[PATCH, HPPA] Atomic builtins using kernel helpers for Linux

Helge Deller deller@gmx.de
Mon Jul 14 00:02:00 GMT 2008

Below is an updated patch, with the exception that it does not yet have a
fix for this:
>> I don't like very much the fact that the implementations loop forever
>> when EFAULT or ENOSYS is returned by the kernel.


    * config/pa/t-linux (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA): Add
    * config/pa/t-linux64 (LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA): Add
    * config/pa/linux-atomic.c: New.

Index: gcc/config/pa/linux-atomic.c
--- gcc/config/pa/linux-atomic.c        (revision 0)
+++ gcc/config/pa/linux-atomic.c        (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+/* Linux-specific atomic operations for PA Linux.
+   Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Based on code contributed by CodeSourcery for ARM EABI Linux.
+   Modifications for PA Linux by Helge Deller <deller@gmx.de>
+This file is part of GCC.
+GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
+Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
+compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
+and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
+from the use of this file.  (The General Public License restrictions
+do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
+the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine
+GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+02110-1301, USA.  */
+/* Determine kernel LWS function call (0=32bit, 1=64bit userspace)  */
+#define LWS_CAS (sizeof(unsigned long) == 4 ? 0 : 1)
+/* Kernel helper for compare-and-exchange a 32bit value.  */
+static inline long __kernel_cmpxchg(int oldval, int newval, int *mem)
+    register unsigned long lws_mem asm("r26") = (unsigned long) (mem);
+    register long lws_ret   asm("r28");
+    register long lws_errno asm("r21");
+    register int lws_old asm("r25") = oldval;
+    register int lws_new asm("r24") = newval;
+    asm volatile(      "ble    0xb0(%%sr2, %%r0)       \n\t"
+                       "ldi    %5, %%r20               \n\t"
+       : "=r" (lws_ret), "=r" (lws_errno), "=r" (lws_mem),
+         "=r" (lws_old), "=r" (lws_new)
+       : "i" (LWS_CAS), "2" (lws_mem), "3" (lws_old), "4" (lws_new)
+       : "r1", "r2", "r20", "r22", "r23", "r27", "r29", "r31", "memory"
+    ); 
+    return lws_errno;
+/* Note: we implement byte, short and int versions of atomic operations
+   the above kernel helpers, but there is no support for 64-bit operations
+   yet.  */
+#define HIDDEN __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
+/* Big endian masks  */
+#define INVERT_MASK_1 24
+#define INVERT_MASK_2 16
+#define MASK_1 0xffu
+#define MASK_2 0xffffu
+#define FETCH_AND_OP_WORD(OP, PFX_OP, INF_OP)                          \
+  int HIDDEN                                                           \
+  __sync_fetch_and_##OP##_4 (int *ptr, int val)                                \
+  {                                                                    \
+    int failure, tmp;                                                  \
+                                                                       \
+    do {                                                               \
+      tmp = *ptr;                                                      \
+      failure = __kernel_cmpxchg (tmp, PFX_OP tmp INF_OP val, ptr);    \
+    } while (failure != 0);                                            \
+                                                                       \
+    return tmp;                                                                \
+  }
+FETCH_AND_OP_WORD (add,   , +)
+FETCH_AND_OP_WORD (sub,   , -)
+FETCH_AND_OP_WORD (or,    , |)
+FETCH_AND_OP_WORD (and,   , &)
+FETCH_AND_OP_WORD (xor,   , ^)
+FETCH_AND_OP_WORD (nand, ~, &)
+#define NAME_oldval(OP, WIDTH) __sync_fetch_and_##OP##_##WIDTH
+#define NAME_newval(OP, WIDTH) __sync_##OP##_and_fetch_##WIDTH
+/* Implement both __sync_<op>_and_fetch and __sync_fetch_and_<op> for
+   subword-sized quantities.  */
+  TYPE HIDDEN                                                          \
+  NAME##_##RETURN (OP, WIDTH) (TYPE *ptr, TYPE val)                    \
+  {                                                                    \
+    int *wordptr = (int *) ((unsigned long) ptr & ~3);                 \
+    unsigned int mask, shift, oldval, newval;                          \
+    int failure;                                                       \
+                                                                       \
+    shift = (((unsigned long) ptr & 3) << 3) ^ INVERT_MASK_##WIDTH;    \
+    mask = MASK_##WIDTH << shift;                                      \
+                                                                       \
+    do {                                                               \
+      oldval = *wordptr;                                               \
+      newval = ((PFX_OP ((oldval & mask) >> shift)                     \
+                 INF_OP (unsigned int) val) << shift) & mask;          \
+      newval |= oldval & ~mask;                                                \
+      failure = __kernel_cmpxchg (oldval, newval, wordptr);            \
+    } while (failure != 0);                                            \
+                                                                       \
+    return (RETURN & mask) >> shift;                                   \
+  }
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (add,   , +, short, 2, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (sub,   , -, short, 2, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (or,    , |, short, 2, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (and,   , &, short, 2, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (xor,   , ^, short, 2, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (nand, ~, &, short, 2, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (add,   , +, char, 1, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (sub,   , -, char, 1, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (or,    , |, char, 1, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (and,   , &, char, 1, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (xor,   , ^, char, 1, oldval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (nand, ~, &, char, 1, oldval)
+#define OP_AND_FETCH_WORD(OP, PFX_OP, INF_OP)                          \
+  int HIDDEN                                                           \
+  __sync_##OP##_and_fetch_4 (int *ptr, int val)                                \
+  {                                                                    \
+    int tmp, failure;                                                  \
+                                                                       \
+    do {                                                               \
+      tmp = *ptr;                                                      \
+      failure = __kernel_cmpxchg (tmp, PFX_OP tmp INF_OP val, ptr);    \
+    } while (failure != 0);                                            \
+                                                                       \
+    return PFX_OP tmp INF_OP val;                                      \
+  }
+OP_AND_FETCH_WORD (add,   , +)
+OP_AND_FETCH_WORD (sub,   , -)
+OP_AND_FETCH_WORD (or,    , |)
+OP_AND_FETCH_WORD (and,   , &)
+OP_AND_FETCH_WORD (xor,   , ^)
+OP_AND_FETCH_WORD (nand, ~, &)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (add,   , +, short, 2, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (sub,   , -, short, 2, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (or,    , |, short, 2, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (and,   , &, short, 2, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (xor,   , ^, short, 2, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (nand, ~, &, short, 2, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (add,   , +, char, 1, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (sub,   , -, char, 1, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (or,    , |, char, 1, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (and,   , &, char, 1, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (xor,   , ^, char, 1, newval)
+SUBWORD_SYNC_OP (nand, ~, &, char, 1, newval)
+__sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 (int *ptr, int oldval, int newval)
+  int actual_oldval, fail;
+  while (1)
+    {
+      actual_oldval = *ptr;
+      if (oldval != actual_oldval)
+       return actual_oldval;
+      fail = __kernel_cmpxchg (actual_oldval, newval, ptr);
+      if (!fail)
+        return oldval;
+    }
+#define SUBWORD_VAL_CAS(TYPE, WIDTH)                                   \
+  TYPE HIDDEN                                                          \
+  __sync_val_compare_and_swap_##WIDTH (TYPE *ptr, TYPE oldval,         \
+                                      TYPE newval)                     \
+  {                                                                    \
+    int *wordptr = (int *)((unsigned long) ptr & ~3), fail;            \
+    unsigned int mask, shift, actual_oldval, actual_newval;            \
+                                                                       \
+    shift = (((unsigned long) ptr & 3) << 3) ^ INVERT_MASK_##WIDTH;    \
+    mask = MASK_##WIDTH << shift;                                      \
+                                                                       \
+    while (1)                                                          \
+      {                                                                        \
+       actual_oldval = *wordptr;                                       \
+                                                                       \
+       if (((actual_oldval & mask) >> shift) != (unsigned int) oldval) \
+          return (actual_oldval & mask) >> shift;                      \
+                                                                       \
+       actual_newval = (actual_oldval & ~mask)                         \
+                       | (((unsigned int) newval << shift) & mask);    \
+                                                                       \
+       fail = __kernel_cmpxchg (actual_oldval, actual_newval,          \
+                                wordptr);                              \
+                                                                       \
+       if (!fail)                                                      \
+          return oldval;                                               \
+      }                                                                        \
+  }
+SUBWORD_VAL_CAS (short, 2)
+SUBWORD_VAL_CAS (char,  1)
+typedef unsigned char bool;
+bool HIDDEN
+__sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4 (int *ptr, int oldval, int newval)
+  int failure = __kernel_cmpxchg (oldval, newval, ptr);
+  return (failure == 0);
+#define SUBWORD_BOOL_CAS(TYPE, WIDTH)                                  \
+  bool HIDDEN                                                          \
+  __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_##WIDTH (TYPE *ptr, TYPE oldval,                \
+                                       TYPE newval)                    \
+  {                                                                    \
+    TYPE actual_oldval                                                 \
+      = __sync_val_compare_and_swap_##WIDTH (ptr, oldval, newval);     \
+    return (oldval == actual_oldval);                                  \
+  }
+SUBWORD_BOOL_CAS (short, 2)
+SUBWORD_BOOL_CAS (char,  1)
+void HIDDEN
+__sync_synchronize (void)
+__sync_lock_test_and_set_4 (int *ptr, int val)
+  int failure, oldval;
+  do {
+    oldval = *ptr;
+    failure = __kernel_cmpxchg (oldval, val, ptr);
+  } while (failure != 0);
+  return oldval;
+#define SUBWORD_TEST_AND_SET(TYPE, WIDTH)                              \
+  TYPE HIDDEN                                                          \
+  __sync_lock_test_and_set_##WIDTH (TYPE *ptr, TYPE val)               \
+  {                                                                    \
+    int failure;                                                       \
+    unsigned int oldval, newval, shift, mask;                          \
+    int *wordptr = (int *) ((unsigned long) ptr & ~3);                 \
+                                                                       \
+    shift = (((unsigned long) ptr & 3) << 3) ^ INVERT_MASK_##WIDTH;    \
+    mask = MASK_##WIDTH << shift;                                      \
+                                                                       \
+    do {                                                               \
+      oldval = *wordptr;                                               \
+      newval = (oldval & ~mask)                                                \
+              | (((unsigned int) val << shift) & mask);                \
+      failure = __kernel_cmpxchg (oldval, newval, wordptr);            \
+    } while (failure != 0);                                            \
+                                                                       \
+    return (oldval & mask) >> shift;                                   \
+  }
+#define SYNC_LOCK_RELEASE(TYPE, WIDTH)                                 \
+  void HIDDEN                                                          \
+  __sync_lock_release_##WIDTH (TYPE *ptr)                              \
+  {                                                                    \
+    *ptr = 0;                                                          \
+  }
Index: gcc/config/pa/t-linux64
--- gcc/config/pa/t-linux64     (revision 137753)
+++ gcc/config/pa/t-linux64     (working copy)
@@ -8,5 +8,7 @@
 # Actually, hppa64 is always PIC but adding -fPIC does no harm.
+LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA = $(srcdir)/config/pa/linux-atomic.c
 # Compile libgcc2.a as PIC.
Index: gcc/config/pa/t-linux
--- gcc/config/pa/t-linux       (revision 137753)
+++ gcc/config/pa/t-linux       (working copy)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+LIB2FUNCS_STATIC_EXTRA = $(srcdir)/config/pa/linux-atomic.c
 fptr.c: $(srcdir)/config/pa/fptr.c
        rm -f fptr.c

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