which activates task Obj_Id. Call_Attrs are the attributes of the
       --  activation call. Task_Attrs are the attributes of the task type.
-      --  Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is initiated
-      --  from a task body.
+      --  Flag In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when the processing is initiated
+      --  by a partial finalization routine. Flag In_Task_Body should be set
+      --  when the processing is initiated from a task body.
    procedure Process_Activation_Call
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for activation call Call by invoking
    --  routine Process_Single_Activation on each task object being activated.
-   --  Call_Attrs are the attributes of the activation call. Flag In_Task_Body
-   --  should be set when the processing is initiated from a task body.
+   --  Call_Attrs are the attributes of the activation call. In_Partial_Fin
+   --  shoud be set when the processing is initiated by a partial finalization
+   --  routine. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is started
+   --  from a task body.
    procedure Process_Activation_Conditional_ABE_Impl
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Obj_Id       : Entity_Id;
-      Task_Attrs   : Task_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Obj_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Task_Attrs     : Task_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Perform common conditional ABE checks and diagnostics for call Call
    --  which activates task Obj_Id ignoring the Ada or SPARK rules. CAll_Attrs
    --  are the attributes of the activation call. Task_Attrs are the attributes
-   --  of the task type. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is
-   --  initiated from a task body.
+   --  of the task type. Flag In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when the processing
+   --  is initiated by a partial finalization routine. Flag In_Task_Body should
+   --  be set when the processing is initiated from a task body.
    procedure Process_Activation_Guaranteed_ABE_Impl
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Obj_Id       : Entity_Id;
-      Task_Attrs   : Task_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean);
-   --  Perform common guaranteed ABE checks and diagnostics for call Call
-   --  which activates task Obj_Id ignoring the Ada or SPARK rules. CAll_Attrs
-   --  are the attributes of the activation call. Task_Attrs are the attributes
-   --  of the task type. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is
-   --  initiated from a task body.
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Obj_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Task_Attrs     : Task_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
+   --  Perform common guaranteed ABE checks and diagnostics for call Call which
+   --  activates task Obj_Id ignoring the Ada or SPARK rules. Task_Attrs are
+   --  the attributes of the task type. The following parameters are provided
+   --  for compatibility and are unused.
+   --
+   --    Call_Attrs
+   --    In_Partial_Fin
+   --    In_Task_Body
    procedure Process_Call
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Target_Id    : Entity_Id;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Target_Id      : Entity_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Top-level dispatcher for processing of calls. Perform ABE checks and
    --  diagnostics for call Call which invokes target Target_Id. Call_Attrs
-   --  are the attributes of the call. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when
-   --  the processing is initiated from a task body.
+   --  are the attributes of the call. Flag In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when
+   --  the processing is initiated by a partial finalization routine. Flag
+   --  In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is started from a task
+   --  body.
    procedure Process_Call_Ada
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Target_Id    : Entity_Id;
-      Target_Attrs : Target_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Target_Id      : Entity_Id;
+      Target_Attrs   : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for call Call which invokes target
    --  Target_Id using the Ada rules. Call_Attrs are the attributes of the
-   --  call. Target_Attrs are attributes of the target. Flag In_Task_Body
-   --  should be set when the processing is initiated from a task body.
+   --  call. Target_Attrs are attributes of the target. Flag In_Partial_Fin
+   --  shoud be set when the processing is initiated by a partial finalization
+   --  routine. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is started
+   --  from a task body.
    procedure Process_Call_Conditional_ABE
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Target_Id    : Entity_Id;
-      Target_Attrs : Target_Attributes);
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Target_Id      : Entity_Id;
+      Target_Attrs   : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean);
    --  Perform common conditional ABE checks and diagnostics for call Call that
    --  invokes target Target_Id ignoring the Ada or SPARK rules. Call_Attrs are
    --  the attributes of the call. Target_Attrs are attributes of the target.
+   --  Flag In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when the processing is initiated by a
+   --  partial finalization routine.
    procedure Process_Call_Guaranteed_ABE
      (Call       : Node_Id;
@@ -1292,49 +1320,59 @@
    --  the attributes of the call.
    procedure Process_Call_SPARK
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Target_Id    : Entity_Id;
-      Target_Attrs : Target_Attributes);
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Target_Id      : Entity_Id;
+      Target_Attrs   : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean);
    --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for call Call which invokes target
    --  Target_Id using the SPARK rules. Call_Attrs are the attributes of the
-   --  call. Target_Attrs are attributes of the target.
+   --  call. Target_Attrs are attributes of the target. Flag In_Partial_Fin
+   --  shoud be set when the processing is initiated by a partial finalization
+   --  routine.
    procedure Process_Guaranteed_ABE (N : Node_Id);
    --  Top level dispatcher for processing of scenarios which result in a
    --  guaranteed ABE.
    procedure Process_Instantiation
-     (Exp_Inst     : Node_Id;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+     (Exp_Inst       : Node_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Top level dispatcher for processing of instantiations. Perform ABE
    --  checks and diagnostics for expanded instantiation Exp_Inst. Flag
-   --  In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is initiated from a
-   --  task body.
+   --  In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when the processing is initiated by a
+   --  partial finalization routine. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when
+   --  the processing is initiated from a task body.
    procedure Process_Instantiation_Ada
-     (Exp_Inst     : Node_Id;
-      Inst         : Node_Id;
-      Inst_Attrs   : Instantiation_Attributes;
-      Gen_Id       : Entity_Id;
-      Gen_Attrs    : Target_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+     (Exp_Inst       : Node_Id;
+      Inst           : Node_Id;
+      Inst_Attrs     : Instantiation_Attributes;
+      Gen_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Gen_Attrs      : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for expanded instantiation Exp_Inst
    --  of generic Gen_Id using the Ada rules. Inst is the instantiation node.
-   --  Inst_Attrs are the attributes of the instance. Gen_Attrs are the
-   --  attributes of the generic. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the
-   --  processing is initiated from a task body.
+   --  Inst_Attrs are the attributes of the instance. Gen_Attrs denotes the
+   --  attributes of the generic. Flag In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when the
+   --  processing is initiated by a partial finalization routine. In_Task_Body
+   --  should be set when the processing is initiated from a task body.
    procedure Process_Instantiation_Conditional_ABE
-     (Exp_Inst   : Node_Id;
-      Inst       : Node_Id;
-      Inst_Attrs : Instantiation_Attributes;
-      Gen_Id     : Entity_Id;
-      Gen_Attrs  : Target_Attributes);
+     (Exp_Inst       : Node_Id;
+      Inst           : Node_Id;
+      Inst_Attrs     : Instantiation_Attributes;
+      Gen_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Gen_Attrs      : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean);
    --  Perform common conditional ABE checks and diagnostics for expanded
    --  instantiation Exp_Inst of generic Gen_Id ignoring the Ada or SPARK
    --  rules. Inst is the instantiation node. Inst_Attrs are the attributes
-   --  of the instance. Gen_Attrs are the attributes of the generic.
+   --  of the instance. Gen_Attrs are the attributes of the generic. Flag
+   --  In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when the processing is initiated by a
+   --  partial finalization routine.
    procedure Process_Instantiation_Guaranteed_ABE (Exp_Inst : Node_Id);
    --  Perform common guaranteed ABE checks and diagnostics for expanded
@@ -1342,20 +1380,27 @@
    --  rules.
    procedure Process_Instantiation_SPARK
-     (Exp_Inst   : Node_Id;
-      Inst       : Node_Id;
-      Inst_Attrs : Instantiation_Attributes;
-      Gen_Id     : Entity_Id;
-      Gen_Attrs  : Target_Attributes);
+     (Exp_Inst       : Node_Id;
+      Inst           : Node_Id;
+      Inst_Attrs     : Instantiation_Attributes;
+      Gen_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Gen_Attrs      : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean);
    --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for expanded instantiation Exp_Inst
    --  of generic Gen_Id using the SPARK rules. Inst is the instantiation node.
-   --  Inst_Attrs are the attributes of the instance. Gen_Attrs are the
-   --  attributes of the generic.
+   --  Inst_Attrs are the attributes of the instance. Gen_Attrs denotes the
+   --  attributes of the generic. Flag In_Partial_Fin shoud be set when the
+   --  processing is initiated by a partial finalization routine.
-   procedure Process_Scenario (N : Node_Id; In_Task_Body : Boolean := False);
+   procedure Process_Scenario
+     (N              : Node_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean := False;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean := False);
    --  Top level dispatcher for processing of various elaboration scenarios.
-   --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for scenario N. Flag In_Task_Body
-   --  should be set when the processing is initiated from a task body.
+   --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for scenario N. Flag In_Partial_Fin
+   --  shoud be set when the processing is initiated by a partial finalization
+   --  routine. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the processing is started
+   --  from a task body.
    procedure Process_Variable_Assignment (Asmt : Node_Id);
    --  Top level dispatcher for processing of variable assignments. Perform ABE
@@ -1391,10 +1436,15 @@
    pragma Inline (Static_Elaboration_Checks);
    --  Determine whether the static model is in effect
-   procedure Traverse_Body (N : Node_Id; In_Task_Body : Boolean);
+   procedure Traverse_Body
+     (N              : Node_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean);
    --  Inspect the declarations and statements of subprogram body N for
-   --  suitable elaboration scenarios and process them. Flag In_Task_Body
-   --  should be set when the traversal is initiated from a task body.
+   --  suitable elaboration scenarios and process them. Flag In_Partial_Fin
+   --  shoud be set when the processing is initiated by a partial finalization
+   --  routine. Flag In_Task_Body should be set when the traversal is initiated
+   --  from a task body.
    procedure Update_Elaboration_Scenario (New_N : Node_Id; Old_N : Node_Id);
    pragma Inline (Update_Elaboration_Scenario);
@@ -1996,9 +2046,10 @@
    procedure Ensure_Prior_Elaboration
-     (N            : Node_Id;
-      Unit_Id      : Entity_Id;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean)
+     (N              : Node_Id;
+      Unit_Id        : Entity_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
       Prag_Nam : Name_Id;
@@ -2035,11 +2086,18 @@
          Prag_Nam := Name_Elaborate_All;
       end if;
+      --  Nothing to do when the need for prior elaboration came from a partial
+      --  finalization routine which occurs in an initialization context. This
+      --  behaviour parallels that of the old ABE mechanism.
+      if In_Partial_Fin then
+         return;
       --  Nothing to do when the need for prior elaboration came from a task
       --  body and switch -gnatd.y (disable implicit pragma Elaborate_All on
       --  task bodies) is in effect.
-      if Debug_Flag_Dot_Y and then In_Task_Body then
+      elsif Debug_Flag_Dot_Y and then In_Task_Body then
       --  Nothing to do when the unit is elaborated prior to the main unit.
@@ -6253,7 +6311,11 @@
    -- Process_Access --
-   procedure Process_Access (Attr : Node_Id; In_Task_Body : Boolean) is
+   procedure Process_Access
+     (Attr           : Node_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
+   is
       function Build_Access_Marker (Target_Id : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
       pragma Inline (Build_Access_Marker);
       --  Create a suitable call marker which invokes target Target_Id
@@ -6340,17 +6402,19 @@
       if Debug_Flag_Dot_O then
-           (N            => Build_Access_Marker (Target_Id),
-            In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+           (N              => Build_Access_Marker (Target_Id),
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+            In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
       --  Otherwise ensure that the unit with the corresponding body is
       --  elaborated prior to the main unit.
-           (N            => Attr,
-            Unit_Id      => Target_Attrs.Unit_Id,
-            In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+           (N              => Attr,
+            Unit_Id        => Target_Attrs.Unit_Id,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+            In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
       end if;
    end Process_Access;
@@ -6359,9 +6423,10 @@
    procedure Process_Activation_Call
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean)
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
       procedure Process_Task_Object (Obj_Id : Entity_Id; Typ : Entity_Id);
       --  Perform ABE checks and diagnostics for object Obj_Id with type Typ.
@@ -6389,11 +6454,12 @@
                Attrs => Task_Attrs);
-              (Call         => Call,
-               Call_Attrs   => Call_Attrs,
-               Obj_Id       => Obj_Id,
-               Task_Attrs   => Task_Attrs,
-               In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+              (Call           => Call,
+               Call_Attrs     => Call_Attrs,
+               Obj_Id         => Obj_Id,
+               Task_Attrs     => Task_Attrs,
+               In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+               In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
          --  Examine the component type when the object is an array
@@ -6507,11 +6573,12 @@
    procedure Process_Activation_Conditional_ABE_Impl
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Obj_Id       : Entity_Id;
-      Task_Attrs   : Task_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean)
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Obj_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Task_Attrs     : Task_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
       Check_OK : constant Boolean :=
                    not Is_Ignored_Ghost_Entity (Obj_Id)
@@ -6650,12 +6717,19 @@
          if Earlier_In_Extended_Unit (Root, Task_Attrs.Body_Decl) then
+            --  Do not emit any ABE diagnostics when the activation occurs in
+            --  a partial finalization context because this leads to confusing
+            --  noise.
+            if In_Partial_Fin then
+               null;
             --  ABE diagnostics are emitted only in the static model because
             --  there is a well-defined order to visiting scenarios. Without
             --  this order diagnostics appear jumbled and result in unwanted
             --  noise.
-            if Static_Elaboration_Checks then
+            elsif Static_Elaboration_Checks then
                Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Call);
                  ("??task & will be activated # before elaboration of its "
@@ -6707,12 +6781,16 @@
-           (N            => Call,
-            Unit_Id      => Task_Attrs.Unit_Id,
-            In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+           (N              => Call,
+            Unit_Id        => Task_Attrs.Unit_Id,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+            In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
       end if;
-      Traverse_Body (Task_Attrs.Body_Decl, In_Task_Body => True);
+      Traverse_Body
+        (N              => Task_Attrs.Body_Decl,
+         In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+         In_Task_Body   => True);
    end Process_Activation_Conditional_ABE_Impl;
    procedure Process_Activation_Conditional_ABE is
@@ -6723,13 +6801,15 @@
    procedure Process_Activation_Guaranteed_ABE_Impl
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Obj_Id       : Entity_Id;
-      Task_Attrs   : Task_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean)
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Obj_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Task_Attrs     : Task_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
       pragma Unreferenced (Call_Attrs);
+      pragma Unreferenced (In_Partial_Fin);
       pragma Unreferenced (In_Task_Body);
       Check_OK : constant Boolean :=
@@ -6868,19 +6948,108 @@
    procedure Process_Call
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Target_Id    : Entity_Id;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean)
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Target_Id      : Entity_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
+      function In_Initialization_Context (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+      --  Determine whether arbitrary node N appears within a type init proc,
+      --  primitive [Deep_]Initialize, or a block created for initialization
+      --  purposes.
+      function Is_Partial_Finalization_Proc return Boolean;
+      pragma Inline (Is_Partial_Finalization_Proc);
+      --  Determine whether call Call with target Target_Id invokes a partial
+      --  finalization procedure.
+      -------------------------------
+      -- In_Initialization_Context --
+      -------------------------------
+      function In_Initialization_Context (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+         Par     : Node_Id;
+         Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
+      begin
+         --  Climb the parent chain looking for initialization actions
+         Par := Parent (N);
+         while Present (Par) loop
+            --  A block may be part of the initialization actions of a default
+            --  initialized object.
+            if Nkind (Par) = N_Block_Statement
+              and then Is_Initialization_Block (Par)
+            then
+               return True;
+            --  A subprogram body may denote an initialization routine
+            elsif Nkind (Par) = N_Subprogram_Body then
+               Spec_Id := Unique_Defining_Entity (Par);
+               --  The current subprogram body denotes a type init proc or
+               --  primitive [Deep_]Initialize.
+               if Is_Init_Proc (Spec_Id)
+                 or else Is_Controlled_Proc (Spec_Id, Name_Initialize)
+                 or else Is_TSS (Spec_Id, TSS_Deep_Initialize)
+               then
+                  return True;
+               end if;
+            --  Prevent the search from going too far
+            elsif Is_Body_Or_Package_Declaration (Par) then
+               exit;
+            end if;
+            Par := Parent (Par);
+         end loop;
+         return False;
+      end In_Initialization_Context;
+      ----------------------------------
+      -- Is_Partial_Finalization_Proc --
+      ----------------------------------
+      function Is_Partial_Finalization_Proc return Boolean is
+      begin
+         --  To qualify, the target must denote primitive [Deep_]Finalize or a
+         --  finalizer procedure, and the call must appear in an initialization
+         --  context.
+         return
+           (Is_Controlled_Proc (Target_Id, Name_Finalize)
+              or else Is_Finalizer_Proc (Target_Id)
+              or else Is_TSS (Target_Id, TSS_Deep_Finalize))
+            and then In_Initialization_Context (Call);
+      end Is_Partial_Finalization_Proc;
+      --  Local variables
+      Partial_Fin_On : Boolean;
       SPARK_Rules_On : Boolean;
       Target_Attrs   : Target_Attributes;
+   --  Start of processing for Process_Call
         (Target_Id => Target_Id,
          Attrs     => Target_Attrs);
+      --  The call occurs in a partial finalization context when a prior
+      --  scenario is already in that mode, or when the target denotes a
+      --  [Deep_]Finalize primitive or a finalizer within an initialization
+      --  context.
+      Partial_Fin_On := In_Partial_Fin or else Is_Partial_Finalization_Proc;
       --  The SPARK rules are in effect when both the call and target are
       --  subject to SPARK_Mode On.
@@ -6954,28 +7123,30 @@
       elsif SPARK_Rules_On and Debug_Flag_Dot_V then
-           (Call         => Call,
-            Call_Attrs   => Call_Attrs,
-            Target_Id    => Target_Id,
-            Target_Attrs => Target_Attrs);
+           (Call           => Call,
+            Call_Attrs     => Call_Attrs,
+            Target_Id      => Target_Id,
+            Target_Attrs   => Target_Attrs,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin);
       --  Otherwise the Ada rules are in effect, or SPARK code is allowed to
       --  violate the SPARK rules.
-           (Call         => Call,
-            Call_Attrs   => Call_Attrs,
-            Target_Id    => Target_Id,
-            Target_Attrs => Target_Attrs,
-            In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+           (Call           => Call,
+            Call_Attrs     => Call_Attrs,
+            Target_Id      => Target_Id,
+            Target_Attrs   => Target_Attrs,
+            In_Partial_Fin => Partial_Fin_On,
+            In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
       end if;
       --  Inspect the target body (and barried function) for other suitable
       --  elaboration scenarios.
-      Traverse_Body (Target_Attrs.Body_Barf, In_Task_Body);
-      Traverse_Body (Target_Attrs.Body_Decl, In_Task_Body);
+      Traverse_Body (Target_Attrs.Body_Barf, Partial_Fin_On, In_Task_Body);
+      Traverse_Body (Target_Attrs.Body_Decl, Partial_Fin_On, In_Task_Body);
    end Process_Call;
@@ -6983,67 +7154,13 @@
    procedure Process_Call_Ada
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Target_Id    : Entity_Id;
-      Target_Attrs : Target_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean)
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Target_Id      : Entity_Id;
+      Target_Attrs   : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
-      function In_Initialization_Context (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-      --  Determine whether arbitrary node N appears within a type init proc or
-      --  primitive [Deep_]Initialize.
-      -------------------------------
-      -- In_Initialization_Context --
-      -------------------------------
-      function In_Initialization_Context (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-         Par     : Node_Id;
-         Spec_Id : Entity_Id;
-      begin
-         --  Climb the parent chain looking for initialization actions
-         Par := Parent (N);
-         while Present (Par) loop
-            --  A block may be part of the initialization actions of a default
-            --  initialized object.
-            if Nkind (Par) = N_Block_Statement
-              and then Is_Initialization_Block (Par)
-            then
-               return True;
-            --  A subprogram body may denote an initialization routine
-            elsif Nkind (Par) = N_Subprogram_Body then
-               Spec_Id := Unique_Defining_Entity (Par);
-               --  The current subprogram body denotes a type init proc or
-               --  primitive [Deep_]Initialize.
-               if Is_Init_Proc (Spec_Id)
-                 or else Is_Controlled_Proc (Spec_Id, Name_Initialize)
-                 or else Is_TSS (Spec_Id, TSS_Deep_Initialize)
-               then
-                  return True;
-               end if;
-            --  Prevent the search from going too far
-            elsif Is_Body_Or_Package_Declaration (Par) then
-               exit;
-            end if;
-            Par := Parent (Par);
-         end loop;
-         return False;
-      end In_Initialization_Context;
-      --  Local variables
       Check_OK : constant Boolean :=
                    not Call_Attrs.Ghost_Mode_Ignore
                      and then not Target_Attrs.Ghost_Mode_Ignore
@@ -7053,8 +7170,6 @@
       --  target have active elaboration checks, and both are not ignored Ghost
       --  constructs.
-   --  Start of processing for Process_Call_Ada
       --  Nothing to do for an Ada dispatching call because there are no ABE
       --  diagnostics for either models. ABE checks for the dynamic model are
@@ -7088,10 +7203,11 @@
         and then In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Target_Attrs.Body_Decl)
-           (Call         => Call,
-            Call_Attrs   => Call_Attrs,
-            Target_Id    => Target_Id,
-            Target_Attrs => Target_Attrs);
+           (Call           => Call,
+            Call_Attrs     => Call_Attrs,
+            Target_Id      => Target_Id,
+            Target_Attrs   => Target_Attrs,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin);
       --  Otherwise the target body is not available in this compilation or it
       --  resides in an external unit. Install a run-time ABE check to verify
@@ -7105,35 +7221,17 @@
             Id      => Target_Attrs.Unit_Id);
       end if;
-      --  No implicit pragma Elaborate[_All] is generated when the call has
-      --  elaboration checks suppressed. This behaviour parallels that of the
-      --  old ABE mechanism.
+      --  Ensure that the unit with the target body is elaborated prior to the
+      --  main unit. The implicit Elaborate[_All] is generated only when the
+      --  call has elaboration checks enabled. This behaviour parallels that of
+      --  the old ABE mechanism.
-      if not Call_Attrs.Elab_Checks_OK then
-         null;
-      --  No implicit pragma Elaborate[_All] is generated for finalization
-      --  actions when primitive [Deep_]Finalize is not defined in the main
-      --  unit and the call appears within some initialization actions. This
-      --  behaviour parallels that of the old ABE mechanism.
-      --  Performance note: parent traversal
-      elsif (Is_Controlled_Proc (Target_Id, Name_Finalize)
-              or else Is_TSS (Target_Id, TSS_Deep_Finalize))
-        and then not In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Target_Attrs.Spec_Decl)
-        and then In_Initialization_Context (Call)
-      then
-         null;
-      --  Otherwise ensure that the unit with the target body is elaborated
-      --  prior to the main unit.
-      else
+      if Call_Attrs.Elab_Checks_OK then
-           (N            => Call,
-            Unit_Id      => Target_Attrs.Unit_Id,
-            In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+           (N              => Call,
+            Unit_Id        => Target_Attrs.Unit_Id,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+            In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
       end if;
    end Process_Call_Ada;
@@ -7142,10 +7240,11 @@
    procedure Process_Call_Conditional_ABE
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Target_Id    : Entity_Id;
-      Target_Attrs : Target_Attributes)
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Target_Id      : Entity_Id;
+      Target_Attrs   : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean)
       Check_OK : constant Boolean :=
                    not Call_Attrs.Ghost_Mode_Ignore
@@ -7186,11 +7285,17 @@
       if Earlier_In_Extended_Unit (Root, Target_Attrs.Body_Decl) then
+         --  Do not emit any ABE diagnostics when the call occurs in a partial
+         --  finalization context because this leads to confusing noise.
+         if In_Partial_Fin then
+            null;
          --  ABE diagnostics are emitted only in the static model because there
          --  is a well-defined order to visiting scenarios. Without this order
          --  diagnostics appear jumbled and result in unwanted noise.
-         if Static_Elaboration_Checks then
+         elsif Static_Elaboration_Checks then
             Error_Msg_NE ("??cannot call & before body seen", Call, Target_Id);
             Error_Msg_N ("\Program_Error may be raised at run time", Call);
@@ -7329,10 +7434,11 @@
    procedure Process_Call_SPARK
-     (Call         : Node_Id;
-      Call_Attrs   : Call_Attributes;
-      Target_Id    : Entity_Id;
-      Target_Attrs : Target_Attributes)
+     (Call           : Node_Id;
+      Call_Attrs     : Call_Attributes;
+      Target_Id      : Entity_Id;
+      Target_Attrs   : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean)
       --  A call to a source target or to a target which emulates Ada or SPARK
@@ -7376,10 +7482,11 @@
         and then In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Target_Attrs.Body_Decl)
-           (Call         => Call,
-            Call_Attrs   => Call_Attrs,
-            Target_Id    => Target_Id,
-            Target_Attrs => Target_Attrs);
+           (Call           => Call,
+            Call_Attrs     => Call_Attrs,
+            Target_Id      => Target_Id,
+            Target_Attrs   => Target_Attrs,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin);
       --  Otherwise the target body is not available in this compilation or it
       --  resides in an external unit. There is no need to guarantee the prior
@@ -7416,9 +7523,10 @@
          if Is_Activation_Proc (Target_Id) then
-              (Call         => N,
-               Call_Attrs   => Call_Attrs,
-               In_Task_Body => False);
+              (Call           => N,
+               Call_Attrs     => Call_Attrs,
+               In_Partial_Fin => False,
+               In_Task_Body   => False);
@@ -7442,8 +7550,9 @@
    procedure Process_Instantiation
-     (Exp_Inst     : Node_Id;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean)
+     (Exp_Inst       : Node_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
       Gen_Attrs  : Target_Attributes;
       Gen_Id     : Entity_Id;
@@ -7524,23 +7633,25 @@
       elsif SPARK_Rules_On and Debug_Flag_Dot_V then
-           (Exp_Inst   => Exp_Inst,
-            Inst       => Inst,
-            Inst_Attrs => Inst_Attrs,
-            Gen_Id     => Gen_Id,
-            Gen_Attrs  => Gen_Attrs);
+           (Exp_Inst       => Exp_Inst,
+            Inst           => Inst,
+            Inst_Attrs     => Inst_Attrs,
+            Gen_Id         => Gen_Id,
+            Gen_Attrs      => Gen_Attrs,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin);
       --  Otherwise the Ada rules are in effect, or SPARK code is allowed to
       --  violate the SPARK rules.
-           (Exp_Inst     => Exp_Inst,
-            Inst         => Inst,
-            Inst_Attrs   => Inst_Attrs,
-            Gen_Id       => Gen_Id,
-            Gen_Attrs    => Gen_Attrs,
-            In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+           (Exp_Inst       => Exp_Inst,
+            Inst           => Inst,
+            Inst_Attrs     => Inst_Attrs,
+            Gen_Id         => Gen_Id,
+            Gen_Attrs      => Gen_Attrs,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+            In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
       end if;
    end Process_Instantiation;
@@ -7549,12 +7660,13 @@
    procedure Process_Instantiation_Ada
-     (Exp_Inst     : Node_Id;
-      Inst         : Node_Id;
-      Inst_Attrs   : Instantiation_Attributes;
-      Gen_Id       : Entity_Id;
-      Gen_Attrs    : Target_Attributes;
-      In_Task_Body : Boolean)
+     (Exp_Inst       : Node_Id;
+      Inst           : Node_Id;
+      Inst_Attrs     : Instantiation_Attributes;
+      Gen_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Gen_Attrs      : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
       Check_OK : constant Boolean :=
                    not Inst_Attrs.Ghost_Mode_Ignore
@@ -7591,11 +7703,12 @@
         and then In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Gen_Attrs.Body_Decl)
-           (Exp_Inst   => Exp_Inst,
-            Inst       => Inst,
-            Inst_Attrs => Inst_Attrs,
-            Gen_Id     => Gen_Id,
-            Gen_Attrs  => Gen_Attrs);
+           (Exp_Inst       => Exp_Inst,
+            Inst           => Inst,
+            Inst_Attrs     => Inst_Attrs,
+            Gen_Id         => Gen_Id,
+            Gen_Attrs      => Gen_Attrs,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin);
       --  Otherwise the generic body is not available in this compilation or it
       --  resides in an external unit. Install a run-time ABE check to verify
@@ -7616,9 +7729,10 @@
       if Inst_Attrs.Elab_Checks_OK then
-           (N            => Inst,
-            Unit_Id      => Gen_Attrs.Unit_Id,
-            In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+           (N              => Inst,
+            Unit_Id        => Gen_Attrs.Unit_Id,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+            In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
       end if;
    end Process_Instantiation_Ada;
@@ -7627,11 +7741,12 @@
    procedure Process_Instantiation_Conditional_ABE
-     (Exp_Inst   : Node_Id;
-      Inst       : Node_Id;
-      Inst_Attrs : Instantiation_Attributes;
-      Gen_Id     : Entity_Id;
-      Gen_Attrs  : Target_Attributes)
+     (Exp_Inst       : Node_Id;
+      Inst           : Node_Id;
+      Inst_Attrs     : Instantiation_Attributes;
+      Gen_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Gen_Attrs      : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean)
       Check_OK : constant Boolean :=
                    not Inst_Attrs.Ghost_Mode_Ignore
@@ -7676,11 +7791,17 @@
       if Earlier_In_Extended_Unit (Root, Gen_Attrs.Body_Decl) then
+         --  Do not emit any ABE diagnostics when the instantiation occurs in a
+         --  partial finalization context because this leads to unwanted noise.
+         if In_Partial_Fin then
+            null;
          --  ABE diagnostics are emitted only in the static model because there
          --  is a well-defined order to visiting scenarios. Without this order
          --  diagnostics appear jumbled and result in unwanted noise.
-         if Static_Elaboration_Checks then
+         elsif Static_Elaboration_Checks then
               ("??cannot instantiate & before body seen", Inst, Gen_Id);
             Error_Msg_N ("\Program_Error may be raised at run time", Inst);
@@ -7832,11 +7953,12 @@
    procedure Process_Instantiation_SPARK
-     (Exp_Inst   : Node_Id;
-      Inst       : Node_Id;
-      Inst_Attrs : Instantiation_Attributes;
-      Gen_Id     : Entity_Id;
-      Gen_Attrs  : Target_Attributes)
+     (Exp_Inst       : Node_Id;
+      Inst           : Node_Id;
+      Inst_Attrs     : Instantiation_Attributes;
+      Gen_Id         : Entity_Id;
+      Gen_Attrs      : Target_Attributes;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean)
       Req_Nam : Name_Id;
@@ -7882,11 +8004,12 @@
         and then In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Gen_Attrs.Body_Decl)
-           (Exp_Inst   => Exp_Inst,
-            Inst       => Inst,
-            Inst_Attrs => Inst_Attrs,
-            Gen_Id     => Gen_Id,
-            Gen_Attrs  => Gen_Attrs);
+           (Exp_Inst       => Exp_Inst,
+            Inst           => Inst,
+            Inst_Attrs     => Inst_Attrs,
+            Gen_Id         => Gen_Id,
+            Gen_Attrs      => Gen_Attrs,
+            In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin);
       --  Otherwise the generic body is not available in this compilation or
       --  it resides in an external unit. There is no need to guarantee the
@@ -8086,7 +8209,11 @@
    -- Process_Scenario --
-   procedure Process_Scenario (N : Node_Id; In_Task_Body : Boolean := False) is
+   procedure Process_Scenario
+     (N              : Node_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean := False;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean := False)
+   is
       Call_Attrs : Call_Attributes;
       Target_Id  : Entity_Id;
@@ -8098,7 +8225,7 @@
       --  'Access
       if Is_Suitable_Access (N) then
-         Process_Access (N, In_Task_Body);
+         Process_Access (N, In_Partial_Fin, In_Task_Body);
       --  Calls
@@ -8119,23 +8246,25 @@
             if Is_Activation_Proc (Target_Id) then
-                 (Call         => N,
-                  Call_Attrs   => Call_Attrs,
-                  In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+                 (Call           => N,
+                  Call_Attrs     => Call_Attrs,
+                  In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+                  In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
-                 (Call         => N,
-                  Call_Attrs   => Call_Attrs,
-                  Target_Id    => Target_Id,
-                  In_Task_Body => In_Task_Body);
+                 (Call           => N,
+                  Call_Attrs     => Call_Attrs,
+                  Target_Id      => Target_Id,
+                  In_Partial_Fin => In_Partial_Fin,
+                  In_Task_Body   => In_Task_Body);
             end if;
          end if;
       --  Instantiations
       elsif Is_Suitable_Instantiation (N) then
-         Process_Instantiation (N, In_Task_Body);
+         Process_Instantiation (N, In_Partial_Fin, In_Task_Body);
       --  Variable assignments
@@ -8328,7 +8457,11 @@
    -- Traverse_Body --
-   procedure Traverse_Body (N : Node_Id; In_Task_Body : Boolean) is
+   procedure Traverse_Body
+     (N              : Node_Id;
+      In_Partial_Fin : Boolean;
+      In_Task_Body   : Boolean)
+   is
       function Is_Potential_Scenario (Nod : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
       --  Determine whether arbitrary node Nod denotes a suitable scenario and
       --  if so, process it.
@@ -8387,7 +8520,7 @@
          --  General case
          elsif Is_Suitable_Scenario (Nod) then
-            Process_Scenario (Nod, In_Task_Body);
+            Process_Scenario (Nod, In_Partial_Fin, In_Task_Body);
          end if;
          return OK;

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