[graphite] Backend fixes

Sebastian Pop sebpop@gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 17:10:00 GMT 2008

> Disable cloog optimizations
> ===========================
>  * graphite.c (set_cloog_options): Disable optimizations.
> Cloog optimizes the output in control flow.
> Example:
>          for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++)
>                if (i < 30 && i > 60)
>                        A
>          becomes:
>          for (i = 0; i < 30; i++)
>                A
>          for (i = 61; i < 100; i++)
>                A
> This breaks the current code generation, as some bbs may appear twice
> or more often in the clast output.

For fixing this one, we're replacing the bb_move with a bb_copy such
that we can handle also multiple copies of A.  This triggers also the
need of another cleanup for induction variables: we need exactly one
IV per loop, otherwise we end up with variable definitions that
disappears, as not renamed or moved along from the old loop.


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