[patch 4/3] Header file reduction - Tools for contrib - second cut

Andrew MacLeod amacleod@redhat.com
Tue Nov 3 14:19:00 GMT 2015

On 11/03/2015 09:00 AM, Jeff Law wrote:
>> yeah, the reducer still needs some tweaks to be generally runnable I
>> think.   IN particular, how to deal with externally supplied macros it
>> cant really see.  Im still thinking about that one.
> Well, the solution is obvious, we continue the move away from 
> conditionally compiled code so that those macros don't matter in the 
> end :-)
yeah but in the meantime its an issue.   I *think* I can simply provide 
to tool with a set of macros to define on the build command whenever it 
tries building a file..    we'll see.

  It should also be possible to extract, after reduction, a list of 
macros that were used in the source file in conditional compilation, but 
which never saw a definition in any of the files.     THat could also be 
useful information.  IN fact, that could be a stand alone analysis 
pretty easily I think...
>>> Which reminds me, you ought to add a VMS target to your tests.  The
>>> reducer botched vmsdbgout.c.
>> Thats one of the reasons vmsdbgout.c wasn't in the list of things I
>> reduced :-)
> Ahem, but vmsdbgout.c was part of the commit on Friday...

ahh opps. it snuck back in over time :-P  sorry.

>> back to reordering...  the gen files are a bit of a pain too because of
>> the rtl.h conditional inclusions.. which I never really found a good
>> solution for...   maybe we should have a brtl.h which is used in concert
>> with any source which uses bconfig.h.. brtl.h could verifies bconfig.h
>> has been included and then includes those headers it needs, followed by
>> rtl.h itself.. and the tool could confirm the right pairing of
>> config.h/rtl.h  bconfig.h/brtl.h   is used.   hmm.
> I think initially we could blacklist the gen* files.  I'm less 
> concerned about the generators than I am the compiler proper.
yeah, its just annoying from a more abstract level (and results from a 
few of the tools)  for rtl.h to have to conditionally include a bunch of 
stuff provided by coretypes.h.

> jeff

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