[Ada] Avoid generating too many decimal digits for certain fixed point types

Arnaud Charlet charlet@adacore.com
Mon Apr 20 09:28:00 GMT 2009

This patch is a partial rewrite of Put_Scaled that allows for generation
or more digits than will be used for final output. This can happen for
smalls that are neither integer or the reciprocal of an integer.
The resulting scaled division result needs to rescaled and rounded
to avoid incorrectly rounded output and overflow of the output string.

Tested on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, committed on trunk

2009-04-20  Geert Bosch  <bosch@adacore.com>

	* a-tifiio.adb (Put): Avoid generating too many digits for certain
	fixed types with smalls that are neither integer or the reciprocal
	of an integer.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: a-tifiio.adb
--- a-tifiio.adb	(revision 146367)
+++ a-tifiio.adb	(working copy)
@@ -296,8 +296,6 @@ package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
    --  True iff a numerator and denominator can be calculated such that
    --  their ratio exactly represents the small of Num
-   --  Local Subprograms
    procedure Put
      (To   : out String;
       Last : out Natural;
@@ -423,14 +421,6 @@ package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
       Neg : constant Boolean := (Item < 0.0);
       Pos : Integer := 0;  -- Next digit X has value X * 10.0**Pos;
-      Y, Z : Int64;
-      E : constant Integer := Boolean'Pos (not Exact)
-                                *  (Max_Digits - 1 + Scale);
-      D : constant Integer := Boolean'Pos (Exact)
-                                * Integer'Min (A, Max_Digits - (Num'Fore - 1))
-                            + Boolean'Pos (not Exact)
-                                * (Scale - 1);
       procedure Put_Character (C : Character);
       pragma Inline (Put_Character);
       --  Add C to the output string To, updating Last
@@ -442,7 +432,7 @@ package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
       --  digit, Pos must not be changed outside Put_Digit anymore
       procedure Put_Int64 (X : Int64; Scale : Integer);
-      --  Output the decimal number X * 10**Scale
+      --  Output the decimal number abs X * 10**Scale.
       procedure Put_Scaled
         (X, Y, Z : Int64;
@@ -548,7 +538,10 @@ package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
             Put_Digit (0);
          end loop;
-         --  If Pos is less than Scale now, reset to equal Scale
+         --  If and only if more than one digit is output before the decimal
+         --  point, pos will be unequal to scale when outputting the first
+         --  digit.
+         pragma Assert (Pos = Scale or else Last = To'First - 1);
          Pos := Scale;
@@ -564,60 +557,87 @@ package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
          A       : Field;
          E       : Integer)
-         N  : constant Natural := (A + Max_Digits - 1) / Max_Digits + 1;
-         Q  : array (1 .. N) of Int64 := (others => 0);
+         pragma Assert (E >= -Max_Digits);
+         AA : constant Field := E + A;
+         N  : constant Natural := (AA + Max_Digits - 1) / Max_Digits + 1;
+         Q  : array (0 .. N - 1) of Int64 := (others => 0);
+         --  Each element of Q has Max_Digits decimal digits, except
+         --  the last, which has eAA rem Max_Digits. Only Q (Q'First)
+         --  may have an absolute value equal to or larger than 10**Max_Digits.
+         --  Only the absolute value of the elements is not significant, not
+         --  the sign.
-         XX : Int64 := X;
-         YY : Int64 := Y;
-         AA : Field := A;
+         XX    : Int64 := X;
+         YY    : Int64 := Y;
          for J in Q'Range loop
             exit when XX = 0;
-            Scaled_Divide (XX, YY, Z, Q (J), XX, Round => AA = 0);
+            if J > 0 then
+               YY := 10**(Integer'Min (Max_Digits, AA - (J - 1) * Max_Digits));
+            end if;
+            Scaled_Divide (XX, YY, Z, Q (J), R => XX, Round => False);
+         end loop;
+         if -E > A then
+            pragma Assert (N = 1);
-            --  As the last block of digits is rounded, a carry may have to
-            --  be propagated to the more significant digits. Since the last
-            --  block may have less than Max_Digits, the test for this block
-            --  is specialized.
-            --  The absolute value of the left-most digit block may equal
-            --  10*Max_Digits, as no carry can be propagated from there.
-            --  The final output routines need to be prepared to handle
-            --  this specific case.
-            if (Q (J) = YY or -Q (J) = YY) and then J > Q'First then
-               if Q (J) < 0 then
-                  Q (J - 1) := Q (J - 1) + 1;
+            Discard_Extra_Digits :
+            declare
+               Factor : constant Int64 := 10**(-E - A);
+            begin
+               --  The scaling factors were such that the first division
+               --  produced more digits than requested. So divide away extra
+               --  digits and compute new remainder for later rounding.
+               if abs (Q (0) rem Factor) >= Factor / 2 then
+                  Q (0) := abs (Q (0) / Factor) + 1;
-                  Q (J - 1) := Q (J - 1) - 1;
+                  Q (0) := Q (0) / Factor;
                end if;
-               Q (J) := 0;
+               XX := 0;
+            end Discard_Extra_Digits;
+         end if;
-               Propagate_Carry :
-               for J in reverse Q'First + 1 .. Q'Last loop
-                  if Q (J) >= 10**Max_Digits then
-                     Q (J - 1) := Q (J - 1) + 1;
-                     Q (J) := Q (J) - 10**Max_Digits;
-                  elsif Q (J) <= -10**Max_Digits then
-                     Q (J - 1) := Q (J - 1) - 1;
-                     Q (J) := Q (J) + 10**Max_Digits;
-                  end if;
-               end loop Propagate_Carry;
-            end if;
+         --  At this point XX is a remainder and we need to determine if
+         --  the quotient in Q must be rounded away from zero.
+         --  As XX is less than the divisor, it is safe to take its absolute
+         --  without chance of overflow. The check to see if XX is at least
+         --  half the absolute value of the divisor must be done carefully to
+         --  avoid overflow or lose precision.
+         XX := abs XX;
+         if XX >= 2**62
+            or else (Z < 0 and then (-XX) * 2 <= Z)
+            or else (Z >= 0 and then XX * 2 >= Z)
+         then
+            --  OK, rounding is necessary. As the sign is not significant,
+            --  take advantage of the fact that an extra negative value will
+            --  always be available when propagating the carry.
+            Q (Q'Last) := -abs Q (Q'Last) - 1;
+            Propagate_Carry :
+            for J in reverse 1 .. Q'Last loop
+               if Q (J) = YY or else Q (J) = -YY then
+                  Q (J) := 0;
+                  Q (J - 1) := -abs Q (J - 1) - 1;
-            YY := -10**Integer'Min (Max_Digits, AA);
-            AA := AA - Integer'Min (Max_Digits, AA);
-         end loop;
+               else
+                  exit Propagate_Carry;
+               end if;
+            end loop Propagate_Carry;
+         end if;
          for J in Q'First .. Q'Last - 1 loop
-            Put_Int64 (Q (J), E - (J - Q'First) * Max_Digits);
+            Put_Int64 (Q (J), E - J * Max_Digits);
          end loop;
-         Put_Int64 (Q (Q'Last), E - A);
+         Put_Int64 (Q (Q'Last), -A);
       end Put_Scaled;
    --  Start of processing for Put
@@ -652,20 +672,35 @@ package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
       end if;
       if Exact then
-         Y := Int64'Min (Int64 (-Num'Small), -1) * 10**Integer'Max (0, D);
-         Z := Int64'Min (Int64 (-(1.0 / Num'Small)), -1)
-                                                 * 10**Integer'Max (0, -D);
-      else
-         Y := Int64 (-(Num'Small * 10.0**E));
-         Z := -10**Max_Digits;
+         declare
+            D : constant Integer := Integer'Min (A, Max_Digits
+                                                            - (Num'Fore - 1));
+            Y : constant Int64   := Int64'Min (Int64 (-Num'Small), -1)
+                                     * 10**Integer'Max (0, D);
+            Z : constant Int64   := Int64'Min (Int64 (-(1.0 / Num'Small)), -1)
+                                     * 10**Integer'Max (0, -D);
+         begin
+            Put_Scaled (X, Y, Z, A, -D);
+         end;
+      else -- not Exact
+         declare
+            E : constant Integer := Max_Digits - 1 + Scale;
+            D : constant Integer := Scale - 1;
+            Y : constant Int64   := Int64 (-Num'Small * 10.0**E);
+            Z : constant Int64   := -10**Max_Digits;
+         begin
+            Put_Scaled (X, Y, Z, A, -D);
+         end;
       end if;
-      Put_Scaled (X, Y, Z, A - D, -D);
       --  If only zero digits encountered, unit digit has not been output yet
       if Last < To'First then
          Pos := 0;
+      elsif Last > To'Last then
+         raise Layout_Error; -- Not enough room in the output variable
       end if;
       --  Always output digits up to the first one after the decimal point

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