[patch, fortran] Fix PR 34671 - logical kind=1 and kind=2 intrinsics

Dominique Dhumieres dominiq@lps.ens.fr
Mon Jan 14 22:05:00 GMT 2008

I finally managed to get some build, it works almost as expected on my tests,
but for the following failure:

[ibook-dhum] f90/bug% gfc long_forall.f90
Undefined symbols:
  "__gfortran_count_4_l4", referenced from:
      _MAIN__ in ccQVHUcc.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

on some codes such as:

program forall_test_flike 
implicit none 
integer, parameter :: rk = selected_real_kind(p=10,r=100) ! double precision 
real(rk) :: q(30,7) 
real(rk) :: zero = 0.0_rk
integer :: nsite
integer, allocatable :: npos(:) 

nsite = size(q, dim=2) 
allocate (npos(nsite)) 
npos = count(q > zero, dim=1) 

end program forall_test_flike 

Did I do something wrong?



PS Intel Darwin9, yesterday trunk.

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