[Patch, Fortran] PR 54884 - Fix TREE_PUBLIC() issue with PRIVATE module procedures

Mikael Morin mikael.morin@sfr.fr
Sun Dec 23 16:29:00 GMT 2012

Le 23/12/2012 15:29, Tobias Burnus a écrit :
> Please ignore that patch. I found a much simpler way, which is a tiny
> patch and actually also works for the commented part of the test case of
> the previous patch (i.e. the missed-optimization bit).
> Namely, I now simply only tag all the symbols which are written to the
> .mod file. That way, there should be never a symbol which outside used
> (no wrong-code issues).

Yeah, I thought about that too.  But then, I was worried to have too 
many things exported.

> As a positive side effect, a lot of code could be removed from resolve.c
> and interface.c.
> Build and regtested on x86-64-gnu-linux.
> OK for the trunk?
OK from my point of view, though I can't tell whether it is exactly what 
we need or it's too big a hammer in some cases.
At least it makes things simpler and should be regression-proof.


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