[MIPS r5900] libgcc floating point fixes

Woon yung Liu ysai187@yahoo.com
Tue Feb 23 01:18:00 GMT 2016


Bump! Sorry, but could I please get an answer? I'm willing to update the patch without credit, if necessary.
The patch is working for the R5900 hard-fp mode. I've also used the same, patched copy of GCC, to build the toolchain for the IOP (MIPS R3000A, 32-bit MIPS I with no FPU) and it also builds correctly.

If I should be writing to someone else specifically, could someone please tell me who I should be writing to instead?

Thanks and regards,
-W Y

On Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:41 PM, Woon yung Liu <ysai187@yahoo.com> wrote:

I refer to the previous message by Juergen, regarding his patch to libgcc.

As of now, libgcc (of GCC v5.3.0) still has the problem of building support for both soft and hard floats, when there is no support for hard floats by the R5900 (and hence resulting in the generation of recursive functions like extendsfdf2).

That patch doesn't seem to have been committed. I would very much like to help to see it get committed because GCC's support for the R5900 is currently not suitable for PlayStation 2 development; software-floating point emulation is severely detrimental to performance.
What else needs to be done first, before it can be accepted?

Thanks and regards,
-W Y

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