[PATCH] Detect L2 cache size for x86

Zuxy Meng zuxy.meng@gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 05:11:00 GMT 2008

"Zuxy Meng" <zuxy.meng@gmail.com> 写å
> Hello,
> The attached patch detects automatically the L2 cache size of a host x86
> CPU, following what has already been done for L1 cache. Two schemes are
> utilized in the detection: AMD CPUs will use CPUID function 0x80000006, 
> and
> Intel CPUs will try both CPUID function 0x2 and 0x80000006. CPUID function
> 0x2 is a bit complex to decode and IMHO Intel is unlikely to abandon
> function 0x80000006 for its future products. By trying both for Intel we 
> can
> avoid adding more L2 cache descriptors to the decoding function.


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