[Ada] Changes to SPARK RM 7.1.3(11)

Arnaud Charlet charlet@adacore.com
Tue Jan 6 09:18:00 GMT 2015

This patch implements a side effect of SPARK RM rule 7.1.3(11) which implies
that an effectively volatile formal parameter of mode out cannot be read.

-- Source --

--  async_writers_out.ads

package Async_Writers_Out with SPARK_Mode is
   type Volat_Array is array (1 .. 5) of Integer with Volatile;

   type Volat_Rec is record
      Id : Integer := 0;
   end record with Volatile;

   procedure Error_1 (Result : out Volat_Array);
   procedure Error_2 (Result : out Volat_Rec);
   procedure OK_1;
   procedure OK_2;
end Async_Writers_Out;

--  async_writers_out.adb

package body Async_Writers_Out with SPARK_Mode is
   Obj_1 : Volat_Array with Async_Readers, Async_Writers;
   Obj_2 : Volat_Rec   with Async_Readers, Async_Writers;

   procedure Reference_1 (Result : out Volat_Array);
   procedure Reference_2 (Result : out Volat_Rec);

   procedure Error_1 (Result : out Volat_Array) is
      Comp : constant Integer := Result (3);                         --  ERROR
      Result (1) := 1 + Result (5);                                  --  ERROR
   end Error_1;

   procedure Error_2 (Result : out Volat_Rec) is
      Comp : constant Integer := Result.Id;                          --  ERROR
   begin null; end Error_2;

   procedure OK_1 is
      Reference_1 (Obj_1);                                           --  OK
   end OK_1;

   procedure OK_2 is
      Reference_2 (Obj_2);                                           --  OK
   end OK_2;

   procedure Reference_1 (Result : out Volat_Array) is
   begin null; end Reference_1;

   procedure Reference_2 (Result : out Volat_Rec) is
   begin null; end Reference_2;
end Async_Writers_Out;

-- Compilation and output --

$ gcc -c async_writers_out.adb
async_writers_out.adb:9:34: illegal reading of volatile "out" parameter
async_writers_out.adb:11:25: volatile object cannot appear in this context
  (SPARK RM 7.1.3(13))
async_writers_out.adb:15:34: illegal reading of volatile "out" parameter

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2015-01-06  Hristian Kirtchev  <kirtchev@adacore.com>

	* sem_res.adb (Is_Assignment_Or_Object_Expression): New routine.
	(Resolve_Actuals): An effectively volatile out
	parameter cannot act as an in or in out actual in a call.
	(Resolve_Entity_Name): An effectively volatile out parameter
	cannot be read.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: sem_res.adb
--- sem_res.adb	(revision 219230)
+++ sem_res.adb	(working copy)
@@ -4250,14 +4250,25 @@
                end if;
                --  In Ada 83 we cannot pass an OUT parameter as an IN or IN OUT
-               --  actual to a nested call, since this is case of reading an
-               --  out parameter, which is not allowed.
+               --  actual to a nested call, since this constitutes a reading of
+               --  the parameter, which is not allowed.
-               if Ada_Version = Ada_83
-                 and then Is_Entity_Name (A)
+               if Is_Entity_Name (A)
                  and then Ekind (Entity (A)) = E_Out_Parameter
-                  Error_Msg_N ("(Ada 83) illegal reading of out parameter", A);
+                  if Ada_Version = Ada_83 then
+                     Error_Msg_N
+                       ("(Ada 83) illegal reading of out parameter", A);
+                  --  An effectively volatile OUT parameter cannot act as IN or
+                  --  IN OUT actual in a call (SPARK RM 7.1.3(11)).
+                  elsif SPARK_Mode = On
+                    and then Is_Effectively_Volatile (Entity (A))
+                  then
+                     Error_Msg_N
+                       ("illegal reading of volatile OUT parameter", A);
+                  end if;
                end if;
             end if;
@@ -5444,8 +5455,8 @@
-                    ("(Ada 83) fixed-point operation "
-                     & "needs explicit conversion", N);
+                    ("(Ada 83) fixed-point operation needs explicit "
+                     & "conversion", N);
                end if;
                --  The expected type is "any real type" in contexts like
@@ -6886,6 +6897,12 @@
    --  Used to resolve identifiers and expanded names
    procedure Resolve_Entity_Name (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id) is
+      function Is_Assignment_Or_Object_Expression
+        (Context : Node_Id;
+         Expr    : Node_Id) return Boolean;
+      --  Determine whether node Context denotes an assignment statement or an
+      --  object declaration whose expression is node Expr.
       function Is_OK_Volatile_Context
         (Context : Node_Id;
          Obj_Ref : Node_Id) return Boolean;
@@ -6893,6 +6910,48 @@
       --  (as defined in SPARK RM 7.1.3(13)) where volatile reference Obj_Ref
       --  can safely reside.
+      ----------------------------------------
+      -- Is_Assignment_Or_Object_Expression --
+      ----------------------------------------
+      function Is_Assignment_Or_Object_Expression
+        (Context : Node_Id;
+         Expr    : Node_Id) return Boolean
+      is
+      begin
+         if Nkind_In (Context, N_Assignment_Statement,
+                               N_Object_Declaration)
+           and then Expression (Context) = Expr
+         then
+            return True;
+         --  Check whether a construct that yields a name is the expression of
+         --  an assignment statement or an object declaration.
+         elsif (Nkind_In (Context, N_Attribute_Reference,
+                                   N_Explicit_Dereference,
+                                   N_Indexed_Component,
+                                   N_Selected_Component,
+                                   N_Slice)
+                  and then Prefix (Context) = Expr)
+           or else
+               (Nkind_In (Context, N_Type_Conversion,
+                                   N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion)
+                  and then Expression (Context) = Expr)
+         then
+            return
+              Is_Assignment_Or_Object_Expression
+                (Context => Parent (Context),
+                 Expr    => Context);
+         --  Otherwise the context is not an assignment statement or an object
+         --  declaration.
+         else
+            return False;
+         end if;
+      end Is_Assignment_Or_Object_Expression;
       -- Is_OK_Volatile_Context --
@@ -6992,6 +7051,7 @@
          --  in a non-interfering context.
          elsif Nkind_In (Context, N_Attribute_Reference,
+                                  N_Explicit_Dereference,
@@ -7107,15 +7167,27 @@
       elsif Ekind (E) = E_Generic_Function then
          Error_Msg_N ("illegal use of generic function", N);
+      --  In Ada 83 an OUT parameter cannot be read
       elsif Ekind (E) = E_Out_Parameter
-        and then Ada_Version = Ada_83
         and then (Nkind (Parent (N)) in N_Op
-                   or else (Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Assignment_Statement
-                             and then N = Expression (Parent (N)))
-                   or else Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Explicit_Dereference)
+                   or else Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Explicit_Dereference
+                   or else Is_Assignment_Or_Object_Expression
+                             (Context => Parent (N),
+                              Expr    => N))
-         Error_Msg_N ("(Ada 83) illegal reading of out parameter", N);
+         if Ada_Version = Ada_83 then
+            Error_Msg_N ("(Ada 83) illegal reading of out parameter", N);
+         --  An effectively volatile OUT parameter cannot be read
+         --  (SPARK RM 7.1.3(11)).
+         elsif SPARK_Mode = On
+           and then Is_Effectively_Volatile (E)
+         then
+            Error_Msg_N ("illegal reading of volatile OUT parameter", N);
+         end if;
       --  In all other cases, just do the possible static evaluation

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