[Ada] Ada/C++ missing call to allocation of C++ object with defaults

Arnaud Charlet charlet@adacore.com
Wed Oct 3 08:09:00 GMT 2012

When the type of an object is a CPP untagged type, the object is allocated
in memory through the "new" construct, and the object initialization
requires calling its C++ constructor passing defaults, the Ada compiler
did not generate the call to a C++ constructor which has all parameters with
defaults (and hence it covers the default C++ constructor). The following
test now executes well.

// c_class.h
class Tester {
    Tester(unsigned int a_num = 5, char* a_className = 0);

// c_class.cc

#include "c_class.h"
#include <iostream>

Tester::Tester(unsigned int a_num, char* a_className) {
  std::cout << " ctor Tester called " << a_num << ":";

  if (a_className == 0) {
     std::cout << "null";
  } else {
     std::cout << a_className;

  std::cout << std::endl;

-- c_class_h.ads
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;

package c_class_h is
   package Class_Tester is
      type Tester is limited record
      end record;
      pragma Import (CPP, Tester);

      function New_Tester
        (a_num : unsigned := 5;
         a_className : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr
                         := Interfaces.C.Strings.Null_Ptr)
         return Tester;  -- c_class.h:3
      pragma CPP_Constructor (New_Tester, "_ZN6TesterC1EjPc");
   use Class_Tester;
end c_class_h;

project Ada2Cppc is
   for Languages use ("Ada", "C++");
   for Main use ("main.adb");

   package Naming is
     for Implementation_Suffix ("C++") use ".cc";
   end Naming;

   for Source_Dirs use (".");

   package Compiler is
      for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-gnat05");
   end Compiler;

   package Builder is
      for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-g");
   end Builder;

   package Ide is
      for Compiler_Command ("ada") use "gnatmake";
      for Compiler_Command ("c") use "gcc";
   end Ide;
end Ada2Cppc;

Command: gprbuild -q -P ada2cppc.gpr; ./main
 ctor Tester called 5:null

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2012-10-03  Javier Miranda  <miranda@adacore.com>

	* exp_ch4.adb (Expand_N_Allocator_Expression): Minor code
	reorganization and cleanup. Done to ensure proper management of
	the C++ constructor covering tagged and untagged types and also
	non-default constructors.
	* exp_ch6.ads, exp_ch6.adb (Make_CPP_Constructor_Call_In_Allocator):
	New subprogram.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: exp_ch4.adb
--- exp_ch4.adb	(revision 192027)
+++ exp_ch4.adb	(working copy)
@@ -867,6 +867,15 @@
    --  Start of processing for Expand_Allocator_Expression
+      --  Handle call to C++ constructor
+      if Is_CPP_Constructor_Call (Exp) then
+         Make_CPP_Constructor_Call_In_Allocator
+           (Allocator => N,
+            Function_Call => Exp);
+         return;
+      end if;
       --  In the case of an Ada 2012 allocator whose initial value comes from a
       --  function call, pass "the accessibility level determined by the point
       --  of call" (AI05-0234) to the function. Conceptually, this belongs in
@@ -899,59 +908,7 @@
       --  Case of tagged type or type requiring finalization
       if Is_Tagged_Type (T) or else Needs_Finalization (T) then
-         if Is_CPP_Constructor_Call (Exp) then
-            --  Generate:
-            --    Pnnn : constant ptr_T := new (T);
-            --    Init (Pnnn.all,...);
-            --  Allocate the object without an expression
-            Node := Relocate_Node (N);
-            Set_Expression (Node, New_Reference_To (Etype (Exp), Loc));
-            --  Avoid its expansion to avoid generating a call to the default
-            --  C++ constructor.
-            Set_Analyzed (Node);
-            Temp := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'P', N);
-            Temp_Decl :=
-              Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
-                Defining_Identifier => Temp,
-                Constant_Present    => True,
-                Object_Definition   => New_Reference_To (PtrT, Loc),
-                Expression          => Node);
-            Insert_Action (N, Temp_Decl);
-            Apply_Accessibility_Check (Temp);
-            --  Locate the enclosing list and insert the C++ constructor call
-            declare
-               P : Node_Id;
-            begin
-               P := Parent (Node);
-               while not Is_List_Member (P) loop
-                  P := Parent (P);
-               end loop;
-               Insert_List_After_And_Analyze (P,
-                 Build_Initialization_Call (Loc,
-                   Id_Ref          =>
-                     Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
-                       Prefix => New_Reference_To (Temp, Loc)),
-                   Typ             => Etype (Exp),
-                   Constructor_Ref => Exp));
-            end;
-            Rewrite (N, New_Reference_To (Temp, Loc));
-            Analyze_And_Resolve (N, PtrT);
-            return;
-         end if;
          --  Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): If the initialization expression is a call
          --  to a build-in-place function, then access to the allocated object
          --  must be passed to the function. Currently we limit such functions
Index: exp_ch6.adb
--- exp_ch6.adb	(revision 192025)
+++ exp_ch6.adb	(working copy)
@@ -9121,6 +9121,96 @@
       end if;
    end Make_Build_In_Place_Call_In_Object_Declaration;
+   --------------------------------------------
+   -- Make_CPP_Constructor_Call_In_Allocator --
+   --------------------------------------------
+   procedure Make_CPP_Constructor_Call_In_Allocator
+     (Allocator     : Node_Id;
+      Function_Call : Node_Id)
+   is
+      Loc         : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Function_Call);
+      Acc_Type    : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Allocator);
+      Function_Id : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Name (Function_Call));
+      Result_Subt : constant Entity_Id := Available_View (Etype (Function_Id));
+      New_Allocator     : Node_Id;
+      Return_Obj_Access : Entity_Id;
+      Tmp_Obj           : Node_Id;
+   begin
+      pragma Assert (Nkind (Allocator) = N_Allocator
+                       and then Nkind (Function_Call) = N_Function_Call);
+      pragma Assert (Convention (Function_Id) = Convention_CPP
+                       and then Is_Constructor (Function_Id));
+      pragma Assert (Is_Constrained (Underlying_Type (Result_Subt)));
+      --  Replace the initialized allocator of form "new T'(Func (...))" with
+      --  an uninitialized allocator of form "new T", where T is the result
+      --  subtype of the called function. The call to the function is handled
+      --  separately further below.
+      New_Allocator :=
+        Make_Allocator (Loc,
+          Expression => New_Reference_To (Result_Subt, Loc));
+      Set_No_Initialization (New_Allocator);
+      --  Copy attributes to new allocator. Note that the new allocator
+      --  logically comes from source if the original one did, so copy the
+      --  relevant flag. This ensures proper treatment of the restriction
+      --  No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations in this case.
+      Set_Storage_Pool      (New_Allocator, Storage_Pool      (Allocator));
+      Set_Procedure_To_Call (New_Allocator, Procedure_To_Call (Allocator));
+      Set_Comes_From_Source (New_Allocator, Comes_From_Source (Allocator));
+      Rewrite (Allocator, New_Allocator);
+      --  Create a new access object and initialize it to the result of the
+      --  new uninitialized allocator. Note: we do not use Allocator as the
+      --  Related_Node of Return_Obj_Access in call to Make_Temporary below
+      --  as this would create a sort of infinite "recursion".
+      Return_Obj_Access := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'R');
+      Set_Etype (Return_Obj_Access, Acc_Type);
+      --  Generate:
+      --    Rnnn : constant ptr_T := new (T);
+      --    Init (Rnn.all,...);
+      Tmp_Obj :=
+        Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+          Defining_Identifier => Return_Obj_Access,
+          Constant_Present    => True,
+          Object_Definition   => New_Reference_To (Acc_Type, Loc),
+          Expression          => Relocate_Node (Allocator));
+      Insert_Action (Allocator, Tmp_Obj);
+      Insert_List_After_And_Analyze (Tmp_Obj,
+        Build_Initialization_Call (Loc,
+          Id_Ref =>
+            Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
+              Prefix => New_Reference_To (Return_Obj_Access, Loc)),
+          Typ => Etype (Function_Id),
+          Constructor_Ref => Function_Call));
+      --  Finally, replace the allocator node with a reference to the result of
+      --  the function call itself (which will effectively be an access to the
+      --  object created by the allocator).
+      Rewrite (Allocator, New_Reference_To (Return_Obj_Access, Loc));
+      --  Ada 2005 (AI-251): If the type of the allocator is an interface then
+      --  generate an implicit conversion to force displacement of the "this"
+      --  pointer.
+      if Is_Interface (Designated_Type (Acc_Type)) then
+         Rewrite (Allocator, Convert_To (Acc_Type, Relocate_Node (Allocator)));
+      end if;
+      Analyze_And_Resolve (Allocator, Acc_Type);
+   end Make_CPP_Constructor_Call_In_Allocator;
    -- Needs_BIP_Finalization_Master --
Index: exp_ch6.ads
--- exp_ch6.ads	(revision 192025)
+++ exp_ch6.ads	(working copy)
@@ -205,6 +205,16 @@
    --  for which Is_Build_In_Place_Call is True, or an N_Qualified_Expression
    --  node applied to such a function call.
+   procedure Make_CPP_Constructor_Call_In_Allocator
+     (Allocator     : Node_Id;
+      Function_Call : Node_Id);
+   --  Handle a call to a CPP constructor that occurs as the expression that
+   --  initializes an allocator, by passing access to the allocated object as
+   --  an additional parameter of the constructor call. A new access object is
+   --  declared that is initialized to the result of the allocator, passed to
+   --  the constructor, and the allocator is rewritten to refer to that access
+   --  object. Function_Call must denote a call to a CPP_Constructor function.
    function Needs_BIP_Alloc_Form (Func_Id : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
    --  Ada 2005 (AI-318-02): Return True if the function needs an implicit
    --  BIP_Alloc_Form parameter (see type BIP_Formal_Kind).

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