[PATCH] update_web_docs_svn: support the JIT docs (PR jit/64257)

Gerald Pfeifer gerald@pfeifer.com
Mon Jan 26 12:36:00 GMT 2015

On Friday 2015-01-23 17:44, David Malcolm wrote:
> The following patch builds and installs the JIT documentation for
> the website (just HTML for now).
> It's tricky to test (I don't have a copy of /www/gcc/bin/preprocess),
> but I was able to use this to generate sane-looking documentation,
> both for the .texi files, and for the JIT documentation.

You can easily get the preprocess script by checking out wwwdocs,
cf. https://gcc.gnu.org/about.html.

That still will require MetaHTML which, sadly, became an abandoned
FSF project, and will require a hack or two to build, so let's just
go with your patch.

A few notes, though:

> maintainer-scripts/ChangeLog:
> 	PR jit/64257
> 	* update_web_docs_svn: Don't delete gcc/jit/docs,
> 	since the jit docs are not .tex files (Makefile, .rst and
> 	.png).	Special-case the building of the JIT docs (using
> 	sphinx-build).  Special-case copying them up (since they
> 	contain .css, .js and .png files in addition to .html, and
> 	have nested subdirectories).

The "since" should be part of the code, not the ChangeLog.

> diff --git a/maintainer-scripts/update_web_docs_svn b/maintainer-scripts/update_web_docs_svn
> index c661220..c7eb890 100755
> --- a/maintainer-scripts/update_web_docs_svn
> +++ b/maintainer-scripts/update_web_docs_svn
> +# The JIT is a special-case, using sphinx rather than texinfo.

special case

> +# The jit Makefile uses "sphinx-build", which is packaged in
> +# Fedora and EPEL 6 within "python-sphinx".

JIT (above) vs jit (here)?

How about saying "...packaged in "python-sphinx" in Fedora and
EPEL 6 and in "python-Sphinx" in openSUSE"?

> +# Again, the jit is a special case, with nested subdirectories
> +# below "jit", and with some non-HTML files (.png images from us,
> +# plus .js and .css supplied by sphinx).
> +for file in $(find jit \
> +                -name "*.html" -o -name "*.css" \
> +                -o -name "*.js" -o -name "*.png"); do

This looks like a Bash-ism.  Can you use backticks of something

  find ... | while read file; ...


> +    cp $file $DOCSDIR/$file

Just "cp $file $DOCSDIR/" ?  This one may be a better of style,
but is easier to tweak in case we need to quote later on, for


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