[PATCH] Optional escaped commas in macros

Daniel Gutson daniel.gutson@tallertechnologies.com
Wed Oct 28 15:30:00 GMT 2015

On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 11:58 AM, Joseph Myers <joseph@codesourcery.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Oct 2015, Daniel Gutson wrote:
>> I presented the issue in the WG21 std-proposal mailing list and the general
>> consensus was that I should ask WG14 first. The problem is that this issue
>> is C++ only so I'm kind of stuck. Anyway I already asked the convener about
>> this (David Keaton) and I'm waiting for his answer. I don't know another way
>> to raise the issue in WG14 since I'm not attending the Kona meeting. Are you a
>> member of the WG14 committee?
> * Write a document explaining the issue, including proposed C standard
> text to define the semantics unambiguously and examples that would be
> added to the standard.
> * Obtain a document number from Dan Plakosh, insert it in the document and
> send it to him.  See <http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/13410> for
> detailed instructions on submitting documents to WG14.
> * It may be helpful to attend the following WG14 meeting where the
> document is discussed.
> * Repeat as needed taking account of feedback.  If the initial submission
> is while there isn't an active C standard revision underway, you'll need
> to resubmit when the C standard is open for proposed changes for the next
> revision.

OK, thanks for all the information.

>> Considering that this is an opt-in feature controlled by a command line flag,
>> couldn't be just another GNU extension meanwhile? The issue is relevant in C++.
> We'd still need to be confident we have good semantics that are worth
> supporting long-term.  I don't have that confidence at present.
> --
> Joseph S. Myers
> joseph@codesourcery.com


Daniel F. Gutson
Chief Engineering Officer, SPD

San Lorenzo 47, 3rd Floor, Office 5
Córdoba, Argentina

Phone:   +54 351 4217888 / +54 351 4218211
Skype:    dgutson
LinkedIn: http://ar.linkedin.com/in/danielgutson

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