[PING] Several middle-end patches

Diego Novillo dnovillo@google.com
Tue Apr 15 13:43:00 GMT 2008

On 4/15/08 7:48 AM, Richard Guenther wrote:
> Teach the propagator engine to not substitute into dead stmts (but DCE 
> them)
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2008-03/msg01195.html


> Statistics infrastructure patch (sort of out-of-date again, but it
> seems there is zero interest in this!?)

s/interest/time/  Sorry.

> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2008-03/msg00970.html

I like the idea.  A few notes on the implementation:

Do passes_by_id and passes_by_id_size really need to be globals?  Can't 
we encapsulate them in passes.c?

What's the reason for statistics_add_fn and statistics_add?  They just 
call statistics_add_raw().  If anything, put the body of 
statistics_add_raw in statistics_add_fn and make statistics_add be an 
inline function that call statistics_add_fn(cfun).

Does it really make sense to index by string?  Wouldn't it be quicker 
and safer to index by a stats_id that we add to a common file?  Much 
like we do with timers and tree codes.  It doesn't necessarily need to 
be a .def file, we can just add to a global enum in tree-pass.h.

The string does give you the advantage of being both an index and a 
label to show in the output, though.  So, I'm don't feel to strongly 
about it.

A single call satistics_add() may not suffice.  We may be keeping track 
of quantities that increment in steps >1.  But I guess we can add to the 
API as we need.


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