[Ada] prevent overflow for index subtypes near extrema of base range
Arnaud Charlet
Mon Jun 14 09:10:00 GMT 2010
Manipulation of a vector container object must satify two constraints: the new
length cannot exceed Count_Type'Last, and the new last index value cannot
exceed Index_Type'Last. Checking that these constraints are satified requires
computing sums that lie outside the range of the subtype. If the generic formal
subtype Index_Type is declared near the end of its base type, then the addition
can overflow the base range. Similarly, if subtype Index_Type is declared near
the beginning of its base type, then subtraction can overflow. This patch
prevents overflow from occurring.
Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk
2010-06-14 Matthew Heaney <heaney@adacore.com>
* a-coinve.adb, a-convec.adb (operator "&"): Check both that new length
and new last satisfy constraints.
(Delete_Last): prevent overflow for subtraction of index values
(To_Vector): prevent overflow for addition of index values
-------------- next part --------------
Index: a-coinve.adb
--- a-coinve.adb (revision 160705)
+++ a-coinve.adb (working copy)
@@ -117,22 +117,63 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_V
end if;
- N : constant Int'Base := Int (LN) + Int (RN);
- Last_As_Int : Int'Base;
+ N : constant Int'Base := Int (LN) + Int (RN);
+ J : Int'Base;
- if Int (No_Index) > Int'Last - N then
+ -- There are two constraints we need to satisfy. The first constraint
+ -- is that a container cannot have more than Count_Type'Last
+ -- elements, so we must check the sum of the combined lengths. (It
+ -- would be rare for vectors to have such a large number of elements,
+ -- so we would normally expect this first check to succeed.) The
+ -- second constraint is that the new Last index value cannot exceed
+ -- Index_Type'Last.
+ if N > Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then
raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
end if;
- Last_As_Int := Int (No_Index) + N;
+ -- We now check whether the new length would create a Last index
+ -- value greater than Index_Type'Last. This calculation requires
+ -- care, because overflow can occur when Index_Type'First is near the
+ -- end of the range of Int.
- if Last_As_Int > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ if Index_Type'First <= 0 then
+ -- Compute the potential Last index value in the normal way, using
+ -- Int as the type in which to perform intermediate
+ -- calculations. Int is a 64-bit type, and Count_Type is a 32-bit
+ -- type, so no overflow can occur.
+ J := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + N;
+ if J > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- If Index_Type'First is within N of Int'Last, then overflow
+ -- would occur if we simply computed Last directly. So instead of
+ -- computing Last, and then determining whether its value is
+ -- greater than Index_Type'Last (as we do above), we work
+ -- backwards by computing the potential First index value, and
+ -- then checking whether that value is less than Index_Type'First.
+ J := Int (Index_Type'Last) - N + 1;
+ if J < Int (Index_Type'First) then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
+ -- We have determined that Length would not create a Last index
+ -- value outside of the range of Index_Type, so we can now safely
+ -- compute its value.
+ J := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + N;
end if;
- Last : constant Index_Type := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
+ Last : constant Index_Type := Index_Type (J);
LE : Elements_Array renames
Left.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Left.Last);
@@ -189,10 +230,8 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_V
end "&";
function "&" (Left : Vector; Right : Element_Type) return Vector is
- LN : constant Count_Type := Length (Left);
- if LN = 0 then
+ if Left.Is_Empty then
Elements : Elements_Access := new Elements_Type (Index_Type'First);
@@ -209,70 +248,65 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_V
end if;
- declare
- Last_As_Int : Int'Base;
- begin
- if Int (Index_Type'First) > Int'Last - Int (LN) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
- end if;
- Last_As_Int := Int (Index_Type'First) + Int (LN);
+ -- We must satisfy two constraints: the new length cannot exceed
+ -- Count_Type'Last, and the new Last index cannot exceed
+ -- Index_Type'Last.
- if Last_As_Int > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
- end if;
+ if Left.Length = Count_Type'Last then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
- declare
- Last : constant Index_Type := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
+ if Left.Last >= Index_Type'Last then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
- LE : Elements_Array renames
- Left.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Left.Last);
+ declare
+ Last : constant Index_Type := Left.Last + 1;
- Elements : Elements_Access :=
- new Elements_Type (Last);
+ LE : Elements_Array renames
+ Left.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Left.Last);
- begin
- for I in LE'Range loop
- begin
- if LE (I) /= null then
- Elements.EA (I) := new Element_Type'(LE (I).all);
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- for J in Index_Type'First .. I - 1 loop
- Free (Elements.EA (J));
- end loop;
- Free (Elements);
- raise;
- end;
- end loop;
+ Elements : Elements_Access :=
+ new Elements_Type (Last);
+ begin
+ for I in LE'Range loop
- Elements.EA (Last) := new Element_Type'(Right);
+ if LE (I) /= null then
+ Elements.EA (I) := new Element_Type'(LE (I).all);
+ end if;
when others =>
- for J in Index_Type'First .. Last - 1 loop
+ for J in Index_Type'First .. I - 1 loop
Free (Elements.EA (J));
end loop;
Free (Elements);
+ end loop;
- return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
+ begin
+ Elements.EA (Last) := new Element_Type'(Right);
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ for J in Index_Type'First .. Last - 1 loop
+ Free (Elements.EA (J));
+ end loop;
+ Free (Elements);
+ raise;
+ return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
end "&";
function "&" (Left : Element_Type; Right : Vector) return Vector is
- RN : constant Count_Type := Length (Right);
- if RN = 0 then
+ if Right.Is_Empty then
Elements : Elements_Access := new Elements_Type (Index_Type'First);
@@ -289,61 +323,58 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_V
end if;
- declare
- Last_As_Int : Int'Base;
+ -- We must satisfy two constraints: the new length cannot exceed
+ -- Count_Type'Last, and the new Last index cannot exceed
+ -- Index_Type'Last.
- begin
- if Int (Index_Type'First) > Int'Last - Int (RN) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
- end if;
- Last_As_Int := Int (Index_Type'First) + Int (RN);
+ if Right.Length = Count_Type'Last then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
- if Last_As_Int > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
- end if;
+ if Right.Last >= Index_Type'Last then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
- declare
- Last : constant Index_Type := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
+ declare
+ Last : constant Index_Type := Right.Last + 1;
- RE : Elements_Array renames
- Right.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Right.Last);
+ RE : Elements_Array renames
+ Right.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Right.Last);
- Elements : Elements_Access :=
- new Elements_Type (Last);
+ Elements : Elements_Access :=
+ new Elements_Type (Last);
- I : Index_Type'Base := Index_Type'First;
+ I : Index_Type'Base := Index_Type'First;
+ begin
+ Elements.EA (I) := new Element_Type'(Left);
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ Free (Elements);
+ raise;
+ end;
+ for RI in RE'Range loop
+ I := I + 1;
- Elements.EA (I) := new Element_Type'(Left);
+ if RE (RI) /= null then
+ Elements.EA (I) := new Element_Type'(RE (RI).all);
+ end if;
when others =>
+ for J in Index_Type'First .. I - 1 loop
+ Free (Elements.EA (J));
+ end loop;
Free (Elements);
+ end loop;
- for RI in RE'Range loop
- I := I + 1;
- begin
- if RE (RI) /= null then
- Elements.EA (I) := new Element_Type'(RE (RI).all);
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- for J in Index_Type'First .. I - 1 loop
- Free (Elements.EA (J));
- end loop;
- Free (Elements);
- raise;
- end;
- end loop;
- return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
- end;
+ return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
end "&";
@@ -2498,73 +2529,145 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_V
function To_Vector (Length : Count_Type) return Vector is
+ Index : Int'Base;
+ Last : Index_Type;
+ Elements : Elements_Access;
if Length = 0 then
return Empty_Vector;
end if;
- declare
- First : constant Int := Int (Index_Type'First);
- Last_As_Int : constant Int'Base := First + Int (Length) - 1;
- Last : Index_Type;
- Elements : Elements_Access;
+ -- We create a vector object with a capacity that matches the specified
+ -- Length. We do not allow the vector capacity (the length of the
+ -- internal array) to exceed the number of values in Index_Type'Range
+ -- (otherwise, there would be no way to refer to those components via an
+ -- index), so we must check whether the specified Length would create a
+ -- Last index value greater than Index_Type'Last. This calculation
+ -- requires care, because overflow can occur when Index_Type'First is
+ -- near the end of the range of Int.
+ if Index_Type'First <= 0 then
+ -- Compute the potential Last index value in the normal way, using
+ -- Int as the type in which to perform intermediate calculations. Int
+ -- is a 64-bit type, and Count_Type is a 32-bit type, so no overflow
+ -- can occur.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + Int (Length);
- begin
- if Last_As_Int > Index_Type'Pos (Index_Type'Last) then
+ if Index > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range";
end if;
- Last := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
- Elements := new Elements_Type (Last);
+ else
+ -- If Index_Type'First is within Length of Int'Last, then overflow
+ -- would occur if we simply computed Last directly. So instead of
+ -- computing Last, and then determining whether its value is greater
+ -- than Index_Type'Last, we work backwards by computing the potential
+ -- First index value, and then checking whether that value is less
+ -- than Index_Type'First.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'Last) - Int (Length) + 1;
- return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
- end;
+ if Index < Int (Index_Type'First) then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range";
+ end if;
+ -- We have determined that Length would not create a Last index value
+ -- outside of the range of Index_Type, so we can now safely compute
+ -- its value.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + Int (Length);
+ end if;
+ Last := Index_Type (Index);
+ Elements := new Elements_Type (Last);
+ return Vector'(Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector
(New_Item : Element_Type;
Length : Count_Type) return Vector
+ Index : Int'Base;
+ Last : Index_Type;
+ Elements : Elements_Access;
if Length = 0 then
return Empty_Vector;
end if;
- declare
- First : constant Int := Int (Index_Type'First);
- Last_As_Int : constant Int'Base := First + Int (Length) - 1;
- Last : Index_Type'Base;
- Elements : Elements_Access;
+ -- We create a vector object with a capacity that matches the specified
+ -- Length. We do not allow the vector capacity (the length of the
+ -- internal array) to exceed the number of values in Index_Type'Range
+ -- (otherwise, there would be no way to refer to those components via an
+ -- index), so we must check whether the specified Length would create a
+ -- Last index value greater than Index_Type'Last. This calculation
+ -- requires care, because overflow can occur when Index_Type'First is
+ -- near the end of the range of Int.
+ if Index_Type'First <= 0 then
+ -- Compute the potential Last index value in the normal way, using
+ -- Int as the type in which to perform intermediate calculations. Int
+ -- is a 64-bit type, and Count_Type is a 32-bit type, so no overflow
+ -- can occur.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + Int (Length);
- begin
- if Last_As_Int > Index_Type'Pos (Index_Type'Last) then
+ if Index > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range";
end if;
- Last := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
- Elements := new Elements_Type (Last);
- Last := Index_Type'First;
+ else
+ -- If Index_Type'First is within Length of Int'Last, then overflow
+ -- would occur if we simply computed Last directly. So instead of
+ -- computing Last, and then determining whether its value is greater
+ -- than Index_Type'Last, we work backwards by computing the potential
+ -- First index value, and then checking whether that value is less
+ -- than Index_Type'First.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'Last) - Int (Length) + 1;
- begin
- loop
- Elements.EA (Last) := new Element_Type'(New_Item);
- exit when Last = Elements.Last;
- Last := Last + 1;
- end loop;
+ if Index < Int (Index_Type'First) then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range";
+ end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- for J in Index_Type'First .. Last - 1 loop
- Free (Elements.EA (J));
- end loop;
+ -- We have determined that Length would not create a Last index value
+ -- outside of the range of Index_Type, so we can now safely compute
+ -- its value.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + Int (Length);
+ end if;
+ Last := Index_Type (Index);
+ Elements := new Elements_Type (Last);
+ -- We use Last as the index of the loop used to populate the internal
+ -- array with items. In general, we prefer to initialize the loop index
+ -- immediately prior to entering the loop. However, Last is also used in
+ -- the exception handler (it reclaims elements that have been allocated,
+ -- before propagating the exception), and the initialization of Last
+ -- after entering the block containing the handler confuses some static
+ -- analysis tools, with respect to whether Last has been properly
+ -- initialized when the handler executes. So here we initialize our loop
+ -- variable earlier than we prefer, before entering the block, so there
+ -- is no ambiguity.
+ Last := Index_Type'First;
+ begin
+ loop
+ Elements.EA (Last) := new Element_Type'(New_Item);
+ exit when Last = Elements.Last;
+ Last := Last + 1;
+ end loop;
- Free (Elements);
- raise;
- end;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ for J in Index_Type'First .. Last - 1 loop
+ Free (Elements.EA (J));
+ end loop;
- return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
+ Free (Elements);
+ raise;
+ return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
end To_Vector;
Index: a-convec.adb
--- a-convec.adb (revision 160705)
+++ a-convec.adb (working copy)
@@ -81,22 +81,59 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Vectors is
end if;
- N : constant Int'Base := Int (LN) + Int (RN);
- Last_As_Int : Int'Base;
+ N : constant Int'Base := Int (LN) + Int (RN);
+ J : Int'Base;
- if Int (No_Index) > Int'Last - N then
+ -- There are two constraints we need to satisfy. The first constraint
+ -- is that a container cannot have more than Count_Type'Last
+ -- elements, so we must check the sum of the combined lengths. (It
+ -- would be rare for vectors to have such a large number of elements,
+ -- so we would normally expect this first check to succeed.) The
+ -- second constraint is that the new Last index value cannot exceed
+ -- Index_Type'Last.
+ if N > Count_Type'Pos (Count_Type'Last) then
raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
end if;
- Last_As_Int := Int (No_Index) + N;
+ -- We now check whether the new length would create a Last index
+ -- value greater than Index_Type'Last. This calculation requires
+ -- care, because overflow can occur when Index_Type'First is near the
+ -- end of the range of Int.
+ if Index_Type'First <= 0 then
+ -- Compute the potential Last index value in the normal way, using
+ -- Int as the type in which to perform intermediate
+ -- calculations. Int is a 64-bit type, and Count_Type is a 32-bit
+ -- type, so no overflow can occur.
+ J := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + N;
- if Last_As_Int > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ if J > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- If Index_Type'First is within N of Int'Last, then overflow
+ -- would occur if we simply computed Last directly. So instead of
+ -- computing Last, and then determining whether its value is
+ -- greater than Index_Type'Last (as we do above), we work
+ -- backwards by computing the potential First index value, and
+ -- then checking whether that value is less than Index_Type'First.
+ J := Int (Index_Type'Last) - N + 1;
+ if J < Int (Index_Type'First) then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
+ -- We have determined that Length would not create a Last index
+ -- value outside of the range of Index_Type, so we can now safely
+ -- compute its value.
+ J := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + N;
end if;
- Last : constant Index_Type := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
+ Last : constant Index_Type := Index_Type (J);
LE : Elements_Array renames
Left.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Left.Last);
@@ -114,10 +151,8 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Vectors is
end "&";
function "&" (Left : Vector; Right : Element_Type) return Vector is
- LN : constant Count_Type := Length (Left);
- if LN = 0 then
+ if Left.Is_Empty then
Elements : constant Elements_Access :=
new Elements_Type'
@@ -129,42 +164,37 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Vectors is
end if;
- declare
- Last_As_Int : Int'Base;
- begin
- if Int (Index_Type'First) > Int'Last - Int (LN) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
- end if;
+ -- We must satisfy two constraints: the new length cannot exceed
+ -- Count_Type'Last, and the new Last index cannot exceed
+ -- Index_Type'Last.
- Last_As_Int := Int (Index_Type'First) + Int (LN);
+ if Left.Length = Count_Type'Last then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
- if Last_As_Int > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
- end if;
+ if Left.Last >= Index_Type'Last then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
- declare
- Last : constant Index_Type := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
+ declare
+ Last : constant Index_Type := Left.Last + 1;
- LE : Elements_Array renames
- Left.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Left.Last);
+ LE : Elements_Array renames
+ Left.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Left.Last);
- Elements : constant Elements_Access :=
- new Elements_Type'
- (Last => Last,
- EA => LE & Right);
+ Elements : constant Elements_Access :=
+ new Elements_Type'
+ (Last => Last,
+ EA => LE & Right);
- begin
- return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
- end;
+ begin
+ return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
end "&";
function "&" (Left : Element_Type; Right : Vector) return Vector is
- RN : constant Count_Type := Length (Right);
- if RN = 0 then
+ if Right.Is_Empty then
Elements : constant Elements_Access :=
new Elements_Type'
@@ -176,34 +206,31 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Vectors is
end if;
- declare
- Last_As_Int : Int'Base;
+ -- We must satisfy two constraints: the new length cannot exceed
+ -- Count_Type'Last, and the new Last index cannot exceed
+ -- Index_Type'Last.
- begin
- if Int (Index_Type'First) > Int'Last - Int (RN) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
- end if;
- Last_As_Int := Int (Index_Type'First) + Int (RN);
+ if Right.Length = Count_Type'Last then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
- if Last_As_Int > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
- raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
- end if;
+ if Right.Last >= Index_Type'Last then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "new length is out of range";
+ end if;
- declare
- Last : constant Index_Type := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
+ declare
+ Last : constant Index_Type := Right.Last + 1;
- RE : Elements_Array renames
- Right.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Right.Last);
+ RE : Elements_Array renames
+ Right.Elements.EA (Index_Type'First .. Right.Last);
- Elements : constant Elements_Access :=
- new Elements_Type'
- (Last => Last,
- EA => Left & RE);
+ Elements : constant Elements_Access :=
+ new Elements_Type'
+ (Last => Last,
+ EA => Left & RE);
- begin
- return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
- end;
+ begin
+ return (Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
end "&";
@@ -488,12 +515,13 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Vectors is
"attempt to tamper with elements (vector is busy)";
end if;
- Index := Int'Base (Container.Last) - Int'Base (Count);
+ if Count >= Container.Length then
+ Container.Last := No_Index;
- Container.Last :=
- (if Index < Index_Type'Pos (Index_Type'First)
- then No_Index
- else Index_Type (Index));
+ else
+ Index := Int (Container.Last) - Int (Count);
+ Container.Last := Index_Type (Index);
+ end if;
end Delete_Last;
@@ -2135,54 +2163,116 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Vectors is
function To_Vector (Length : Count_Type) return Vector is
+ Index : Int'Base;
+ Last : Index_Type;
+ Elements : Elements_Access;
if Length = 0 then
return Empty_Vector;
end if;
- declare
- First : constant Int := Int (Index_Type'First);
- Last_As_Int : constant Int'Base := First + Int (Length) - 1;
- Last : Index_Type;
- Elements : Elements_Access;
+ -- We create a vector object with a capacity that matches the specified
+ -- Length, but we do not allow the vector capacity (the length of the
+ -- internal array) to exceed the number of values in Index_Type'Range
+ -- (otherwise, there would be no way to refer to those components via an
+ -- index). We must therefore check whether the specified Length would
+ -- create a Last index value greater than Index_Type'Last. This
+ -- calculation requires care, because overflow can occur when
+ -- Index_Type'First is near the end of the range of Int.
+ if Index_Type'First <= 0 then
+ -- Compute the potential Last index value in the normal way, using
+ -- Int as the type in which to perform intermediate calculations. Int
+ -- is a 64-bit type, and Count_Type is a 32-bit type, so no overflow
+ -- can occur.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + Int (Length);
- begin
- if Last_As_Int > Index_Type'Pos (Index_Type'Last) then
+ if Index > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range";
end if;
- Last := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
- Elements := new Elements_Type (Last);
+ else
+ -- If Index_Type'First is within Length of Int'Last, then overflow
+ -- would occur if we simply computed Last directly. So instead of
+ -- computing Last, and then determining whether its value is greater
+ -- than Index_Type'Last, we work backwards by computing the potential
+ -- First index value, and then checking whether that value is less
+ -- than Index_Type'First.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'Last) - Int (Length) + 1;
- return Vector'(Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
- end;
+ if Index < Int (Index_Type'First) then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range";
+ end if;
+ -- We have determined that Length would not create a Last index value
+ -- outside of the range of Index_Type, so we can now safely compute
+ -- its value.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + Int (Length);
+ end if;
+ Last := Index_Type (Index);
+ Elements := new Elements_Type (Last);
+ return Vector'(Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
end To_Vector;
function To_Vector
(New_Item : Element_Type;
Length : Count_Type) return Vector
+ Index : Int'Base;
+ Last : Index_Type;
+ Elements : Elements_Access;
if Length = 0 then
return Empty_Vector;
end if;
- declare
- First : constant Int := Int (Index_Type'First);
- Last_As_Int : constant Int'Base := First + Int (Length) - 1;
- Last : Index_Type;
- Elements : Elements_Access;
+ -- We create a vector object with a capacity that matches the specified
+ -- Length, but we do not allow the vector capacity (the length of the
+ -- internal array) to exceed the number of values in Index_Type'Range
+ -- (otherwise, there would be no way to refer to those components via an
+ -- index). We must therefore check whether the specified Length would
+ -- create a Last index value greater than Index_Type'Last. This
+ -- calculation requires care, because overflow can occur when
+ -- Index_Type'First is near the end of the range of Int.
+ if Index_Type'First <= 0 then
+ -- Compute the potential Last index value in the normal way, using
+ -- Int as the type in which to perform intermediate calculations. Int
+ -- is a 64-bit type, and Count_Type is a 32-bit type, so no overflow
+ -- can occur.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + Int (Length);
- begin
- if Last_As_Int > Index_Type'Pos (Index_Type'Last) then
+ if Index > Int (Index_Type'Last) then
raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range";
end if;
- Last := Index_Type (Last_As_Int);
- Elements := new Elements_Type'(Last, EA => (others => New_Item));
+ else
+ -- If Index_Type'First is within Length of Int'Last, then overflow
+ -- would occur if we simply computed Last directly. So instead of
+ -- computing Last, and then determining whether its value is greater
+ -- than Index_Type'Last, we work backwards by computing the potential
+ -- First index value, and then checking whether that value is less
+ -- than Index_Type'First.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'Last) - Int (Length) + 1;
- return Vector'(Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
- end;
+ if Index < Int (Index_Type'First) then
+ raise Constraint_Error with "Length is out of range";
+ end if;
+ -- We have determined that Length would not create a Last index value
+ -- outside of the range of Index_Type, so we can now safely compute
+ -- its value.
+ Index := Int (Index_Type'First - 1) + Int (Length);
+ end if;
+ Last := Index_Type (Index);
+ Elements := new Elements_Type'(Last, EA => (others => New_Item));
+ return Vector'(Controlled with Elements, Last, 0, 0);
end To_Vector;
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