[v3] Fix / clean-up config vs crosses (4/n) + librt improvements
Paolo Carlini
Sun Aug 24 04:08:00 GMT 2008
the below first moves GLIBCXX_CHECK_GETTIMEOFDAY to the set of checks
in common between native and crosses, by changing it to use
Less trivially, it also changes GLIBCXX_CHECK_CLOCK_GETTIME to a
flexible configure-time option, [no] be default because in general it
requires TRY_LINK tests, but with the possibility of searching libposix4
and also librt. The latter seems to me a good improvement, because the
default on many common platforms (e.g., linux) is the same (no
clock_gettime facilities), but in case of need, if the user knows what
is doing, all the available clocks can be easily configured and made
available to the <chrono> implementation.
Tested x86_64-linux various ways... Committed to mainline.
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