[Patch, Fortran] gfc_notify_std cleanup

Tobias Burnus burnus@net-b.de
Tue Jul 17 10:03:00 GMT 2012

On 07/17/2012 11:42 AM, Janus Weil wrote:
> here is a patch which makes 'gfc_notify_std' print the relevant
> version of the Fortran standard automatically when issuing
> errors/warnings. Up to now this had to be done manually and was
> forgotten (or inconsistent)

I think the patch is a good idea. Some comments from glancing at the patch.

> -    error_print (_("Error:"), _(gmsgid), argp);
> +    strcpy (buffer, "Error:");

This seems to break internationalization.

> +    case GFC_STD_F2008_TS:
> +      strcat (buffer, " TS 29113:");
> +      break;

That's currently correct. However, there is another post-Fortran 2008 
Technical Specification in preparation. (Coarray extensions.)* How 
should be handled? "TS 29113 or TS 12345:"?

> +    case GFC_STD_LEGACY:
> +      strcat (buffer, " Extension:");

I'd prefer something like "Legacy extension:" (Or "Legacy:"). 
"Extension" makes it very hard to find the flag in the compiler to 
enable this feature (-std=legacy). Recall that the default -std=gnu 
doesn't include legacy.

> +      strcat (buffer, " Fortran 2008 obsolescent feature:");

I'd rather have something like "Obsolescent since Fortran 2008:". 
Especially when using -std=f2015,* the wording seems to be not ideal.

Additionally, your patch won't work with internationalization. For 
"Fortran 2008" that's probably okay, but for this one, I think it should 
be translatable.


* Coarrays and Fortran 2015: See schedule at 
Requirements document for the Coarray TS: 

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