Dump before flag

Diego Novillo dnovillo@google.com
Tue Jun 7 17:01:00 GMT 2011

On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 09:51, Xinliang David Li <davidxl@google.com> wrote:
> Any suggestions on the dump position specification string, before and
> after is not enough. How about
> start, before, after, and finish?
> I.e.
> -fdump-tree-pre-start --> dump IR before TODO_start of PRE pass
> -fdump-tree-pre-before --> dump IR just before PRE after its TODO start finishes

What would be the difference between these two?  The TODO_start
actions don't affect the IL, in general.

> -fdump-tree-pre-after --> dump IR just after PRE
> -fdump-tree-pre-finish --> dump it after TODO_finish of PRE?

This would be to catch changes like cfg cleanup and SSA update
actions, right?  Sure.

I don't mind too much about the naming.  Anything that makes sense is
good with me.


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