[PATCH fix PR71767 2/4 : Darwin configury] Arrange for ld64 to be detected as Darwin's linker

Jeff Law law@redhat.com
Thu Nov 17 21:20:00 GMT 2016

On 11/08/2016 05:49 PM, Iain Sandoe wrote:
>> On 8 Nov 2016, at 13:39, Mike Stump <mikestump@comcast.net> wrote:
>> On Nov 8, 2016, at 1:05 PM, Iain Sandoe <Iain_Sandoe@mentor.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Simple for the simple case is already part of my patch, but
>>> capability for the expert and non-simple case is also present,
>> I'm trying to ask a specific question, what does the patch allow
>> that can't be done otherwise?  Kinda a trivial question, and I
>> don't see any answer.
>> I'm not looking for, it allows it to work, or it makes the expert
>> case work.  I'm look for the specific question, and the specific
>> information you want, and why ld -v doesn't get it.
> ld -v gets it when you can execute ld. It doesn’t get it when the
> $host ld is not executable on $build.

> Providing the option to give the version allows that without
> requiring the complexity of other (possibly valid) solutions.  If you
> know that you’re building (my patched) ld64-253.9 for powerpc-darwin9
> (crossed from x86-64-darwin14) it’s easy, just put —with-ld64=253.9
> ..
> I think we’ve debated this enough - I’m OK with keeping my extra
> facility locally and will resubmit the patch with it removed in due
> course, Iain
Your call. But ISTM the ability to specify the linker version or even 
better, its behaviour is a notable improvement for these crosses.


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