[ARM] Why VFP spill slots not stack aligned?

Doug Kwan (關振德) dougkwan@google.com
Sat Sep 19 04:56:00 GMT 2009

I saw a problem in which a function pushed a VFP register to an
non-64-bit-aligned address:

00000000 <cvt>:
   0:   b5f0            push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}

   2:   ed2d 8b02       vstmdb  sp!, {d8}
   6:   b087            sub     sp, #28
   8:   ec41 0b18       vmov    d8, r0, r1

The above code was generated by gcc-4.4.0.  I looked at the code in
arm.c and there is no code to ensure that the VFP registers are
spilled to 64-bit aligned addresses.  Is that a bug?


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