[Ada] Add support for Ada.Execution_Time on linux

Arnaud Charlet charlet@adacore.com
Tue Oct 12 10:38:00 GMT 2010

Implement CPU clocks on linux using the underlying POSIX.1b Realtime
Extensions library, based on function clock_gettime using the

The following test should compile with no message and execute quietly,
showing that the CPU clock is always lower than the wall clock.

with Ada.Execution_Time; use Ada.Execution_Time;
with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Check_CPU_Clock is

   task type T;

   N : Integer := 0;

   task body T is
      Time_Init, Time_End : Time;
      CPU_Init, CPU_End : CPU_Time;
      Time_Init := Ada.Real_Time.Clock;
      CPU_Init  := Ada.Execution_Time.Clock;

      for Index in 1 .. 100_000_000 loop
         N := N + 1;
         N := N - 2;
      end loop;

      CPU_End := Ada.Execution_Time.Clock;
      Time_End := Ada.Real_Time.Clock;

      if Time_End - Time_Init <= CPU_End - CPU_Init then
         Put_Line ("Unexpected measurements");
      end if;
   end T;

   Tasks : array (1 .. 10) of T;

end Check_CPU_Clock;

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2010-10-12  Jose Ruiz  <ruiz@adacore.com>

	* a-exetim-default.ads, a-exetim-posix.adb: New.
	* gcc-interface/Makefile.in (LIBGNAT_TARGET_PAIRS for linux): Use the
	POSIX Realtime support to implement CPU clocks.
	(EXTRA_GNATRTL_TASKING_OBJS for linux): Add the a-exetim.o object
	to the tasking library.
	(THREADSLIB): Make the POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library (librt)
	available for shared libraries.
	* gcc-interface/Make-lang.in: Update dependencies.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: a-exetim-posix.adb
--- a-exetim-posix.adb	(revision 0)
+++ a-exetim-posix.adb	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                         GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS                         --
+--                                                                          --
+--                   A D A . E X E C U T I O N _ T I M E                    --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                 B o d y                                  --
+--                                                                          --
+--         Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Free Software Foundation, Inc.          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
+--                                                                          --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
+--                                                                          --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
+--                                                                          --
+--  This is the POSIX (Realtime Extension) version of this package
+with Ada.Task_Identification;  use Ada.Task_Identification;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with System.OS_Interface; use System.OS_Interface;
+with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
+package body Ada.Execution_Time is
+   pragma Linker_Options ("-lrt");
+   --  POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library. Needed to have access to function
+   --  clock_gettime.
+   ---------
+   -- "+" --
+   ---------
+   function "+"
+     (Left  : CPU_Time;
+      Right : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span) return CPU_Time
+   is
+      use type Ada.Real_Time.Time;
+   begin
+      return CPU_Time (Ada.Real_Time.Time (Left) + Right);
+   end "+";
+   function "+"
+     (Left  : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span;
+      Right : CPU_Time) return CPU_Time
+   is
+      use type Ada.Real_Time.Time;
+   begin
+      return CPU_Time (Left + Ada.Real_Time.Time (Right));
+   end "+";
+   ---------
+   -- "-" --
+   ---------
+   function "-"
+     (Left  : CPU_Time;
+      Right : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span) return CPU_Time
+   is
+      use type Ada.Real_Time.Time;
+   begin
+      return CPU_Time (Ada.Real_Time.Time (Left) - Right);
+   end "-";
+   function "-"
+     (Left  : CPU_Time;
+      Right : CPU_Time) return Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span
+   is
+      use type Ada.Real_Time.Time;
+   begin
+      return (Ada.Real_Time.Time (Left) - Ada.Real_Time.Time (Right));
+   end "-";
+   -----------
+   -- Clock --
+   -----------
+   function Clock
+     (T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id :=
+            Ada.Task_Identification.Current_Task)
+      return CPU_Time
+   is
+      TS     : aliased timespec;
+      Result : Interfaces.C.int;
+      function To_CPU_Time is
+        new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Duration, CPU_Time);
+      --  Time is equal to Duration (although it is a private type) and
+      --  CPU_Time is equal to Time.
+      function clock_gettime
+        (clock_id : Interfaces.C.int;
+         tp       : access timespec)
+         return int;
+      pragma Import (C, clock_gettime, "clock_gettime");
+      --  Function from the POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library
+      CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID : constant := 3;
+      --  Identifier for the clock returning per-task CPU time
+   begin
+      if T = Ada.Task_Identification.Null_Task_Id then
+         raise Program_Error;
+      end if;
+      Result := clock_gettime
+        (clock_id => CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, tp => TS'Unchecked_Access);
+      pragma Assert (Result = 0);
+      return To_CPU_Time (To_Duration (TS));
+   end Clock;
+   -----------
+   -- Split --
+   -----------
+   procedure Split
+     (T  : CPU_Time;
+      SC : out Ada.Real_Time.Seconds_Count;
+      TS : out Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span)
+   is
+      use type Ada.Real_Time.Time;
+   begin
+      Ada.Real_Time.Split (Ada.Real_Time.Time (T), SC, TS);
+   end Split;
+   -------------
+   -- Time_Of --
+   -------------
+   function Time_Of
+     (SC : Ada.Real_Time.Seconds_Count;
+      TS : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span := Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span_Zero)
+      return CPU_Time
+   is
+   begin
+      return CPU_Time (Ada.Real_Time.Time_Of (SC, TS));
+   end Time_Of;
+end Ada.Execution_Time;
Index: a-exetim-default.ads
--- a-exetim-default.ads	(revision 0)
+++ a-exetim-default.ads	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+--                                                                          --
+--                         GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS                         --
+--                                                                          --
+--                   A D A . E X E C U T I O N _ T I M E                    --
+--                                                                          --
+--                                 S p e c                                  --
+--                                                                          --
+--          Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
+--                                                                          --
+-- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
+-- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
+-- apply solely to the  contents of the part following the private keyword. --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
+--                                                                          --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
+--                                                                          --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
+--                                                                          --
+-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
+--                                                                          --
+with Ada.Task_Identification;
+with Ada.Real_Time;
+package Ada.Execution_Time is
+   type CPU_Time is private;
+   CPU_Time_First : constant CPU_Time;
+   CPU_Time_Last  : constant CPU_Time;
+   CPU_Time_Unit  : constant := Ada.Real_Time.Time_Unit;
+   CPU_Tick       : constant Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span;
+   function Clock
+     (T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id
+          := Ada.Task_Identification.Current_Task)
+      return CPU_Time;
+   function "+"
+     (Left  : CPU_Time;
+      Right : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span) return CPU_Time;
+   function "+"
+     (Left  : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span;
+      Right : CPU_Time) return CPU_Time;
+   function "-"
+     (Left  : CPU_Time;
+      Right : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span) return CPU_Time;
+   function "-"
+     (Left  : CPU_Time;
+      Right : CPU_Time) return Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span;
+   function "<"  (Left, Right : CPU_Time) return Boolean;
+   function "<=" (Left, Right : CPU_Time) return Boolean;
+   function ">"  (Left, Right : CPU_Time) return Boolean;
+   function ">=" (Left, Right : CPU_Time) return Boolean;
+   procedure Split
+     (T  : CPU_Time;
+      SC : out Ada.Real_Time.Seconds_Count;
+      TS : out Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span);
+   function Time_Of
+     (SC : Ada.Real_Time.Seconds_Count;
+      TS : Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span := Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span_Zero)
+      return CPU_Time;
+   type CPU_Time is new Ada.Real_Time.Time;
+   CPU_Time_First : constant CPU_Time  := CPU_Time (Ada.Real_Time.Time_First);
+   CPU_Time_Last  : constant CPU_Time  := CPU_Time (Ada.Real_Time.Time_Last);
+   CPU_Tick : constant Ada.Real_Time.Time_Span := Ada.Real_Time.Tick;
+   pragma Import (Intrinsic, "<");
+   pragma Import (Intrinsic, "<=");
+   pragma Import (Intrinsic, ">");
+   pragma Import (Intrinsic, ">=");
+end Ada.Execution_Time;
Index: gcc-interface/Makefile.in
--- gcc-interface/Makefile.in	(revision 165316)
+++ gcc-interface/Makefile.in	(working copy)
@@ -1074,6 +1074,8 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %86 linux%,$(
     THREADSLIB = -lmarte
+    a-exetim.adb<a-exetim-posix.adb \
+    a-exetim.ads<a-exetim-default.ads \
     s-linux.ads<s-linux.ads \
@@ -1099,9 +1101,9 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %86 linux%,$(
-    THREADSLIB = -lpthread
+    THREADSLIB = -lpthread -lrt
     EXTRA_GNATRTL_NONTASKING_OBJS=g-sse.o g-ssvety.o
+    EXTRA_GNATRTL_TASKING_OBJS=s-linux.o a-exetim.o
@@ -1785,6 +1787,8 @@ endif
 ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out powerpc% linux%,$(arch) $(osys))),)
+  a-exetim.adb<a-exetim-posix.adb \
+  a-exetim.ads<a-exetim-default.ads \
   a-intnam.ads<a-intnam-linux.ads \
   s-inmaop.adb<s-inmaop-posix.adb \
   s-intman.adb<s-intman-posix.adb \
@@ -1836,9 +1840,9 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out powerpc% linu
     mlib-tgt-specific.adb<mlib-tgt-specific-linux.adb \
+  EXTRA_GNATRTL_TASKING_OBJS=s-linux.o a-exetim.o
-  THREADSLIB = -lpthread
+  THREADSLIB = -lpthread -lrt
   GNATLIB_SHARED = gnatlib-shared-dual
   GMEM_LIB = gmemlib
@@ -1983,6 +1987,8 @@ endif
 ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %ia64 linux%,$(arch) $(osys))),)
+  a-exetim.adb<a-exetim-posix.adb \
+  a-exetim.ads<a-exetim-default.ads \
   a-intnam.ads<a-intnam-linux.ads \
   a-numaux.ads<a-numaux-libc-x86.ads \
   s-inmaop.adb<s-inmaop-posix.adb \
@@ -2004,10 +2010,10 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %ia64 linux%,
     mlib-tgt-specific.adb<mlib-tgt-specific-linux.adb \
+  EXTRA_GNATRTL_TASKING_OBJS=s-linux.o a-exetim.o
-  THREADSLIB=-lpthread
+  THREADSLIB=-lpthread -lrt
   GMEM_LIB = gmemlib
@@ -2072,6 +2078,8 @@ endif
 ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %x86_64 linux%,$(arch) $(osys))),)
+  a-exetim.adb<a-exetim-posix.adb \
+  a-exetim.ads<a-exetim-default.ads \
   a-intnam.ads<a-intnam-linux.ads \
   a-numaux.adb<a-numaux-x86.adb \
   a-numaux.ads<a-numaux-x86.ads \
@@ -2095,9 +2103,9 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(filter-out %x86_64 linux
+  EXTRA_GNATRTL_TASKING_OBJS=s-linux.o a-exetim.o
-  THREADSLIB=-lpthread
+  THREADSLIB=-lpthread -lrt
   GMEM_LIB = gmemlib
Index: gcc-interface/Make-lang.in
--- gcc-interface/Make-lang.in	(revision 165316)
+++ gcc-interface/Make-lang.in	(working copy)
@@ -1618,19 +1618,19 @@ ada/errout.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.
    ada/unchconv.ads ada/unchdeal.ads ada/urealp.ads ada/widechar.ads 
 ada/erroutc.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.ads ada/a-unccon.ads \
-   ada/a-uncdea.ads ada/alloc.ads ada/atree.ads ada/atree.adb \
-   ada/casing.ads ada/debug.ads ada/einfo.ads ada/err_vars.ads \
-   ada/erroutc.ads ada/erroutc.adb ada/hostparm.ads ada/interfac.ads \
-   ada/namet.ads ada/namet.adb ada/nlists.ads ada/opt.ads ada/output.ads \
-   ada/output.adb ada/rident.ads ada/sinfo.ads ada/sinput.ads \
-   ada/sinput.adb ada/snames.ads ada/system.ads ada/s-exctab.ads \
-   ada/s-imenne.ads ada/s-memory.ads ada/s-os_lib.ads ada/s-parame.ads \
-   ada/s-rident.ads ada/s-secsta.ads ada/s-soflin.ads ada/s-stache.ads \
-   ada/s-stalib.ads ada/s-stoele.ads ada/s-stoele.adb ada/s-string.ads \
-   ada/s-traent.ads ada/s-unstyp.ads ada/s-wchcon.ads ada/table.ads \
-   ada/table.adb ada/targparm.ads ada/tree_io.ads ada/types.ads \
-   ada/uintp.ads ada/unchconv.ads ada/unchdeal.ads ada/urealp.ads \
-   ada/widechar.ads 
+   ada/a-uncdea.ads ada/alloc.ads ada/aspects.ads ada/atree.ads \
+   ada/atree.adb ada/casing.ads ada/debug.ads ada/einfo.ads \
+   ada/err_vars.ads ada/erroutc.ads ada/erroutc.adb ada/hostparm.ads \
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+   ada/output.ads ada/output.adb ada/rident.ads ada/sinfo.ads \
+   ada/sinput.ads ada/sinput.adb ada/snames.ads ada/system.ads \
+   ada/s-exctab.ads ada/s-imenne.ads ada/s-memory.ads ada/s-os_lib.ads \
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+   ada/table.ads ada/table.adb ada/targparm.ads ada/tree_io.ads \
+   ada/types.ads ada/uintp.ads ada/unchconv.ads ada/unchdeal.ads \
+   ada/urealp.ads ada/widechar.ads 
 ada/eval_fat.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.ads ada/a-unccon.ads \
    ada/a-uncdea.ads ada/alloc.ads ada/aspects.ads ada/atree.ads \
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    ada/uname.ads ada/unchconv.ads ada/unchdeal.ads ada/urealp.ads 
 ada/instpar.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.ads ada/a-unccon.ads \
-   ada/a-uncdea.ads ada/alloc.ads ada/atree.ads ada/atree.adb \
-   ada/casing.ads ada/debug.ads ada/einfo.ads ada/gnatvsn.ads \
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-   ada/namet.ads ada/nlists.ads ada/opt.ads ada/output.ads \
-   ada/sdefault.ads ada/sinfo.ads ada/sinput.ads ada/sinput.adb \
-   ada/sinput-l.ads ada/snames.ads ada/system.ads ada/s-carun8.ads \
-   ada/s-crc32.ads ada/s-crc32.adb ada/s-exctab.ads ada/s-imenne.ads \
-   ada/s-memory.ads ada/s-os_lib.ads ada/s-parame.ads ada/s-secsta.ads \
-   ada/s-soflin.ads ada/s-stache.ads ada/s-stalib.ads ada/s-stoele.ads \
-   ada/s-stoele.adb ada/s-string.ads ada/s-traent.ads ada/s-unstyp.ads \
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-   ada/types.ads ada/uintp.ads ada/unchconv.ads ada/unchdeal.ads \
-   ada/urealp.ads ada/widechar.ads 
+   ada/a-uncdea.ads ada/alloc.ads ada/aspects.ads ada/atree.ads \
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+   ada/s-carun8.ads ada/s-crc32.ads ada/s-crc32.adb ada/s-exctab.ads \
+   ada/s-imenne.ads ada/s-memory.ads ada/s-os_lib.ads ada/s-parame.ads \
+   ada/s-secsta.ads ada/s-soflin.ads ada/s-stache.ads ada/s-stalib.ads \
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+   ada/s-unstyp.ads ada/s-wchcon.ads ada/table.ads ada/table.adb \
+   ada/tree_io.ads ada/types.ads ada/uintp.ads ada/unchconv.ads \
+   ada/unchdeal.ads ada/urealp.ads ada/widechar.ads 
 ada/interfac.o : ada/interfac.ads ada/system.ads 
@@ -2978,8 +2978,8 @@ ada/prep.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.ad
    ada/unchdeal.ads ada/urealp.ads 
 ada/prepcomp.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.ads ada/a-unccon.ads \
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-   ada/casing.ads ada/csets.ads ada/debug.ads ada/einfo.ads \
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@@ -4377,8 +4377,8 @@ ada/tbuild.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.
    ada/unchconv.ads ada/unchdeal.ads ada/urealp.ads ada/widechar.ads 
 ada/tree_gen.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.ads ada/a-unccon.ads \
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@@ -4391,16 +4391,17 @@ ada/tree_gen.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-excep
 ada/tree_in.o : ada/ada.ads ada/a-except.ads ada/a-unccon.ads \
-   ada/a-uncdea.ads ada/alloc.ads ada/atree.ads ada/casing.ads \
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-   ada/uintp.ads ada/unchconv.ads ada/unchdeal.ads ada/urealp.ads 
+   ada/a-uncdea.ads ada/alloc.ads ada/aspects.ads ada/atree.ads \
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+   ada/opt.ads ada/output.ads ada/repinfo.ads ada/sem_aux.ads \
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