[PATCH] libstdc++: add uniform on sphere distribution

Marc Glisse marc.glisse@inria.fr
Sat Aug 9 15:33:00 GMT 2014

On Sat, 9 Aug 2014, Ulrich Drepper wrote:

>> If you are going to specialize for dim 2, I imagine you won't be computing
>> normal distributions, you will only generate a point uniformy in a square
>> and reject it if it is not in the ball? (interestingly enough this is used
>> as a subroutine by the implementation of normal_distribution)
> We need to be *on* the circle, not inside.

Yes, you still need the normalization step (divide by the norm). It works 
whether you start from a uniform distribution in the disk or from a 
Gaussian in the plane, but the first one is easier to generate (generate 
points in a square until you get one in the disk). When the dimension 
becomes higher, the probability that a point in the cube actually belongs 
to the ball decreases, and it becomes cheaper to use a Gaussian.

Marc Glisse

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